Will u get the next Colonization?

Will U get the next Colonization?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 4.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 41 19.3%
  • What's the next Colonization?

    Votes: 2 0.9%

  • Total voters
The thing I hated most about the rival troops pestering my colonies in peacetime was that the only way they would have enough troops to both defend and pester was by obvious AI cheating. :lol:

The trade mechanics would have been fine except since rival units could not stack, and natives and rivals were all over your territory, your roads could never be used for trade routes ever.
The thing I hated most about the rival troops pestering my colonies in peacetime was that the only way they would have enough troops to both defend and pester was by obvious AI cheating. :lol:

Are you sure of that? I remember the AI using tobacco planters, fishermen and other specialists as dragoons in the late game, which was, of course, lunacy.
Öjevind Lång;6987300 said:
Are you sure of that? I remember the AI using tobacco planters, fishermen and other specialists as dragoons in the late game, which was, of course, lunacy.

Well, I remember barely having an extra colonist for defense in my colonies in the beginning of the game, while the AI had plenty of defense and also extra dragoons to just walk around the map. I had a strong feeling there was no way they had the manpower or the money to buy those guns when they have like two colonies on the map. The AI had it's weaknesses to be sure, but the way they chose to challenge the player was super annoying. It was a laughably hostile act, and when you attack these punks denying you your land, it was you who were declaring war on them! Furthermore, they did this whether they could survive a war with you or not, not because they wanted to provoke war, just because they wanted to be a constant annoyance no matter what the consequences. :lol:

In any case, I'm sure this new game will be much better in terms of AI 'fun'.
I Civ, I most enjoy the early game, when you are exploring new lands and building up your cities. I tend to get bored once my infrastructure is in place.

The original Colonization essentially expanded the early-game experience from Civ. You had an empty continent to explore and plenty of time to build, develop and connect your cities. Much like the Imperialism series and Conquest of the New World.

I hope the new game keeps this same feel.
I think I will, just to get the new leaderheads.

I wish I knew what they looked like, though...
I'm well on-board for this. I loved the original and the open-source version just doesn't float my boat. I wanted an updated Colonization and it looks like I'll get it, and if it's as good as the Pirates! update I'll be a very happy meglomaniac.
I will be getting it. I never played the original, but am intrigued by this and am excited for the release.
I think they just tagged the "Civ 4" name to the beginning of the release title to cover themselves against the otherwise inevitable barrage of complaints that would've arisen when people saw that both games use the same engine.
I don't think so, it's probably because it has been so long since colonization 1 they do this to show new customers who already play civ that this game is similar and they will probably enjoy it.

I mean, how many games have the half-life(2) engine which aren't called half-life. a lot a would say.
Having never played Colonization and taking someone's advise here on the boards, I downloaded the "FreeCol" colonization game and have been having a blast with it. I am definately going to get the game if my machine can handle it.
I'm not yet convinced to buy the game. I'm waiting for more information. I'm concerned mostly with whether the gameplay will be different enough (the reviews don't convince me of that at this stage) as well as what the price will be. So currently I am a "maybe".

I did enjoy the first colonization, even though I was a civ addict from the start. So I have one eye on any new information as it comes.

That's one thing I really like about civfanatics - it is easy to make a really informed decision about getting the games expecially if I don't go out and buy it immediately or pre-ordering even.
I think a more useful poll would've been, WHEN will you get the next Colonization?

As soon as it hits the shelves
After reading some reviews, but soon
When the price gets to my preferred point
When the patches get to my preferred point
Only if someone accidentally buys it for me

Or something like that.
Still play/own the Original Colonization and the FreeCol too. One of the few old Dos/Win95 TBS games that I have yet to win. But I Still enjoy playing it. I do tend to get too caught up in exploring and city development so my military suffers.

I hope it has a good "native" diplomacy/trading section. And hopefully will have a way to save/redistibute excess resources.

So Yes. I Will buy it. ;)

Yes I still play it sometimes when I only have access to my ancient laptop.

I hope the period before declaring Independence can be spiced up a bit. I used to find it a bit boring when you are trying to get enough guns and horses to make a declaration.

Making the countries play more differently would be good too.
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