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Wonder Movies

Sphinx movie gives me an error (CTD) when pharaon comes out from a building :confused:
I've downloaded and tested great wall/via appia/forbidden palace successfully ;)
Why the Great Wall movie if you don't mind me asking :) I live in China (well I have for almost 3 years now) so anything Chinese related I love to download. But don't want to take a chance of messing up a fresh install of BtS on this just yet hehe.
Hi awesome movies.

I have just one question
About forbidden palace - where i should place this code?

def onBuildingBuilt(self, argsList):
'Building Completed'
pCity, iBuildingType = argsList

if ( iBuildingType==gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDING_FORBIDDEN_PALACE") ):
popupInfo = CyPopupInfo()

could you give example or more explanation - i'm dumb in python, sorry
I have question too. I made xml settings for my wonders in BtS version of my mod. Video not display...
Is it problem of whom write Asio? Must I write something to the python for new video displaying?
Sphinx movie gives me an error (CTD) when pharaon comes out from a building :confused:
I've downloaded and tested great wall/via appia/forbidden palace successfully ;)

Anybody else with this problem?
Currently I’m at home and can’t test the movies (didn’t test them after uploading).
If it’s a corrupt file I will upload the movie again.

Why the Great Wall movie if you don't mind me asking :) I live in China (well I have for almost 3 years now) so anything Chinese related I love to download. But don't want to take a chance of messing up a fresh install of BtS on this just yet hehe.

Well, the Wonder movies I uploaded are very old. They where part of my SevoMod add-on and this was before Warlords (there was no Great Wall in vanilla civ 4).
I just uploaded them because maybe someone can use the movies as well.

Hi awesome movies.

I have just one question
About forbidden palace - where i should place this code?

	def onBuildingBuilt(self, argsList):
		'Building Completed'
		pCity, iBuildingType = argsList

		if ( iBuildingType==gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDING_GREAT_PALACE") ):
			popupInfo = CyPopupInfo()

could you give example or more explanation - i'm dumb in python, sorry

the easiest way is if you open the eventManager.py file in your mod folder and search for:
“def onBuildingBuilt(self, argsList):”

then add the lines like above.

Currently I’m at home and don’t have a copy of civ4 so I can’t upload an example, sorry.

I have question too. I made xml settings for my wonders in BtS version of my mod. Video not display...
Is it problem of whom write Asio? Must I write something to the python for new video displaying?

If you have a normal wonder you don’t need any python code to display movies.
For new wonder movies you have to add the movie line in the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file:
And the movie line in the CIV4ArtDefines_Movie.xml file in the art folder:

then you should see your new wonder/project movies.
(Only for national wonders you need the python code)

(Note: i'm not sure if there is a KFM line in the BtS version of the movie.xml file - just make it like the other wonders in the file.)
In vanilla version have had a number new wonders and video displayed no problem...
In BtS version of my mod i used same path style
ART_DEF_MOVIE_... in buildings.xml
</MovieArtInfo> in art movie defines
but video not display :( I can not find where I have error :( Not video, not a blue border - nothing
Hi awesome movies.

I have just one question
About forbidden palace - where i should place this code?

def onBuildingBuilt(self, argsList):
'Building Completed'
pCity, iBuildingType = argsList

if ( iBuildingType==gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDING_GREAT_PALACE") ):
popupInfo = CyPopupInfo()

could you give example or more explanation - i'm dumb in python, sorry
Now I have uploaded a DEMO mod for this wonder movie: ForbiddenPalace Mod

In vanilla version have had a number new wonders and video displayed no problem...
In BtS version of my mod i used same path style
ART_DEF_MOVIE_... in buildings.xml
in art movie defines
but video not display :( I can not find where I have error :( Not video, not a blue border - nothing
hmm, i have no problems with my vids... try to not use the KFM line:
Just download the great wall movie.. Nice!! Thank you! I look foward to more of your movies! :goodjob: If there is one thing that has gone down hill from the previous civ games its the movies, you really bring some of that atmosphere back!
Added Galileo Telescope Wonder Movie.
See first post.

Please have the decency of noting that these movies are not your original creation but are rather conventions from the CTP and CTP2 wonder movies.

The effort is great, but I don't think it is right for you to take the entire credit. Don't you agree?
Please have the decency of noting that these movies are not your original creation but are rather conventions from the CTP and CTP2 wonder movies.
well, i never said or wrote that i made them. and in all my works i give proper credits to the creaters but in this case it was controversial, because it's not legal (CTP2 media is not OS). So i thought it's better to be quiet because as long as nobody askes it's kinde of "ok" but now it's probably a problem. I just wantet to share the movies with the civ4 modder community as long as possible.
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