Imperium Offtopicum XIX

When will the UN social group be constructed? The USED looks forward to deploy our suggestions to ensure world freedom, happiness and peace.
To: India
From: Angola

We graciously accept the opening of embassies in our respective capitals.

We would like to open up the possibility of a free trade agreement, where Angola would receive priority (and reduced tariffs) on Indian raw materials. India would, in turn, receive preferential sales for manufactured Angolan goods (also at a lowered tariff). We can discuss further details and hammer out the specific wording in a pm.
Can we add something to the drinking game about populations or how my nation should be stronger for X reasons? ;)

Anyway, ironically I will have an announcement about lowered tariffs for later. I'm sure you all can't wait.
I am so very hyped for the tariff related announcement
Treaty of Hohhot

Emperor Shishun proclaims that Guandong and the Republic of China have come to the following agreements in an effort to promote regional stability and prosperity.

1. The Kingdom of Guandong and the Republic of China agree to ensure the sovereignty of one another in the case of outside aggression. The two parties are by no means obligated to assist one another if one party acts as the aggressor in a conflict. It is our hope that a situation will never deteriorate to the point where wars is considered against either party, but this serves as yet another deterrent to war.

2. The Kingdom of Guandong and the Republic of China agree to keep open lines of communication with one another, especially in regards to the definition and maintenance of clear borders. Once again, this is to minimize any possible tensions and promote cooperation between our neighboring nations.

3. In the spirit of commerce, the Kingdom of Guandong and the Republic of China have agreed to reduce tariffs levied on goods traveling between our borders. Our economies are deeply intertwined, and citizens from both nations will soon benefit from this agreement.


Emperor Shishun

Emperor Shishun also proclaims that the following territories will soon be brought under the protection of Guandong. Manchurian and Mongolian colonists concerned about their well being in the wastes of Siberia need worry no longer! Guandong will provide proper infrastructure and civilization to these wild lands.


Yang Lianting, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Just to reaffirm to everyone here the rule on claiming:

One claim is one use of the fill tool.

No exceptions. This is the ancient wisdom passed down to us from the progenitors.
If we increase expansion funding do we get the extra claim that turn or next?
So I have to spend 5 claims on islands that are 1-4 pixels large to take total control of the archipelago?
the Roman Emperor, learning that his budgeting was incorrect, just threw up his hands, and invited the smartest accountant in the Empire besides himself, and asked Ahmet Demir to review it carefully.

and just because he is not happy with his own fail of a performance, invited other nations to review it.

Roman income: 25.78

Roman Spending:

Debt payments: 6.0. the Roman debt will decrease, slightly.
Social welfare spending: 6.0. the social welfare wont be as affluent as before, but it should still cover the needs of the population just fine.
Minimal military: 1.0. there is no need to expand the military, when territories to house and recruit said armies are not in our hands.
Administrative spending: 2.0. the administration is what runs the Empire, and deserve a small raise
Expansion spending: 3.0. only four billion is needed to integrate Cyprus and Crimea.
Transport costs: 1.0. the Roman Empire does not need heavy investment right now.
Health Spending: 3.0. slight decrease from default.
Education spending: 3.0. the Education system is important, and a small raise is needed to keep it all current and competitive.

total: 24.0

that would give Rome a surplus of 0.75 billion over the year, which is paid to the UN.

Because of the serious expenses in education and healthcare, maybe we should consider privatizing it.

Angolan Annual Budget

Debt Repayment: 4.8
Social Welfare: 6
Military: 1
Expansion Policy: 7
Admin Costs: 3
Health: 3
Transport: 4
Education: 4
UN Stipend: .01

University of Angola Project
Budget: $2bn bfranc
$2bn is to be invested this year into the construction of the first of a system of university campuses across Angola. The universities, the Universities of Angola, will focus on providing an opportunity for Angola's youth to obtain a higher education, offering such courses as physics, chemistry, literature, and things of that nature. The universities will naturally be open to foreign students (though they must pay their own tuition). The first campus is to be constructed in Luanda.

Angolan Railway Project
$2bn Belgian francs
The primary thing holding back the might of Angolan manufacturing is its poor infrastructure; it is a long and inefficient process to bring a finished product from a factory, to one of Angola's ports, and ship it out. The Angolan Railway Project seeks to change this. With a collaborative effort from the Angolan Department of Public Works and the Department of Transportation, an extensive railway project linking major manufacturing hubs and major ports in Angola will go underway. It is hoped that the project can be expanded upon in the future, and that perhaps paved roads will be brought to every Angolan village. Naturally, there will be a small fee for corporations using the Angolan railway.

Raise Corporate taxes by 10%. Raise tariffs 10%.

Excerpts from Anarchy in the United Kingdom: The British Civil War and the Death of Democracy, by Thomas Cobb

"By the spring of 2043, the reorganization of the British Army was complete. The purge of the officer corps, though controversial, ensured a certain strain of ideological purity ran through the military. This purity was to be guarded by agents of the Yeoman Watchers, the secret police of the National Loyalist Party. Graves intended that the defections of 2041 never occur again.

The newly disciplined forces of the British Army tore through the poorly trained insurgents and militias that had, up to this point, held them off. The movement in Cardiff crumbled almost immediately, though the rebels in Cornwall held out slightly longer.

In Ulster, English forces were almost welcomed. Support for the National Loyalist Party had been relatively high, and the reignition of sectarian violence lead many to open their arms to the stabilizing effect of the British Army. Catholic paramilitary groups, in particular the True Irish Republican Army and the Free Irish Republican Army, fought bitterly against the English, though they were unable to halt their advance. Both the FIRA and TIRA withdrew across the chaotic border into the former Republic of Ireland, pledging to continue their fight against the English (and also each other).

Only Scotland managed to hold against the drive to reunify the United Kingdom. Attempts by English forces to pacify the region met only moderate success in the south of Scotland. In many places, the remnants of the Scottish Labour Party lead a political attempt to form a united front against England. This charge was lead by David Allen, the former MP representing East Lothian before Parliament was dissolved. Allen had fled London and gone into hiding the week before the Yeoman Watchers stormed Westminster."
Can we add something to the drinking game about populations or how my nation should be stronger for X reasons? ;)
That is a tempting proposition... :cool:

Voting update to follow later today, as well as important announcements about absenteeism. Don't be that guy.
Hey Thor, can I budget foreign aid?
I imagine so, though my control over the numbers only extends as far as UN reports, so you'll have to ask Robbie for official details.
ABC News Online

Finance Minister Roger Stockburger announces budget delay

By Political Reporter Brooke Vandenberg

Photo: Finance Minister Roger Stockburger holds press conference announcing budget delay​

Finance Minister Roger Stockburger announces budget delay, blames disorganization due to Civil War.

Generally, the Australian Federal Budget is announced to the public on the second Tuesday of May. However, earlier today Roger Stockburger announced that there would be a delay on announcing the budget and that the contents would not be announced until the 1st of June. The minister blamed the disorganization of the finance department due to the civil war.

“The finance department has not done an investigation of the scale that we require for a functional budget for decades.” said Roger Stockburger “Unfortunately it has taken longer than we expected, so a delay is necessary to present a proper budget.”

There is precedent for changing the date that the budget is announced. The most recent example of this change was in 2016, when it was held on the first Tuesday in May to allow the 1st Turnbull Administration to call a double dissolution after the budget was announced.

Opposition Leader Tyrone Hurd criticised the delay, saying it was a calculated move to stifle parliamentary discussion on the budget. Prime Minister Flynn Domai was dismissed these allegations, saying that there will be plenty of time for both houses to discuss the budget before the previous budget expires on the 30th of June.

It is very likely that the budget will be enacted into law even without opposition or cross-bench support, due to the domination of the Internationalist Party in both houses.


New Caledonia votes to join the Australian Commonwealth in referendum

By Foreign Correspondent Waver McKenzie

Photo: New Caledonian man votes in referendum that resulted in the annexation of New Caledonia into the Australian Commonwealth.​

The people of New Caledonia voted for annexation into the Australian Commonwealth, with 59% of the country voting for annexation with a record 79% turnout.

New Caledonia became independent after the dissolution of the French Fifth Republic. The chaos caused by the Collapse caused the New Caledonian economy to plummet, causing riots and anarchy on the small island.

New Caledonia struggled maintaining a functioning government and often entered civil war, on numerous occasions the Australian government sent peacekeepers to protect civilians. This increased the popularity of the idea of a union with Australia.

Recently New Caledonia formed a democratic government, the Australian Union Party won elections and held a referendum on being annexed into Australia. In a record turnout of 79% of the population, over 59% of the country voted to be annexed into Australia.

The Socialist Union of Democratic States, the successor to the French Fifth Republic, seems pleased with the result of the referendum. A spokesperson for SUDS commented on the referendum in a recent interview.

"We do not recognise the Imperial Claims of the French Imperial Era.” The spokesperson said. “We hope for self-determination for the New Caledonian people and hope they find means of democratic self-ends. We will watch the [Australian] Commonwealth, but we are optimistic they may prove a democratic force in the end. We will also hope to be able to do dealings with the Australian government to ensure the protection of fair trade, worker rights and the environment for the good of all. Viva la international relationships!"

Prime Minister Flynn Domai is pleased with the results and announced today that he will make plans of integrating New Caledonia into the Commonwealth as a Federal Territory. New Caledonia will elect two members of parliament and two senators in the Federal Parliament in the next election. The current New Caledonian government will continue to serve as the local territory government.


Prime Minister Flynn Domai announces program to resettle Australian island territories.

By Political Reporter Brooke Vandenberg

IMAGE: Australian expansion this season, including annexation of New Caledonia.​

Prime Minister Flynn Domai announces program to resettle Tiwi Islands, the Furneaux Group and New Year Group after serving as Australian Union military bases.

The small populations of the Tiwi Islands (located north of the Northern Territory), the Furneaux Group and the New Year Group (located north of Tasmania) were displaced by the Australian Union and other rebel groups after they were converted into military bases.

Flynn Domai has announced that the former residents of the islands as well as their families will be given a special compensation by the government to resettle the islands.

“All Australians must work tirelessly to undo the damage done by the Australian Union.” said Flynn Domai. “The forced removal of citizens from their homes is one of the many despicable acts done by the Union.”

Opposition Leader Tyrone Hrud agreed with this action, saying that his party continues to fully support any actions which undo the harm caused by the Australian Union.

A vast majority of the families who were displaced from the islands have opted to move back to the islands. The resettling is expected to be done by the end of May.
Cascadia expands their domain into these states.


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Free Irish Republican Army (FIRA)​
Spoiler :
Excerpts from No Prayer for the Dying: An Account of the Irish Civil War, by Matthew Devlin
"The so-called Free IRA disgraced the name. They were barely any better than the English invaders or their Protestant stooges. We should've been fighting the English together, not stabbing each other in the back. But the Free IRA couldn't be trusted - fascists, barely any better than Lady Graves or her NLP. They weren't 'free', they were just wanting to chain themselves to someone else."

"It was around this time that the truce between us broke down. Once Castlederg fell, the Free IRA considered it open season on us. We were trying to get out of the English-controlled areas and the fools kept shooting at us. I'm not proud of shooting fellow Irishmen, but if they're FIRA, I'm not ashamed either."

Excerpt from Blood Brothers: The Free Irish Republican Army, by Aidan Devlin
"The Free IRA understood. Negotiation was capitulation, and the Irish would not bear the English yoke any longer. I sided with the Free IRA because I held no stock in the True IRA's idealism. The Free IRA knew the realities on the ground."

True Irish Republican Army (TIRA)​
Spoiler :
Excerpt from No Prayer for the Dying: An Account of the Irish Civil War, by Matthew Devlin
"The True IRA, now, we believed in something. Liberty and equality of man. What's the point of resisting the invaders if we fall to our darkest urges?"

Excerpts from Blood Brothers: The Free Irish Republican Army and the Irish Civil War, by Aidan Devlin

"The True IRA fought so ineffectively that they basically handed the English victory. They were so busy with their internal politics that they didn't have time to fight the enemy. They had plenty of time to fight us, though, that's for sure. Traitors is what they were, shooting their countrymen instead of the invaders."

"The truce between us held far longer than expected. I guess none of us expected the True IRA to hold their word for so long. Their leaders and commanders rose and fell as regularly as the sun, and they rarely, if ever, kept their predecessor's promises."

"Castlederg's fall was anything but inevitable. The defeatism of the True IRA and their piss-poor morale ensured it though. Had they been a bit more willing to hold their ground we might have won. But they turned and ran, and then had the gall to shoot at us once we crossed the border into what should have been friendlier territory."

Yeomen Watchers​
Spoiler :

Discipline. Order. Loyalty.

Excerpts from Anarchy in the United Kingdom: The British Civil War and the Death of Democracy, by Thomas Cobb

"The Yeomen Watchers (referred to simply as the Watchers or more frequently, the Yeomen) have humble origins. After the vote of no confidence in George Riding's government, unrest and agitation between the two halves of the country began to intensify. The National Loyalist Party established the Yeomen Watchers, ostensibly to prevent what they saw as voter suppression by the Labour government. The first Yeomen were composed heavily of former British Army members who had served under Graves in her military days.

Despite their original purpose being to fight against voter suppression, many accused them of doing just that, intimidating Labour voters from voting. There were also widespread accusations that the Yeomen had manipulated the results of the election, resulting in the landslide victory that propelled Graves and the NLP to power. These accusations later became the rallying point of the protests that constantly wracked London during Graves's time as Prime Minister."

"After Graves declared herself Lady Chancellor, the Yeomen's steadfast loyalty became even more important to her administration. The Yeomen, who had by now unquestionably become the paramilitary wing of the NLP, soon gained even more power. The Yeomen and MI5 soon became almost indistinguishable from each other, and served Graves with an unshakable devotion. "

"The Yeomen serve as the United Kingdom's secret police. They are currently responsible for domestic surveillance and ensuring the absolute and unquestioning loyalty of the British Army."
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