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ZNES - A New World

Ok so far I have about 5 Orders including Heine's (Could you please PM me orders next time mate :D )

I'll start the new update and if next trun I don't get orders from any of the three who forgot I'll put their nations up for someone else to pick.
Russia - 21C
Ottomans - 21C
Egypt - 18C
England - 16C
France - 21C
Rome - 16C
Germany - 18C
Greece - 13C



  • znes.gif
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Moderator Note: Missing orders from Egypt, Ottomans and England. If no orders are received next turn then these nations will be avilable for new players. :D
well, whoever was england got screwed BAD for not sending orders. that boat should have transported an army to claim a province. lol
"Forget THAT!!! Just claim it, and if the french are there...Kill them." that was Czar Durachinov's response when Lord Roddy mentioned that the French had 'claimed' territory 34, and that Russia should dispute the claim publicly so as not to start a war.
Shaking his head he was walking back to his office trying to figure out if there was a way to dispute the claim publicly, but without the czar finding out that his 'orders' had been disobeyed.
The princess came out of a hidden passage in the wall, and walked with him.
"Dad had lost it, hasnt he? Is it true that he wants to start a war with the French?"
"Yes, and No. He has lost it, he's getting more agressive, and in combination with his lack of any inteligence it makes a very dangerous combination. He does not want to start a war though. He just disreguards the fact that there are other nations and rulers in the world. His thinking seems to be - ' I go where i want because i am Czar'."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm afraid it has reached the point where i must disobey him publicly, and if he finds out then so be it."
To France (you should change it to India!)
From Russia

We are disputing your claim to territory 34. It is russian territory, and we will be sending troops there to claim it. It would save a lot of bloodshed if you would not send any troops there.

Lord Roddy

PS, please address any answers to this letter to me and not the Czar, as he would not appreciate me giving you this warning.

To Ottoman Empire
From Russia

The Russian people would like to offer you a Non Aggression Pact.

Lord Roddy
To Lord Roddy of Russia:
I have claimed it long ago but you can take it (I don't wont war so early).
I also want to sign an MPP with your great people.

To Dexter:
Forgett my old PM I send a new one.
To France
From Russia

I thank you for your consideration. Hopefully this will satisfy the Czar's current expantionism binge.
The Russian people are not ready for an agreement as heavy as an MPP. We would gladly sign a NAP with you however.

Lord Roddy
No Posts for two days?Let's continue this,please!
well, who has not sent orders? are any of the countries open again?

Dexter, if this goes like 30YWnes went (forgoten by the mod) then i'm gonna kick you.
you should be the one who keeps bumping the thread up and reminding people (by new threads or PMs in neccesary) to send in orders.
I will be on an christmas vactaion around 2 weeks from to night so let my country be NPC in this time (if I am lucky internet works at our cabin but I think is down).
Russia Takes 35!
Both French and Russian troops entered the unclaimed province of 35, although the French General was forced to leave the Province as he realised his 1 Army would not be enough to defeat the three Russian Armies. This movement by Russian forces is said to have caused great discontent among the French leadership and some French people are begining to worry about the large Russian build-up along the French borders...

Russia - 27C
Ottomans - 38C
Egypt - 30C
England - 21C
France - 29C
Rome - 22C
Germany - 25C
Greece - 21C

Moderator Note:
Ok I'll send PM's to AnarchyRulz and Uknemesis since they are the only two players who have yet to send orders.



  • znes.gif
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from Greece:
to Germany & Rome:
we wish to sign a NAP. would you accept this?
and I wish that ships from you nations will never enter J, as no one exapt the greeks need it.
To: Greece
From: Germany

We will agree to an NAP and to stay out of J if you stay out of I.

To: Rome
From: Germany

We will stay out of D if you let us have G.
dexter, how does one distinguish a town from...well anything else? the home provinces are military bases, but the new ones people are building look the same way. i assume that those are just towns.
Over the last two months Lord Roddy had gotten much bolder in his dealings with Czar Durachinov. No longer was worried about the Czar finding out about his backdealings or even if the Old Man (as he called the Czar in private) figured out that Lord Roddy was basicaly running the country.
All but one general had pledged alliegence to Lord Roddy (then Roddy convinced the Old Man to get rid of the last general becasue he was 'organizing a coup'). Now Lord Roddy was sure that he would be the next Czar.
"Sire please, leave the dealings with the French to me. They will probably be upset by the fact that the 3rd army has claimed territory 35 and forced their forces to retreat, and i dont think that it would be a good idea for them to have to deal with your temper."
"Temper?! I dont have a temper!!! GET OUT!!! and take the French with you!"

To France
From Russia

Contrary to how this may look from your perspective, Russia DOES NOT want a war. We are mearly expanding to neutral territories (36 will be ours too btw). This is NOT a military buildup, mearly a large exploration expidition. We wish to keep our NAP with you intact, and hope that you do not see it neccesary to break the Pact.

Lord Roddy
To Russia:
Keep your nose out of 36 you have so much more areas than I got so it's more fair that I take 36 (if you go into 36 it will be the same as declare war at me).
I currently have about 2 Orders need at least 3 more for the next update....

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