Gift of Kylorin feedback

Spoiler :
There is a route around.


1)The fireball behaves strangely. It does not go through lava or water and does not get the benefit of the spell extention I promotion that Dain starts with. Also, starts with mobility I(?) and has 2 with the mobility I.
The "flying" ability is turned off in several of the scenarios, so no moving over water,etc.

You do realise that Spell extension I grants Mobility I, and that Fireballs have a base move of 1....
Spoiler :
There is a route around.


The "flying" ability is turned off in several of the scenarios, so no moving over water,etc.

You do realise that Spell extension I grants Mobility I, and that Fireballs have a base move of 1....

No, Fireballs have a base move of 2 and spell extension does not grant "Mobility" promotions to the summon, it adds +1 or +2 to the speed. The mobility pomotion can still be taken from UNITCOMBAT_MELEE summons, such as skeletons.
Plus fireballs do not have a specific "fly" promotion. They just move over any terrain+ impassable at cost of 1mp.

Trust me, I know my way around magic in FFH2 ;).

EDIT: However, no summoned unit with spell extension can take the mobility promotion.
OK, I have played many games in FFH and fireballs have 2 base move and 4 with spell extension II. If you have played a single game using fireballs you should have known that.

I am not going to argue any more about obvious things, just start FFH and begin a game using Play Now.
Ah, I see; the "flying" promotion actually add +1 movement!

So Fireballs do actually have a Base movement of 1, but since they start with flying, it seems like 2.

Since flying is disabled in the scenario, the Fireball is back down to 1, but then raised to 2 by the Mobility granted from the spell extension.

Just shows that neither of us should jump to unnecessary conclusions; my apologies.
Also, I know you guys are aware of it, but the "Orc" Champions showed up as human. Just a bit of an oddity, although I didn't think human champions looked out of place (they looked ghostly), rather the fact they had the Orcish promotion looked out of place.

Just beat this again, the Sidar who gives you the potion also describes them as Orcs. I'm wondering if glasses have yet been invented on Erebus :lol:
The popup for Maelstrom still reads that the damage is 50% even though it has been nerfed to 30% in a patch.
Excuse me in advance for this useless and stupid post, but I'm stuck at the very beginning of this scenario (the fire rune door) without any spell, I looked everywhere around hoping for a secret door but didn't find anything ; then I did hit "enter" again and again hoping for a promotion, but nothing came (I stopped doing this at turn 140). I must be totally dumb, but I don't understand. A little help (PM ?) would be appreciated, thanks !
I see no one else is interested about the bugy fireball.
As for flying being "usually disabled in scenarios" it is at least missinformation. There is no such thing in Momus, Radiant Guard, Splintered Court etc. Fireballs work as they should there. I can't believe that in a scenario seemingly designed as a tutorial to magic, the texts are incorrect and the fireball is behaving erroneous, and, most of all, so many patches afterwards noone has decided to fix that.
Kael has said that flying is disabled in dungeons cause otherwise flying units would be able to fly over walls and doors etc.
There are no flying units in this scenario. And, even if they were, they could be confined in specific borders, just like the Grand Menangerie scenario. If you are to teach something, it is better to teach it well or not teach it at all, IMHO. As it is, this scenario could have been very well omitted and noone would have missed anything.

EDIT: OK, the fireball is a flying unit and could have gone over walls. Then it should have been given mobility 2, ignore movement costs and fire immunity.
Can't see any units or chests, only in this scenario ; actually, there is just nothing (ie. the first chest on the hill in front of the fire rune door).
Thanks for Deanej for all his help !
(patch x)
@Jfred : It appears that this scenario has been totally abandoned, since it is not updated with the patches. You do not miss anything really ;)
Can't see any units or chests, only in this scenario ; actually, there is just nothing (ie. the first chest on the hill in front of the fire rune door).
Thanks for Deanej for all his help !
(patch x)

This reminds me of Lukefisk Mafia complaining that patch x messed up some things in his scenario contest entry having to do with invisible chests.
@Jfred : It appears that this scenario has been totally abandoned, since it is not updated with the patches. You do not miss anything really ;)

I thought the reason it hasn't been updated is because there weren't any bugs to fix. Are the other scenarios updated just for the sake of updating the scenarios?
I thought the reason it hasn't been updated is because there weren't any bugs to fix. Are the other scenarios updated just for the sake of updating the scenarios?

Obviously, you have missed the fireball bug and Maelstorm incorrect text. In addition, the dissapearance of the chests with patch x is a direct implication that this scenario is long forgotten.
The fireball behaves like a base fireball - the scenario is designed for noobs who probably won't even notice anything (I certainly didn't, but then again, I'm a noob when it comes to magic). Again, Flying is disabled in this scenario so that Fireballs won't fly over walls and doors. It's intended behavior.

As for text, we'll have to verify it ourselves or ask someone who's played it recently. Text changes are not mentioned in the patch changelog, so it could have been changed and we wouldn't even know it without playing it.
I haven't played this scenario prior to patch x, but with patch x and y it definitely seems to be broken. I can't see any chests before the fire door
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