Do your real life friends and family know about OT?

My wife sometimes read some of the threads, but she is too wise to become a member of this forum.
A pity really, we could need a radical economist.
I discuss posts and topics I've seen here occasionally with my wife, I think, to be frank, she thinks the less of me for posting but she finds the funny pix thread high-larious
My mom thinks its one more weird loner activity that I do on teh intrenets, laughing manaically with my fatal1ty headphones on.
Some of my friends know, and probably some of the people I work with should by now know, but I don't make a point of saying, "I was reading this thread on CFC and..." etc. I tend to say, "so I was reading on the internets that..." or "this guy on the internets said that...".
My girlfriend knows that the Civ forums are where I spend a fair chunk of my free time, and I mention it too, rarely. I'm also on a lot at work and so my workmates know too. Luckily my supervisor is either unaware or doesn't care.
Nope, besides I get most of my interesting conversation starters here so I don't want to give it away :goodjob:
My older brother introduced me to CFC and has an account here, with about 50 posts in OT and various Civ3 and Civ4 fora. My fiancee is marginally aware that there are a bunch of people I argue with on the internet. Everyone else is blissfully unaware.
My roomate and girlfriend are marginally aware that I sometimes "argue on that nerd website", because I've left it up on my computer when they're around. Nobody else isn't something I really brag about.

I do however, say RASIST in real life, and I've gotten several others to do so as well
The civ forums are the reason I have a convex mirror atop my monitor at work.

I do however, say RASIST in real life, and I've gotten several others to do so as well

How's that pronounced?
I sometimes talk about another forum I visit. I've met people from that forum and when a popular member there died it shook me pretty hard to the extent that I had to explain it to family and friends, but this forum isn't really part of my life in the same way that other one is. It's just a place to argue politics and such.
Nope. I'm the only one who knows about this place. I'm planning to keep it that way... I don't want any family members to be exposed to this place for fear of their lives.
I will bring up points of conversation that I SAW in OT, but I've probably mentioned OT itself only in passing.
My geekdom is known to a select few.
Yes. I've tried to explain it to my parents, who now basically understand that it's a message board with people from all over the world, and we discuss politics, current events, et cetra. My friends just know it as a forum I go to a lot. Last semester I also wrote an essay comparing what goes on here to talk radio, although I didn't mention CFC-OT specifically.
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