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Yes! Broke 5000 points!


Aug 16, 2011
I honestly have no freaking clue how points are awarded in Civ 5. Back in Civ 4, it wouldn't be unusual to post some ridiculously high numbers, but in Civ 5, I hadn't posted a better score since my very first game on Level 2 back when the game was released in September 2010. That 4500 or so had been my ceiling.

So I was enthused to see my latest game at Level 6 ended with me breaking my previous mark by nearly a thousand (?!) points. I'm not exactly sure what was so awesome about this win. It was a Standard map, Pangea, everything else standard. I won by Domination in the 19th century (sorry, this isn't precise - I'm not at home so I can't look up the HOF record.) The most advanced tech were Tanks and Mechanized Infantry. I probably had no more than 25 cities under my control. I was allied with every surviving city-state. I controlled every wonder that had been built (up through to the Eiffel Tower.)

I've won the game faster before. I've had more wonders before. I've had more cities. I've had more tech. Yet none of them came remotely close to this score. Did I hit some sort of sweet spot?

If I understand the scoring correctly, the vast majority of your score is made of the number of cities you control and your empire population. So if you want a big score, play on big map and take over the world!
Or conquer the world once you've completed future tech for the 50th time or something.
In my current game I have around 400 and Darius has over 10,000. My goal is to beat him.
Dude... how big is his empire?

I am not sure, but before he declared war on me, he had over 50,000 gold and has allied with almost 20 city-states. I think he must be going for the diplomatic "win". I have never seen an AI who has allied with that many before. I am thinking that he is using his golden ages and must have a lot of gold/silver mines.

He went through the tech tree pretty fast and had a tank in the early 1700's. I only saw one though and the CS who is my ally destroyed it. Since 1812, he has had aircraft. We are on the same continent, but there is a narrow strip of land blocking him. Of course picking off any units he sends by sea has been easy to do. He does have the biggest portion, but he expanded away from the largest part and towards me.

I have no clue (since we have been at war almost the whole game) how many cities he has and cannot get my units around his cities. I have found out though that no one has sent units to the smaller islands, since there are a lot of ruins that have never been claimed yet. Even on the other side of Darius's contenant, since he has been focused on me instead. He has just now started to send canon and calvary to explore that area. So far he seems to have explored with caravel and met all the CS. I finally met the Iroquois and they have destroyers and have finished the manhatten project. I have not even made it to the modern era yet.

I am on epic speed and research agreements take 45 turns. So going that route, seemed pointless.
20 city-states. 20 CS. His allies.


And he had the tank in the 1700s, you say? I cannot say that I am frightened by my occasional encounter with Babylon any more.

But not to give up - hunker down until you unlock nuclear missiles, and pray that your territory contains the most deposits of uranium. By the sounds of it, yours is still pretty hefty in size and thus should have at least one or three around. Can you unlock Autocracy as a SP?

Hmm, on second thought, you definitely need to do something before he gets permanently buffed beyond your reach. 20 city-states is no laughing matter, but so is a "handful" of GDRs rushing down that narrow chokepoint and conquering things left and right under his stealth bombers. How close are you to modern era?

e: Babylon and Iroquois. Different games, both diplomatic. The outcomes of each were, let's just say, horribly lopsided.
I made it to 1879 and then Darius broke threw and I gave up. I am going to try once more. This time I am going to make sure my scout gets threw his territory to see why he is so strong.
I made it to 1879 and then Darius broke threw and I gave up. I am going to try once more. This time I am going to make sure my scout gets threw his territory to see why he is so strong.

What difficulty level are you playing on?

It smells of something way above 4.
What difficulty level are you playing on?

It smells of something way above 4.

It is my first try at emperor. I have found Darius' first silver mine, and took one of his workers from a barb camp, and his first scout has died. I hope to do slightly better this go around. I think he only has two cities to my two. Not sure yet though. Last game I found the four CS first, but this game he beat me out 30 gold. Maybe loosing his scout and him bing short a worker and 30 gold from the other two CS he will never find will give me an advantage.

The first two games he got past my one city to find the two CS on the other side of me. One of them he allied with and I could never make peace with. I was hoping the CS next to it would eventually capture it and I would get a two city CS ally. No hope for that. It was on a hill surrounded by one hill and the rest water tiles. I even sunk a barbarian ship and my rating went from -60 to -48, but no more barbarians came along to help lower it any further. It was not an easy capture after every one was modern and I was still fighting with knights and crossbows. Yes, I was taking out canon, artillery, and anti-tank guns with frigates. My caravels would take them out at sea, but his fighters took out my caravels faster than I could build them.

Dude... how big is his empire?

Having seen the great map, and the way, he has expanded this time, he could have had near 20 cities. This try, at 100 turns he had at least 7. He still has 8 to my 4. He has plenty of rivers and grassland, 3+ silver mines and all I have is forest and desert and tundra and 1 river. (Russia).

At turn 120 though, I have started cities on the other side of him and hope to expand faster myself. He lost his second scout also, so I also was first to the 4 CS on the other side of him and beat him out of 60 gold. He has a lot of warriors, but only as defense, until his base of 15 cities is rock solid and then I wil have a great war to deal with. This time though, I am not stuck (hopefully) with a narrow strip of land, but can attack him from two sides. I think culturally I am ahead of the curve, so we shall see.

I have gained my first golden age and will expand it with the policy in the Liberty Branch. Hope to expand fast during this period of unrest (without the unrest).

This time I chose the techs that allowed me to use the specials sooner. I still forgot and farmed a tile that later had horses on it. Roads came later than usual, so it only set me back a few turns.
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