Peoples of the Premier League, Please Attend Carefully - Subi and Kan FM11 MP AAR

This must be exactly what every commander feels before going into battle. Sun Tzu, Caesar, Gandalf, Patton - they must have known this feeling of anticipation before entering a historic world-changing event. Of course, they were only fighting battles for their country, this is football!

There are three matches we must survive in order to avoid relegation - Manchester City, Aston Villa and Bolton. All but Villa are away games, so it’s going to be tough. That said, if we have even one victory, that could be enough to keep us safe.

Manchester City are not exactly obliging.

That’s fine - it was expected. Alright, Man City are only fighting for keeping in the top five, while we’re fighting for our mere survival, some might say our players could have pushed a little harder and, er, actually got a shot on goal at least once. THEY’RE NOT MIRACLE WORKERS, PEOPLE!

Aston Villa are next though, and this is the one I’m really looking forward to. Their manager has been under pressure the entire season, and I’ve been looking forward to getting him fired. This time we’re at home, we’ve everything to play for and Aston Villa are dire!

Okaydoke, not so great a time for the Wolves players to remember which team they’re playing for. But it’s still alright, there’s still hope in our final match against Bolton. Nothing less than a win will matter, and we’re dependant on Aston Villa losing their match, but we can still do this and make it through to next season.

It’s time to put the players on an intense training regime. Namely I have them watch that important part just before the third act of any sports/action movie. That part where Rocky trains before the final match, where the karate kid realises how Miyagi really has been training him all along, where Schwarzenegger lathers himself up in cold mud before taking on the predator.

We lose. Abysmally. Probably because we should have been training instead of watching 80’s films.

And just to top it off, Aston Villa won their game.

So to sum up, Wolverhampton pretty much ended their season the way they end their matches - rocky start, solid mid-game, then implode in the final act. A shame, and they have the Championship League to look forward to as a result.

But wait!

So bang goes any hope of leading Wolves back into the Premier League. I’ll let Subi react to this in the classy, gentlemanly way I know he will before analysing my season.
Three games left to save my season. And the first of those games is against Man U! Get an own goal in the 39th minute to take an unlikely 1-0 lead. Of course, Wayne Rooney then goes and scores a hat trick in 10 minutes. Unsurprisingly, I lose 5-1. And I curse Wayne Rooney so much that Kan can hear it from wherever it is he is playing at this time.

But the next game is against Birmingham. Dominate them winning 3-0. This win puts me a few points up on relegation, and going into my last game all I need is a draw to guarantee my survival.

Generally dominate Blackburn. 60% possession, more shots, better passing, but despite this couldn't score. Leigh Griffiths finally decided to score another goal in the 79th minute for the 1-0 win, guarantee another season in the Premier League.

So with those two wins, West Brom jumps all the way up to 14th place with a 10-10-18 record. Kan's Wolves finish 18th with a 9-7-22 record and get relegated. I win Kan, I win!

And best of all, after getting himself relegated, Kan is fired. Clearly he isn't meant for this level of competition. I suggested he should try out Blue Square Premier. That might be a bit more to his skill level. He should start applying for some jobs, that lazy Scottish bum.


What will happen next? Will Kan join a Championship club? Will Wolves get promoted next season? What does SuBI think about staying up? Why am I asking these questions?
Okay, so, stuff!

Altogether an entertaining season. I'm supremely disappointed with how it ended (specifically the West Ham and Aston Villa matches), but that wasn't what killed me - there was a mid-season period where we suffered a lot of defeats, and it was at that point I realised I was going to be fighting a relegation battle. Before that - and call me silly if you like - I honestly thought Wolves would stay comfortably above the relegation zone.

It was around that mid-season point as well I realised I had no clue what I was doing. I'm not a great FM player (and I pretty much stabbed myself in the foot by refusing to play the game beyond this AAR), but I'm normally competent enough. Dear heavens this was a struggle - this is a team that will switch from competent one week to utterly diabolical the next. I could not get a handle on them.

Fair play to Subi - definitely an interesting one to play a MP strategy game against. And really, he's the real loser here - he's stuck with West Brom for another season while I'm free to manage any club I like :evil:

Finally, got a comic out of it all. That was fun. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to peruse the job-section while enjoying a cup of tea.
Wanna replace Lennon, Kan? ;)
Pffft, since we'd already steamrollered over you lot two years running, this year we simply decided to give you some… handicap.
Nah, he's doing a good job, it's just the opposition started playing well for once :mischief:

You should try for a job at Rangers then, you would probably get them relegated :p
Away with ye and yer ideas, SuBI!
Is it possible for Kan to manage another Premier League?
So he Kan't manage in the PL next season?
One of the funniest bits of this AAR was the ongoing rivalry between the two clubs in the same league..
Whats really important is the ongoing rivalry between me and Kan :p
Well, first of all there would have to be a team available in the Premier League if I was to manage it. If there is, I will certainly apply for the job. Championship League teams or lower will be next - relegated teams pretty much automatically fire their managers, which mean I could attempt for a promotion battle with one of them, with the intention of getting back into the PL next year.

Frankly, there's one thing about all this that's quite brilliant - I'm free to explore my options this summer, Subi is stuck with playing as West Brom for another season :lol:
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