World 2009 Needs One File! - Help Wanted


Jul 25, 2006
Can anyone help? For our first alpha release, we're in dire need of someone to edit the DiplomacyInfos file. If you know about it, and have a half-hour or so to spare, we'd be really grateful for a hand here. This is the only file holding us back at the minute, and it's stumped everyone on our team (of 2). :confused:
Diplomacy Infos is in the original Civ IV Assets/XML. It dictates the cute things various civs say on different occasions. These are hard wired as it were, by the name of the leader or civ. If you have eliminated some civs or leaders this file will scream for them. The way I handled this for my Future Mod was I just went into DiplomacyInfos and renamed things instead of trying to get heavily into programming a bunch of cute quips. For instance, I had renamed Chinese_Leader "Mao" and it didn't like that, so I went into DiplomacyInfos and replaced all "Chinese_Leader" with "Mao".
Hopefully you get it figured out.:) I can't wait to try it out.
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