Random Rants : Someone is wrong on the Internet

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So after reinstalling the aforementioned game - cheat mode access still active. FML.
I know India pretty well, so I can explain the phenomenon there- the public school system is sidled with an incompetent and often corrupt bureaucracy behind it and attracts bad teachers. Only a quarter of public school teachers in India are usually present in class and only half of them actually teach. So the bar for private schools are not set especially high. I imagine the same can be said for schools in many parts of the world.
Alright, thanks for putting some numbers to those accusations of public school incompetence. You've done better than the freaking Economist.

In the good old US though, I imagine the current education system is not so incompetent that it can be outdone by private schools that easily. In fact, I'd say in America, private schools are worse as they are usually a vehicle for parents to shove religious ideals into their children's brain instead of corrupting them with a secular education that might teach them that gasp the world is older than a few million years or something like that.
I guess that's another face of private schools other than "facility for over-privileged kids".
grrr....statistics. And biology.
My biological data requires some statistical handling, but basically nobody has done it with this type, and all the established methods are not really applicable.
I've mailed one of the gurus in this field (one of his publications has 1500+ citations....within 5 years), and he basically said that I'm screwed.
It's time to pull a Newton and invent a new field of mathematics statistics.
been up all night trying to work on the Really Important Essay That Determines Whether I Pass Or Flunk Last Year In Retrospect.
400 words.
There aren't enough words for my disappointment in myself right now
I can pretty much freaking guarantee you my morning was worse than yours was.
Can't play games because the sun is shining directly on my telly and the blinds on the window are not providing sufficient shading. :mad:
I can pretty much freaking guarantee you my morning was worse than yours was.

Well, I have an anal fissure and I ate a bunch of super spicy Thai food last night, so my morning was kind of rough. I soaked in a warm salt bath and so I feel less like I'm sitting on napalm right now.

What's wrong? :(
I discovered that the air conditioner upstairs in an unused bedroom was leaking water inside the room. And there was a pair of $1000 oriental rugs against the wall under the window. They were soaked through, and for long enough so that they started to mold. They'd also been wet long enough so that the wood floor beneath them is damaged, and there's a chance there's mold behind the wallpaper. each of these rugs is heavier than I can carry on my own even dry. Water soaked they're seriously heavy. But after a long struggle I managed to get them outdoors and laid out on the deck. So to clean up the mess I tried using some of the strongest cleaner I had, which was a hospital strength disinfectant cleaner. Well, turns out that stuff has a shelf life. And it had begun dissolving the bottle it came in. I poured some in a bucket of water to clean up the mold, but as I was washing the mold, with my hand submerged in water, my hand started to burn. I went outside and took the hose to my hand, but couldn't wash the stuff off. My hand still felt like it was burning with a hose pouring cold water on it full blast. I went to the sink and used a ton of soap and water, and even submerged in soap and water it still felt like it was burning. About this time I figured the emergency room was in my immediate future, but I tried one more thing, i had a can of denatured alcohol. So I used that 3-4 times, and the burning finally stopped, and more soap and water to clean that off. Only minor visible skin damage. And I still had to clean the walls and floor with a couple more things to get the whole mess cleaned up. Then I went to rent a carpet shampooing machine and spent a couple hours trying to salvage the rugs. But it looks like they may be too discolored, and I've still got to wait until they dry to see if they don't stink anymore, or they'll have to be thrown away. And they were high quality oriental rugs, 8'x12'.

So costly day.
Can't play games because the sun is shining directly on my telly and the blinds on the window are not providing sufficient shading. :mad:

Every morning, it's the same old stuff; the sun rises from the East, and it's malevolent glare shines through the windows straight into my monitor. It repeats on and on until the bastard moves over.
WTS curtains.
Sounds like you had a terrible day, Cutlass. Especially since those rugs really tied the room together.
WTS curtains.

Unfortunately, the evil sun shining down from it's high skythrone does not pay respect to my curtains, and instead glares straight through them with the accuracy of a laser right into my glasses's lens.

No wonder the Aztecs sacrificed people to the Sun Gods.
I use blinds and curtains. Thus I can spam all day.
I'm considering buying lead plates. Shielding from both the sun AND deadly nuclear radiation!
Can't play games because the sun is shining directly on my telly and the blinds on the window are not providing sufficient shading. :mad:

Get better blinds. The Blinds in my bedroom are awesome since they allow enough light in to show when you need to get up, but makes enough light not to go through so you can sleep in if you want. It does help that the sun never will directly shine into my room, since it is the southern most room in the house.
Get better blinds. The Blinds in my bedroom are awesome since they allow enough light in to show when you need to get up, but makes enough light not to go through so you can sleep in if you want. It does help that the sun never will directly shine into my room, since it is the southern most room in the house.
Problem is that it isn't a window. It a big glass door. And I've got those vertical blinds thingies hanging in front of it. And I'm not going to change those because aside from not blocking the sun enough, they're very practical. Also I can't be bothered. So when the sun hangs low in the afternoon, my telly is out of commission for anything that requires detailed viewing.
So buy thicker blinds / curtains.
I find the quality of TV improves remarkably if I keep my eyes firmly shut. And the sound on mute.

Rant: I now have two women after my old rag of a body. One is a very spritely 87, and the other an athletic-looking 68.

I'm a bit mystified by it all. And on my birthday next week, I'm going out for a meal with both of them.
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