Blood of Angels feedback


May 6, 2002
Post your feedback for this scenario here.
Scenario seems extremely crash-prone, but haven't been able to find any reason for it. Playing as Illians. Civ4 usually crashes for me only if the game has been running for several hours and/or there's been a lot of alt+tabbing in and out of the game. Blood of Angels has been crashing every 3-4 turns for me since after early game. The other scenarios I've tried so far (Grand Menagerie, The Momus, Return of Winter, Against the Wall and Gift of Kylorin) have not suffered from crashing.
This is my third and current scenario I'm playing. I found the twist with the Bannor really interesting. Cassiel is just not in a fun spot though. I have to admit I am going to cheat in Worldbuilder a little bit because I only have access to Galleys and they have no chance against Man O' Wars. If only I used the Settler I got from the event to settle along the cost things would have been in my favor against his boats. I could always take out the rest of Hannah so I could get iron to my costal city but that would take a really long time and I just want to wrap this scenario up at this point.

It is a good scenario and I played it the whole evening without it crashing. I feel kind of bad going against Cassiel with the intent to kill him. I didn't feel bad about trying to kill Sabathiel but I will feel sad if Cassiel does die at my hands.
I created wilboman and discovered that bannors capitol is on a desert tile :( then hannah the irin launched a stack of boarding parties and killed Mahala, i gave up and placed a AA next to Midgar :D
I started the scenario, then got I got a message that the Lanun and Illians have been defeated, Sabathiel and I had 10000 points each, and Sabathiel had won a conquest victory(though at the bottom of the screen it said barbarians have won a conquest victory).

EDIT: Here's the auto-save.


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:lol: I was playing as the Doviello and after annihilating the Bannor and the Lanun and when Auric asked me to besiege Midgar to kill Cassiel for an Archangel's blood, I was tempted to slap him silly and just ask him to find Brigit since my War Machine was already level 15 :crazyeye:
I have the exact same issue as petcarcharodon had.
And trying to load again from the autosave makes the game crash.


  • AutoSave_Initial_AD-0069.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Thanks for the saves folks. I think whats happening here is the random resources is placing a mana on a plot that is abotu to become a city. So when the game coes to place the city its not allowed to, the script halts and ends up with only a few cities placed (sabathiel gets through since hes the westmost player and the script places from west to east).

I put a check in for that in patch "b". We will see if it works.
As the Doviello, I'm conquering the Bannor and when I capture a city it keeps asking me to join the Bannor. :lol: Seems somewhat strange considering we are in a state of constant war. :lol:
I have looked around in world builder and there is a red blob in the Bannor capital. If I delete it the game doesn't crash. I think it is supposed to be an archer...

Same with the red blob...

Also severely disappointed that the Blood of Angels track didn't play once in the scenario.
The thing with Hanna and Auric not spawning happened again. I do have the latest patch.
Well I finished off Sabathiel and Hannah, and sent a suicide frigate over with an invisible assasin to find their capital, and what do I find? Midgar is resting behind a wall of mountains with two choke point locations, and their entire land is covered in immortal musketmen (or whatever their called). How can I beat this without resorting to WB?
Yeah, the scenario was awesome until i got to the point where Auric tells me to kill Cassiel. That was both morally disturbing and a huge hassle because of the damn ocean. I don't know how you would be supposed to make it better though. Maybe some event when you destroy Lanun, which gives you a couple of Frigates or something.

Spoiler :
I almost hate you guys for what happened to Cassiel :(:(:(:(:(
Something better then frigates, i wasted alot of tiem using hordes of frigates to take down your 13 strength ships, and i wonder if that's when they got blood of the phoienix
Well, with the last patch you said you weakened the Grigori, but I didn't expect that much of a nerf, lol, maybe I just thought it was because of over-preporation. I went down a difficulty level, took out the bannor and Lanun, then waited for the war machine and man'o'wars. Not only that, I created an armada that would put Spain and England to shame. So MAYBE I just expected too much, but over-all I think i enjoyed it more.

I was sad to hear of Cassiel's death, but since I am not as humanist as most people seem to be on these forums, I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
Apparently, the good ol' twincasting worldspells is making a comeback.

Raging Seas hit me twice. So it said in the Event Log.

Only a third of my invasion force just about ready to go after Cassiel survived.

This was already a couple of patches ago. I excel at procrastinating.
I'm getting the txt_key's missing for defeating Saba and Hannah. Otherwise very much enjoying this scenario so far

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