Yields and Improvements Short video

Eagle Pursuit

Per Scribendum, Volo
Aug 12, 2010
Am I the only one who heavily dislikes that the yield view shows worked and unworked tiles in exactly the same way? Couldn't the yields on the non-worked tiles be greyed out/more transparent/smaller/crossed out/whatever?
I have t thought about it, but I’m liking what I’m reading.
It just occurred to me that you don’t pick which improvement you place, but that it depends on the tile’s features (flat/rough/vegetated?).

It feels like it will be confusing if there is not some way to distinguish between potential yields and actual yields, but this is not something that I can observe very effectively by watching without playing. I can’t tell if it requires internalizing several steps of logic that VI didn’t, or if it’s just because it’s new to me.
I really like the improvement/buildings/quarter dynamic, from what I've seen in playthroughs. It really feel like a board game, where placement becomes very strategic. Quill18's stream already showed some exciting strategies for it.
It just occurred to me that you don’t pick which improvement you place, but that it depends on the tile’s features (flat/rough/vegetated?).

It feels like it will be confusing if there is not some way to distinguish between potential yields and actual yields, but this is not something that I can observe very effectively by watching without playing. I can’t tell if it requires internalizing several steps of logic that VI didn’t, or if it’s just because it’s new to me.
Because there is only one type of improvement that goes on any tile, it’s potential yield=actual yield (the only question is whether you are getting it or not)
It feels like it will be confusing if there is not some way to distinguish between potential yields and actual yields, but this is not something that I can observe very effectively by watching without playing. I can’t tell if it requires internalizing several steps of logic that VI didn’t, or if it’s just because it’s new to me.

If there's an improvement, there are actual yields. If there's no improvement they are just potential yields. Adding the improvement doesn't actually add any extra yield bonuses, it just gets you the yields on the tile.

It's confusing because what we call in 6 and earlier "improvements" don't really exist in that sense any more. The default "improvements" in 7 - more represent the old mechanic of assigning a population to a tile. But it's a permanent assignment.

Having said that, I'm not clear how unique improvements work. Are you choosing between two different improvements now (the unique one or the default one)? Or does the unique one just replace the default one in all circumstances?
Having said that, I'm not clear how unique improvements work. Are you choosing between two different improvements now (the unique one or the default one)? Or does the unique one just replace the default one in all circumstances?
You have to build the Unique Improvement in the build queue; it builds over the default improvement but adds to not replaces its yields.
I think there definitely needs to be a lens or something that better communicates where your yields are coming from. Especially with buildings that get adjacencies from food/gold/etc buildings, I haven't seen any way to easily tell what's where in a city.
Overall, I like the new city and population management design. City population is now largely following the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) principle - everything is directly slotted on the map based on simple rules, unlike all past iterations where the population is very much invisible (urban population is still kind of invisible in Civ 7 because of the legacy of the building mechanic, but still, much better).

It is like a board game, and unlike the PC grognards, I use that term in a very positive way!
Am I the only one who heavily dislikes that the yield view shows worked and unworked tiles in exactly the same way? Couldn't the yields on the non-worked tiles be greyed out/more transparent/smaller/crossed out/whatever?
I think it's pretty easy to see the difference between worked and not worked tiles on the map, especially during growth event.
I feel unlike with Civ 6, I’ll -probably play with yield icons off in Civ 7
Starting yields seem less important in 7 and resources seem more important
Am I the only one who heavily dislikes that the yield view shows worked and unworked tiles in exactly the same way? Couldn't the yields on the non-worked tiles be greyed out/more transparent/smaller/crossed out/whatever?
My general rule of thumb, and the game, is that any unimproved tile is not worked, and every other tile is.
My general rule of thumb, and the game, is that any unimproved tile is not worked, and every other tile is.
I can comprehend that and I know that, but it‘s not quite what I‘m looking for with my post. I want a chance to take in the yields of all tiles in a single glance, not tile by tile. I also know that there is a summary of, but it‘s not quite the same to see a summary compared to a detailed overview. Sorry if my original post wasn‘t clear in that.
I feel unlike with Civ 6, I’ll -probably play with yield icons off in Civ 7
Starting yields seem less important in 7 and resources seem more important
Possibly same, although I wish there was an inbetween option of some sorts. I'll probably end up toggling it on and off a lot but an option to only have them visible while holding the key down would be ideal for me.
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