Yes, Comrade!

Which leader of the USSR was the best?

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Terje said:
Excuse me? The Whites being the "more democratic side"?
Sure there may have been the occational liberal in the White fraction, but most Whites were from the ultra-reactionary parts of the upper classes - generals, aristocrats, members of the bourgeois - who favoured a return to the absolutism of tsarism.

Not exactly a bunch I'd personally refer to as "the more democratic side"...

I was referring to a hypothetical revolution in Brazil... my point was that foreign intervention is not necessarily evil.

As for the Whites, while they as whole were by no means anything close to democratic, at least there were some liberal elements. The Reds represented pure authoritarianism, Leninism is particular is strikingly anti-democratic.
luiz said:
I was referring to a hypothetical revolution in Brazil... my point was that foreign intervention is not necessarily evil.

As for the Whites, while they as whole were by no means anything close to democratic, at least there were some liberal elements. The Reds represented pure authoritarianism, Leninism is particular is strikingly anti-democratic.
Ah, sorry for misreading you. Out from the context I understood it as if you considered the Whites to be "the more democratic". In my mind, none of them are really entitled to be connected to the word "democratic" at all, unless it has the "anti-" prefix...

The "Greens", however, might be, though I don't really have enough knowledge to say anything about it. :p
Companiero said:
You approve of Lenins intelligence and yet u consider him so blutantly stupid to kill his own supporters. Truth is Lenin never killed real communists, only quasi-social-democrats were victims on the left, because they had been cooperating with foreign interventionists, and wanted to continue the war.
Its true however that in the beggining some communists supported the war, but as military failiures grew, so too popular discontent did. The Bolshviks were the only party to detect and reflect this sentiment.
No I don't think he was 'stupid', I think that he was inhumane and arrogant. He always thought he was right, regardless.

And he did have communists killed, he had anyone killed who opposed the Bolsheviks.
No I don't think he was 'stupid', I think that he was inhumane and arrogant. He always thought he was right, regardless.

And he did have communists killed, he had anyone killed who opposed the Bolsheviks.
Truth be told, he thought he was right because more often than not he was. The most successful policies (depending on your point of view) of the Bolsheviks, he enforced and pushed through. Without him, Russia would have collapsed even more into anarchy.
I vote Stalin for contreversy. Actually, between him and Hitler, the only difference is that what Stalin did isn't as know as what Hitler did.
Stalin forever!
I voted for Gorbachov, cause Gorbachovka is a good vodka. :)

No, really. I would have to agree, that Lenin did exactly that, what Bakunin has warned us many years before: he took absolute power for himself.
And that was not his biggest problem: he was not a Marxist in reallity, he tweaked marxism in a way he and CP wanted. Besides that, even true marxism is based on fundamental mistake, that allocating the capital is not work and it shouldn't have any share in dividing the profit. It basically denies the function of enterpreneurship and gives it to government, but government proved not to be so good at it as enterpreneurs.
Its as simple as this, and if anything, Lenin was a bad economist.
Kosez said:
And that was not his [Gorbachov's] biggest problem: he was not a Marxist in reallity
None of the Soviet leaders were Marxists. Lenin was the closest to pure Marxism. But even he changed Marxism (hence the name "Marxist-Leninism") because pure Marxism, like all economic theories, doesn't work in the real world.
Kosez said:
I voted for Gorbachov, cause Gorbachovka is a good vodka. :)
Oh, really? I dont know about this vodka, although Im Russian :D
Stalin was the best ruler of Russia, becouse he get Russia with plough, and after his death Russia had atomic weapon.
Commy said:
Oh, really? I dont know about this vodka, although Im Russian :D

What? Never heard of that vodka?
I thought it was Russian. I never tried it, but you can buy it in our supermarkets.
Funny, indeed. Maybe Poles are trying to sell us a familiar Russian name or sometin'. :eek:
Gorbachev is the man!!!!

It takes a brave man to realize reform was necessary.
It takes a strong heart to actually perform the reform
It takes a liberal man to embrace openness.

It is extremely hard for a liberal man to undercover in the Communist Party for such a long time and then to fool entire party to elect him as the leader, and then to perform the reforms without violent oppositions. :crazyeye:
And Gorbachov get off Soviet troops from Europe and Cuba, isn't so? And the main result of his politic was the crash of USSR. May be all Americans like him on that reason, not for his reforms?
Not just Americans, товарищ: We in Eastern Europe were pretty happy about the collapse of the Soviet imperial realm. The British, French, Spanish et al had long since gotten rid of their empires and "grew up", so it was about time for Russia to do the same.

It's like the old Hungarian joke:

Q: What's the difference between the Turkish (Ottoman, 1526-1690) occupation of Hungary and the Soviet (1944-1990)?

A: At least the Turks didn't make us praise them and pretend to love them.
I have voted for Khrushchev merely because I see the 60's as the top of the USSR power.
Commy said:
Oh, really? I dont know about this vodka, although Im Russian :D
Stalin was the best ruler of Russia, becouse he get Russia with plough, and after his death Russia had atomic weapon.

Would you say the same if you were alive at the time or in the ukraine or a gulag.
2 Vrylakas: by the way, mister, Eastern Europe was cleared of nazists by Soviet soldiers.
2 Zardnaar: 53% of Russians think Stalin was good. And why does not you remember about slavery and reservations saying about your western democracy?
Gorbachev has made awful thungs for tha USSR, millions of people died 'cuz of warz inside tha country whaich was cuzed by his stupid politics... And that's why tha FIRST country of tha world iz not on tha map now, his was bought by the USA money.
Such people must rot in jail but they create politics ...
Khrushev has made very-very much for the country..
And Brejnev had started destroying that country by doing nothing, and the worst iz when nothing iz done.
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