ImmacuNES VI: Dreams and Legends

Player: merciary

Nation: Aketua
Race: Pale Elves or Aket (Fay)
(1) Resilient Bodies- While not the most physically imposing race the Aket’s bodies are remarkably resistant to disease and infections. This resilience extends after death to where if a corpse is regularly “maintained” there will be very little to no rot.
(2) Spirit Touched- the Aket are natural mages and have a particularly strong affinity with manipulating “spirit energies” to breathe life into things.
(3) Dominate Necromancer Priest- The nation is ruled by an order of priest specializing in necromancy. The priest remain on top in Aketuian society due to the belief that their craft of breathing life is the highest craft one can practice. The Aket do not worship a god per say but believe in an energy force that makes life which can on occasion be personified into spirits.
(4) Meritocratic Society – One’s place in society is based on one’s skill in their profession. Apprenticeship is the norm with professions being decided at a young age, though taking another profession is not uncommon particularly for one already considered a master in a profession. Semi-informal proto-guilds manage the various professions but as of the moment they serve little more purpose that meeting places for like minded people. Unskilled jobs come with a strong stigma and are left to those with little talent.
(5) After Death – Due to their odd resistance the Aket believe that their physical bodies are merely vessels for the Spirit energy, in fact Aket means vessel in their tongue, as such corpses are treated as tools not lost loved ones. Bodies are given to the priesthood to be raised, or at this point in time attempted to be raised, to aid society by preforming “undesirable” tasks. As the practice has not yet been perfected and still shrouded in mysticism the priest are rarely successful but the bodies are well preserved in the catacombs for them to try again.

Preferred Climate: Temperate Hills

Governance: Theocracy with a series of proto-guilds managing many sectors
Descriptor: An order of necromancer priest, called Forgers, manage the nation. The whole system is very hierarchical with one’s place dependent on one’s skill
Authority vs Liberty: Authority
Centralized vs Decentralized: Centralized

Cultural Strength:
Descriptor: A focus on achieving perfection in one’s activities with a strive to be remembered
Tradition vs Adaptability: Equal
Glory vs Cooperation: Glory (not merely martial glory but being great in anything)

Gold Income:
Descriptor: a focus producing crafts and goods with agriculture being the domain of the unskilled
Autarky vs Interdependence: Interdependent
Regulation vs Free Market: Free Market


Descriptor: Mostly peasants hoping to seek glory and recognition through combat along with those who already have seeking to further their own glory
Army Quality:
Navy Quality:
Airforce Quality:
Military Units:

Descriptor: Primarily around necromancy though other manipulations of life energy are common.
Nation: The Taenar Confederation
Player: Vertinari118

Race: Elothenin (a kindred of elves and thus fey)
Favored Climate: Cool light forest

Strength of Will (racial): The Elothenin have near-indomitable wills compared to most races making them more able to withstand rigours and hardships that try all beings. They are not a people that turn from their purpose easily. However, a race of such strong-willed individuals can lead to clashes and conflicts that are difficult to resolve by peaceful means.

Great Vitality (racial): The Elothenin possess a physical vitality that almost matches their wills. They are a hardy folk that do not sicken often and can push through pain that would overwhelm others. This has led to fewer children being born amongst the Elothenin as less of the Elothenin meet an untimely end.

Otherwordly (racial): Not entirely of the material world, the Elothenin are otherworldly even by fey standards. This otherworldliness gives them an innate aptitude with and resistance to magical arts. However it also leaves them with an Achilles heel; the Elothenin need a connection to the ethereal world in order to wield even their meanest magic and to fully satisfy both physical and mental needs. Anything that disrupts that connection will lead to sickness and eventually death. The Elothenin appear with a particular brightness to the denizens within and the Elothenin in turn can partially see into that realm of shadows and whispers in the dark.

Tribal strongmen (cultural): The Elothenin nobility are divided up into great clans that vie for the High Kingship and form all government below the High King, although often there is no ruling clan strong enough to proclaim its patriarch or matriarch (traditions vary according to clan) to the High Kingship. These clans have great deal of autonomy and power with their own individual fiefdoms. The lower clans will generally also divide themselves along clans lines though these divisions are far less strict and lesser clans can and do change allegiance or proclaim no allegiance. This course of action is not entirely without risk...

Prevalence of Magic (cultural): For the Elothenin magic is a natural part of life and it integrates seamlessly into day-to-day life. That is not to say that they eschew technology but they find they have less of a need for technology. They still forge blades and ploughs but medicine, for instance, is taken care of magically rather than with what we would call science. Why learn what herbs will stymie bleeding when you can do it with a gesture and a thought yourself or your village elder can and if the elder can’t then there is nothing a herb could do for you anyway. The study of and wielding of the magical arts is both normal and common-place amongst the Elothenin.

Descriptor: A hierarchy of strongmen lineages vying for the enough status and power to proclaim their leader High King.
Authority vs. Liberty: Liberty
Centralized vs. Decentralized: Decentralised

Cultural Strength:
Descriptor: A focus on the development and independence of the individual. A clash between individual freedom and the need for every individual to contribute and be protected, as no one is truly superfluous, is at the heart of Elothenin culture at the moment and no one can predict its resolution. The Elothenin are a naturally spiritual people who see and are humbled by the greater forces working within and upon the world without actually possessing formalised religions as of yet.
Tradition vs. Adaptability: Adaptable
Glory vs. Cooperation: Leaning towards glory

Gold Income:
Descriptor: Economy is based around artisan craftspeople who have perfected their trades over the long decades of their younger years. The Taenar Confederation is generally sparsely populated so people live off the land however the first towns and cities are now forced to experiment with agriculture in order to feed the greater population density. Trade goods such as tin and copper are often at the heart of internecine struggles between clans.
Autarky vs. Interdependence: Not sure probably leaning autarky on the level of communties but the noble clans very much depend on trade with one another.
Regulation vs. Free Market: Leaning towards regulation as the noble clans have direct or indirect control over most of the economy and will guide it to aid their positioning relative to each other and to ensure a good quality of life for the citizens, as far as possible.


Descriptor: The military forces of the Confederation are clan forces but, unlike most clan forces, they are still by and large professional soldiers and hunters. Conscripts are rare among the Taenar as it is seen as better to have a smaller, more highly trained force than one swelled with incompetent fools. The forces consist of a core of heavy spearmen with supporting skirmishers and light infantry. The heavy spearmen wield a long spear, two or three shorter throwing spears and hide shield, often wearing some sort of stiff leather armour, with a mace for back-up or particularly close combat. The role of the spearmen is to form a battle-line so that the light infantry may flank and deliver the killing blow or to break other heavy formations using tight wedge formations. Skirmishers use slings as their main weapon and a stone knife as a back-up. Finally the light infantry armed with heavy maces and axes, designed to crush through any protection and inflict brutal wounds, and a small shield for protection serve as the flanking and primary killing force of the Confederation. All soldiers can and will try to use their magic in combat and any sizable force will be accompanied by stronger magic users. These in turn are split into two groups: the far more numerous protectors, whose role is to protect and embolden soldiers in battle and heal casualties during lulls or after battle, and the assailants, who have an unusual affinity for the destructive uses of Elothenin magic. A powerful assailant is a foe to fear indeed able to rout scores of unprotected soldiers, spread a mysterious weakness through enemy ranks or even outright kill enemy magic users and commanders.
Navy Quality:
Airforce Quality:
Military Units:

Descriptor: The Elothenin rely upon their otherworldliness to draw upon ethereal energies to strike down foes, weave protective enchantments and heal wounds. Attacks are generally directed straight at the spirit of the opponent causing fear and weakness.
Nation: Jolustrym Kingdom.
Player: KaiserElectric

Race: Jolustrym (Wingless, 8-ft tall dragon-men, Beasts)
(1) Dragonflesh (racial) - The scaled skin of the Jolustrym is famous for its incredible endurance to damage and the elements, especially the cold.
(2) Dragon's Might (racial) - The Jolustrym are best suited for hunting and warfare, and their powerful musculature gives them above average strength and speed (not agility).
(3) The Halls of the Elders (cultural) - The Jolustrym are driven in life by one purpose: glory. Life is fleeting, and those who die without glory or in disgrace will soon be forgotten. However, the soldier who perishes against a thousand men or the shaman who defended travelers from the perils of the wild will last forever, both in legend here in the mortal realm, and in the Halls of the Elders above us. Be wary of the Jolustrym warrior who opposes you, as the fear of death will not hold him back.
(4) Blood of the Jolustrym (cultural) - All Jolustrym are bound by blood, especially within Bloodlines (families). No matter what state their government is in, the Jolustrym will always fight as one, especially against an outside threat.
(5) Shamanism (cultural) - Magic is practiced by adepts known as Shamans, who draw their powers from the Elders. Shamans are highly respected by all for their great knowledge of myth and lore, and are known to practice many varieties of magic.

Favored Climate: Forested or Mountainous Taiga.

Governance: Tribal Monarchy
Descriptor: The Jolustrym are lead by a Jarl, who is often a member of an important bloodline. Racial inclination has kept the Jolustrym people largely united, and power struggles are both brief and infrequent.
Authority vs. Liberty: Lean Liberty
Centralized vs. Decentralized: Decentralized

Cultural Strength:
Descriptor: The Jolustrym worship a pantheon of primarily nine major gods known as the Elders. While most religions dictate a coming apocalypse, the Jolustrym beliefs hold that it has already happened several times. While always a unique occurence, the end of the world is always marked by the Selection, an event where the Elders choose a race to survive the apocalypse and be carried into the next world. It's unknown which qualities the Elders seek, nor is it widely known which race was brought from the previous world. While some attempt to find those answers, most Jolustrym simply continue on their quest for glory, whether to prove themselves worthy, to save their race when the end comes, or simply to join their comrades in the Great Halls above, where true immortality awaits them.
Tradition vs. Adaptability: Tradition
Glory vs. Cooperation: Lean Glory

Gold Income:
Descriptor: The Jolustrym have no standard by which to create coinage yet, so they function primarily through trades and bartering. Weapon manufacturing is naturally an important trade, while lumbering, masonry, and furs are equally important. Precious gems and metals serve as luxury resources. Hunting and small-scale farming provide the necessary food for the Jolustrym, who are well suited to hunting larger, more vicious prey. The farming of grains and wheat also lends itself to a favorite Jolustrym commodity: ale, and all the vices and virtues that come with it. Jolustrym ale is infamous for being especially strong, considering the hardy nature of the people who manufacture it.
Autarky vs. Interdependence: Lean Interdependence
Regulation vs. Free Market: Free Market


Descriptor: Outside of the odd War Shaman, the Jolustrym military largely consists of heavily armed and armored infantry. Axes, spears, javelins, bows, and war-hammers are most often used in combat, and medium or light armor combined with their natural resistance makes them very hard to kill without sacrificing too much speed. Jolustrym tactics are incredibly aggressive, using their innate speed and strength for deadly charge attacks. With no fear of death, not even the greatest defense can hold under the fearsome brutality of the Jolustrym. However, the sheer muscle mass of even the lightest Jolustrym is heavy enough to break the back of any common horse, so the Jolustrym do not use cavalry. In addition, while they can be very fast in a charge, they are not entirely agile, and could be outmaneuvered by a wily opponent.
Army Quality:
Navy Quality:
Airforce Quality:
Military Units:

Descriptor: Magic is practiced by a small minority of Jolustrym known as Shamans. Gifted by the Elders, Shamans have shown mastery over a wide variety of magical abilities, including elementalism, alchemy, conjuration, and divination. While many choose to become hermits, Shamans are welcomed anywhere in the Jolustrym homelands, given their close connection to the Elders. On the other hand, a rare Shaman might elect to practice Necromancy. Desecration of the dead is taken very seriously, and Shamans who do so by using Necromancy are given the name Vaar, the Jolustrym word for "damned". To become a Vaar is an instant death sentence, and Vaar are said to be barred from the Hall of the Elders, left to fade into a bleak and horrifying existence.
Nation: Taha'ar League
Player: mgsmuhammad

Race: Men
Favored Climate: Temperate (prefer hills, plains to mountains or forests)
Location: The Taha'ar League is a geographically concentrated coalition of tribesmen, centred around wild hillsides and windswept plains.

Perks: (racial): Larger Than Life: Though undoubtedly human, it seems the Taha'ar bloodline produces bigger humans than average (6-7 feet, roughly), often with the muscle mass to match.
(racial): Hardy: Through some unknown quirk of fate, the Taha'ar people seem less susceptible to magical assault than most. However, they themselves appear to have a harder time calling forth magic to their aid.
(cultural): Taha'ar League: While the nature of the league makes them prone to internal squabbling and power struggles, in the face of an external threat, they can quickly band together and fight off the aggressor - for if they are conquered, they won't have the glory of overthrowing the top tribe and leading the league!
(cultural): By The Sword: Due to the repeated inter-tribe conflicts and the wild beasts of the hillsides, the Taha'ar have an innate sense for combat - when even mere herdsmen have to fight wolves back from their flocks, it quickly produces better skilled and fitter combatants across the entire tribal system.
(cultural): Herdsmen: Due to less than fruitful soil, the Taha'ar have no real sense of agriculture, and rely predominantly on herding, and are well suited to domesticating and using animals as a result.

Governance: Chief of the strongest of the tribes.
Descriptor: A league of culturally-homogenous tribes, loosely led by the most powerful of the time, against any external threats. Prone to power-struggles.

Cultural Strength:
Descriptor: Small, shared pantheon of gods.

Gold Income:
Descriptor: Simple economy, largely barter based. Much herding, some mining, near-non existant agriculture.
Free Market


Descriptor: Amateur citizen-soldiers, levied from their regular lives. Toughened by the wilderness and the near-constant tribal warfare at skirmish or raid scale.
Army Quality:
Navy Quality:
Airforce Quality:
Military Units:

Descriptor: Due to the nature of the Taha'ar, individuals with magical skill seem rare, and when they do occur, are often shunned or ostracised from society. It's possible more may possess the gift than recorded, but as magic seems taboo in many tribes, the entire issue is largely kept quiet.
For some reason, your people reminds me of Scotland, mgs.
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I was actually more inspired in the creation by the Hellenic Leagues and the inter-poleis fighting.
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Needless to say, I need to start amassing spearmen with ridiculously sized shields.
he did say united. Anything united is not scottish.
At what point will you start the game?
Great question Patchy,

Mid-week. I still need to add altitude and vegetation to the map. Maybe as early as Tuesday night or more likely on Thursday.
Spoiler :
I was actually more inspired in the creation by the Hellenic Leagues and the inter-poleis fighting.
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Needless to say, I need to start amassing spearmen with ridiculously sized shields.

I always preferred more lightly-shielded Macedonian phalanx with sarissa combined with the Companion cavalry :p
I would just like to point out that once bows are discovered, my centaurs will be the most feared military on the planet. They'll be like the nomads, but better. FEAR ME. :)
I would just like to point out that once bows are discovered, my centaurs will be the most feared military on the planet. They'll be like the nomads, but better. FEAR ME. :)

I have a counter for that.

It consists of large shields combined with spears protecting a column of volley archers and heavy cavalry.

Beat it using only cavalry.
Isn't that the point when steppe tribes simply ran away and left the silly overburdened enemy to die in the vast trackless wilderness?
Isn't that the point when steppe tribes simply ran away and left the silly overburdened enemy to die in the vast trackless wilderness?

Only if the Steppe horde is defending.
If memory serves, steppe hordes learned to use siege equipment pretty quick...

either way, in this game both armor and siege are a long way off... bows... not so much.
The answer is easy, disappear and summon Eldritch Abominations to kill the horses!
Either way, your army will take forever to arrive. My centaurs arrive, pillage, rape, leave. Then you try to follow us, and we hit somewhere else.
a) You don't seem to understand what sort of creatures i'd be summoning
b) Nothing for you to pillage or rape, it's a forest
c) I'd be summoning the creatures right on top of your armies
d) All of the above means nothing as the war mechanics will decide who wins.
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