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Mar 3, 2008
North of America (can you guess?)
According to the BtS info centre, it says that the Ziggurat reduces maintenance costs by 50% and allows one citizen to be a spy, the same benefits a courthouse give. So does the Ziggurat not give any additional benefits as a UB?
You only need Priesthood to build it. The same tech required for the oracle

Gah, beat by a minute
May I add that it only needs 90:hammers: instead of the usual 120 to build it.
The Ziggurat, combined with the Rauthas, is possibly one of the closest to broken buildings in the game.
I'd put the Ikhanda really high too, as well as give honorable mention to the Ottoman UB (hell, the UU is good too, they're a strong civ).
I disagree with the Ziggurat being broken. Though it is available earlier and cheaper, you still have to slog through the religious tech tree (or trade for it or steal it) without having mysticism as a starting tech, so you can't even benefit from a founding a religion. :/
I disagree with the Ziggurat being broken. Though it is available earlier and cheaper, you still have to slog through the religious tech tree (or trade for it or steal it) without having mysticism as a starting tech, so you can't even benefit from a founding a religion. :/

Slog? Mysticism, meditation, and priesthood are some of the cheapest techs around, not to mention pre-reqs for monarchy (which you're likely to need if you can't get or don't want pyramids). If you get a religion spread to you, you can still use priesthood for the temples too, and after libraries monasteries have the best hammer-to-multiplier ratio even BEFORE "per religious building" perks come around.

They're very, very easy techs to pick up, even when prepping for war. You might even be able to oracle something like math, construction, monarchy, or MC trade bait depending on what you need/etc with less worry about expansion costs.

Sumeria is one of the best civs in the game and if they had a stronger leader they'd be close to overpowered. Imagine IMP/ORG or AGG/ORG. Combat I vultures and 45 hammer courthouses :lol:.
yeah ... once ran into Hammubari of Sumeria in a game ... and that wasn't pretty :p
Ok, thanks. I thought it was a mistake and I just mentioned it here incase someone wanted to correct it. Guess the mistake turned around on me...
I disagree with the Ziggurat being broken.

I never said it was broken. There aren't any broken buildings in the game. If you wanted to make a list of the cheapest buildings, the Ziggurat would be very close to the top.
Ziggurats are great, just because they're cheap and early available. Slog? Well it's better to go for Priesthood that to go for Code of Laws, which takes MUCH longer.

Only sad point is that it doesn't add up with Gil's traits or add specific boni that are cumulative to the Civ's UU/leaders (like the Zulu's Ikhanda)

Still imagine Darius as a Sumerian Leader... <*shudders*>
How is Ziggurat broke? Are you daft? It is a great building. Summeria is not an Organized civ, it is fine. If you pair it with an Organized using unrestricted, yes you get a powerful combo indeed. But that's the nature of Unrestricted.

I personally love Ziggurats, but hardly build them in ancient teamers, which is majority of League play we do online. There are simply more important things to spend the hammers on, and you almost never go past 5 cities, so the reduction in maintenance is not worth it. But it is great for SP campaigns. One of other nice combos would be summeria with organized and philosophical! Get early great spy. I know its a bit gimmicky, but it can be fun to spy on your enemies before Alphabet.
There are simply more important things to spend the hammers on, and you almost never go past 5 cities

Are you mad? With raging barbs on, there are always heaps of spare cities to go around - without some sort of serious financial heft they usually have to be razed :( - early courthouses are a godsend.
Question was answered guys... letting people know. :goodjob:
Zig is way discounted as its base cost. 90 vs. 120.
Its exploitable no doubt.

But then again so are Prats, Catas, Conqistadors, Citadels, War Chariots, immortals, Gers+mongolian horses, Tok Gunpowders, pinch panzers, boudica melee hordes, Numidian Horses=> Knight hordes, Prot ChoKo's, landsknecht (more on mp), dog soldiers+ totem pole prot archers, church's redcoats, Liz's economy, vultures, bowman etc...
Julius Caesar of Sumeria. Organized Cheap Ziggurats, Praets, quick GG and settlers... wow. If anything would break the ziggurat, it's an IMP/ORG strong military civ.
Blitz, you can't get praets and zig for that combo.
You're right. I realized that while I was driving home! LoL. I'm like "I'm gonna try that crazy combo! And then I said... oops... :lol: no Praets with that combo"
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