Wonders & Great People


Apr 16, 2010
I've felt that few wonders are unbalanced particularly Notre-dame. It only provides 1 :) like Mausoleum of Maussollos but it is available later & it costs too much. You may reduce its cost a bit & change :) bonus to 2. Also it has happened once or twice that when I conquered a city with a wonder I did not got the culture bonus from those wonders. :(
Secondly are you going to improve the system of Great People ? They are not as useful in mid game. They can't complete the whole wonders, culture bonus is not culture bomb anymore, Great Prophet's buildings are built & light bulb is not as effective. And Great Scientist should have more purposes other than building academies. Any ideas ?
GP: Yeah, one great idea is settling GP in your cities. While other uses of GP grow weaker over time, this one actually grows stronger the more research-, production-, gold-enhancing buildings you can construct in your cities.

Wonders: Yes, Notre Dame probably merits a slight bonus increase, but you should also keep in mind that it comes in a Wonder-poor era, when most stuff is either already built or still unavailable. As for the cultural bonus - no idea.
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