Coronavirus 2: the Flattening

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Count total compare with pre Covid totals per day.
This is why the result is inaccurate, you have to count the dead bodies that have been tested positive.

Don't count the bodies passed away if tested negative for corona-virus, some maybe caused by other illness. Patients can still die because of influenza.

Also some corona-virus patients died before being tested, due to the limited supplies, dead people would lose the rights to reveal how their breath were ended.
This is why the result is inaccurate, you have to count the dead bodies that have been tested positive.

Don't count the bodies passed away if tested negative for corona-virus, some maybe caused by other illness. Patients can still die because of influenza.

It's academic at this point.
Looks like a couple hundred a day, just in NYC. Close to it anyway.

Mark Levine said:
It’s not just deaths in hospitals which are up. On an average day before this crisis there were 20-25 deaths at home in NYC. Now in the midst of this pandemic the number is 200-215. Every day. Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic.

He's the chair of the city council committee on health.
Argentina's government set maximum prices for basic staples and so on, then started bulk purchases for distribution to the needy… so far so good and laudable, then today the bomb exploded: they've been paying 50% above the maximum prices they themselves set, sometimes triple the maximum price. (link)
The worst thing about the cloroquine/hydroxychloroquine mess are the doctors/pharmacists who started hoarding and prescribing without due cause. Not only is it a grievous ethical breach that should result in them losing their medical licenses, it shows that those individuals are too stupid to competently practice medicine.
If you go bad enough can't you get your actual medical degree withdrawn/revoked as it is done here?
so, it's a completely different thread, but I'll make my comment here so that I hope I remember. Spain is on the Euro. It's incredibly hard for a National Basic Income to work without a sovereign currency. If there's a problem with Spain's NBI down the road, remember that this caveat can defend the underlying principle of the NBI advocates - we don't predict that it will work with an external currency. And then I caveat myself: Spain can also get really lucky OR I might just be terrifically wrong.

If this UBI is for the Covid period it all does not matter much... but when it is thought to become permanent:

Well... with your own currency you have more tools
But as such it does not matter when your population is willing to distribute disposable income more equally... and agrees with the simplification of the existing system of allowances (which are in a traditional welfare state like Spain much wider in scope than for example the US)

When Pedro Sanchez took over government last year he did make clear that he was going to increase spending on pensions, health care, education, disabled people, etc
He made also clear that he was going to increase taxes for Big Corporate and income tax for higher incomes (and less decreases of corporate tax for smaller companies).
More solidarity within Spain.
Spain has already a decent progressive income tax system with AFAIK the highest tax percentage of 45% starting already at 60,000 Euro (not many European countries are that progressive in their income tax system)
But it also leaves less room for an increased redistribution from high disposable income to low by a more progressive income tax system. Perhaps up it to 50% at 60,000+ and a new 60% at 80,000+ ???
Adding fancy high percentages at incomes higher than 150,000 etc is not much more than symbol politics. I have nothing against it, but it will hardly add more revenues for the public state. You only get real volume tax adressing the income tax from (higher) middle classes.

The timimg of Sanchez's announcement is interesting: precisely the day before an important EU meeting on how to arrange the money types and money flows to deal with Covid.
Solidarity within the EU

Coincidence ?

Anyway... as you say... a different thread.
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donation campaign here provide the main argument . So much talk about the huge success of New Turkey and the hoardes of money it had . So much that when all the PPP hyenas heard that things would not be paid they refused to send the initial amount for the Istanbul canal . Which is mostly a soil excavation exercise , followed by land speculation and building booms of the usual kind , in which each and every "Muslim" gets a share more of the national treasury . Has to be done or people will desert and hell would ensue . Not corona related ? Why , who cares about corona ? They have banned 20 and younger from the streets , are now issuing permits for workers under 20 . You would think they would remember such people exist , now that the entire Education reform actually hinges about destroying the Education so that among a couple other things , people would start working earlier ?

home schooling goes great , luckily ı have no need to find out if that is really the case . This Zoom thing mentioned previously makes an apperance here , a rush and all the teachers lecturing their classes on their own discover some 50 dollars have been debited from their credit cards . Guess this is about 8 hours of minimum wage in the US , and no doubt reasonable up there , but here it hurts . Also creating the venue for the education secretary of the palace cabinet to ban teachers teaching their own students online , because there can only be one ... you know , truth ... irregardless of its rate of change . We hear it is about safeguarding personal data of the students , and nothing like about an English language teaching episode . No , ı will not look up for it , now that the country is justifiably relieved that ı might have become a teacher to teach English to unfortunates ... So , what is the assurance that ı might have done better ?

yet mystified by the removal of the transportation secretary of the palace cabinet after letting the first contracts for the canal as people would be so unable to organize protests ... We have an absolutely disgusting saying on taking advantage , but apparently when everybody is online instead of being busy at work , the propaganda outreach of Leftist losers can be bigger ?!!? Back to donation campaign then . PM kicked it off with donating 7 months of his salary , Leftists ranted that would cover only 3 hours of the running of his Ankara palace . Which is kinda unjustified as it also offices , because he was to transform the country and destroy any vestige of the system the Republic had established , it just doubles any office in the country ... Or the donation campaign made just enough money to cover the cost of his palace by the Van Lake . Which is actually land speculation again , hotels to be built as the business to follow his when he drops by . ı don't know which of his advisors told him to give speeches in front of a seal with so many pointed edges , when the policemen in India are having a fashion statement of coronavirus helmets , expect Congregation advice discovered one of these days ... Or he has a VIP fleet of 13 planes , which he actually doesn't but it is equally true that he would take any of the State fleet as he desired and he could sell the one gifted by the Qatari Emir and it would be twice the amount collected as donations . The Police have been ordered to pay according to rank and as they are some backbone , theirs is no way near the one month's salary that was supposedly ordered on the Army of Petrol . The secretary for interior says it is optional , but ı don't imagine any Policeman would test it to see if it was the case . Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is once again popular , because in war in the 1920s he asked for and got 30 or 40% of the wealth and stuff of the country to be paid back in Peace . Because the Rich , those who were rich before A-K-P ignores the donation campaign and notjust because they were totally replaced by "Muslims" as the richest already . Hence their trade organisation is named on TV for not donating . Will be a mess in London when they get back , they have told New Turkey that the Pandemic would be a great excuse to cover for the economic meltdown , to enable "Muslims" come back with an even tighter hold on stuff .
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7500 cases in Russia, from which 5200 in Moscow. Not too many deaths though, so most of cases probably mild and detected due to extensive testing.
Staying home for 9-th day already.
7500 cases in Russia, from which 5200 in Moscow. Not too many deaths though, so most of cases probably mild and detected due to extensive testing.
Staying home for 9-th day already.

1500 not that long ago:(
View attachment 551254

Looks like it's not been super atypical for the season so far

Just for the sake of pointing something out and not talking covid for a moment, New England still has a heavy reliance on oil with many states having well over half of their homes heated that way.

Much of New England also had a pretty mild winter. I broke the snowblower out twice all year. The lakes never froze long enough to safely ice fish in CT either.

Not sure how either point impact what you two are talking about, but figured I'd add these anecdotes because, well, because.
In all this I've apparently learned that the UK doesn't have a deputy prime minister

They're not the only one.
Germany has a deputy chancellor, but this is an informal title, which normally goes to the minister of the exterior (but not always), and is normally a member of the smaller coalition party.
The deputy chancellor officially does not exist though. In case something happens to the chancellorette, then the president of the parliament will officially take over.
I would suspect that more countries have a non-existent deputy.
They're not the only one.
Germany has a deputy chancellor, but this is an informal title, which normally goes to the minister of the exterior (but not always), and is normally a member of the smaller coalition party.
The deputy chancellor officially does not exist though. In case something happens to the chancellorette, then the president of the parliament will officially take over.
I would suspect that more countries have a non-existent deputy.

"and is normally a member of the smaller coalition party"

This is also the case in NL
Whereby normally there are as much vice PMs as that there are other mostly smaller coalition parties and whereby default the vice PM of the biggest of the other coalition parties will take over from the PM when needed.

We have currently 1 PM and 3 vice PMs. Ergo we can handle 3 of them on the ventilator at the same time.
We have currently 1 PM and 3 vice PMs. Ergo we can handle 3 of them on the ventilator at the same time.
I expect our handling of the crisis would improve if the whole government was put on a ventilator.
JFK's granddaughter has died after traipsing off to their 2nd home in the country, and going canoeing. I am not quite sure why the ellet feel the rules do not apply to them, with both the health ministers of both Scotland and New Zealand doing this. They only lost their jobs, but they may not have endangered as many people, as "Boats, helicopters and underwater sonar technology has been used to help locate the pair."
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I expect our handling of the crisis would improve if the whole government was put on a ventilator.

You guys over there on the other side of our fishing pond... :) ... have still that case of Anthony Eden sick and on drugs influencing Eden's mental abilities and the "special" geopolitical treatment by the UK government leading to and during the Suez crisis...

Here a nice story on that:
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Just for the sake of pointing something out and not talking covid for a moment, New England still has a heavy reliance on oil with many states having well over half of their homes heated that way.

Much of New England also had a pretty mild winter. I broke the snowblower out twice all year. The lakes never froze long enough to safely ice fish in CT either.

Not sure how either point impact what you two are talking about, but figured I'd add these anecdotes because, well, because.
I am fairly certain that the heating oil they use is neither petrol nor natural gas. Could be wrong.
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