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That's fine :p
Spoiler :

Since I'm being all down and mopey and sad and stuff, I have been feeling a bit more foggy in my thoughts. For instance, playing cards or something and dealing to say 7 cards per person to 4 people, but losing count by not paying attention. Or parking well. Or doing many hand-held things.

This is essentially me, but not convinced of any gifted part:

Edit added spoiler tags
I hardly ever see any of my friends anymore, partly because my closest friend is often busy with a girlfriend (rub it in, why don't you?:cringe:). And while it's possible that he and I will be suite mates next semester, it's also possible that I'll head off to Germany for a year instead. I can't really go for a full year at any other time. I don't know if he'll be able to come with. All my friends are slowly drifting apart. I barely have any left, and if I don't stay in the US and my friend can't come, I'll be all on my own for an entire year. If I don't go, I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life. I could compromise and only go for a semester, but I'd still regret not staying for longer.

What the hell am I supposed to do?:undecide:

You can make new friends in Germany, and getting back after 1 year in a foreign country is IMHO a very good reason to get back in contact with your old friends ("hey, I'm back, how have you been doing the last year?").
My satellite design team uses a web service called Trello to track our work. A while back, our management decided to chew someone out for not updating it regularly. Subsequently, management seemed to stop paying attention to Trello updates themselves.

I decided to devise a test to see how long their attention has lapsed - I've created a card on our board detailing my attempts to hook up a hamster in running wheel in our vacuum chamber to power our prototype prop system. My latest 'update':
Spoiler :

(I almost forgot to redact the sensitive part that we recently filed a patent on. I can't show that off until we get a 'patent pending' registration with the USPTO)


I got a voicemail from Sandia National Labs yesterday. They want to interview me for a job there, which is pretty awesome considering how prestigious the lab is.

Unfortunately, the job is a year long and is probably part time. :\
You can make new friends in Germany, and getting back after 1 year in a foreign country is IMHO a very good reason to get back in contact with your old friends ("hey, I'm back, how have you been doing the last year?").

Maybe, but I'm pretty bad at making friends.

In any case, I think the time's come to move out completely. This sounds awful, but I'm tired of my family, and home's so noisy and crowded with people who annoy me that I can't stay here. Trouble is, I'm a failure who's mentally incapable of driving and I have no job and virtually no nearby friends, few of whom even bother to say hello every now and then. If I leave, I'll be virtually alone. If I go to Germany, I'll be completely alone, with no friends and no family (not for any practical purposes, anyway). If I don't go to Germany, I'm stuck in this obnoxious little armpit of an area.

I'm screwed.
You'll come here for studying, right?
No easier way to make friends than being in the same course and doing the same course work/practicals/whatever.

And wanting to move out from home is normal after a certain age.
I love my parents, but I don't want to live with them anymore.

Rant on my own:
2 of my friends decided to tell me that they can't come to the board game evening tonight, due to reports, work, and stuff.
Fine, but hey, people, do you know that you ruin my plans if you tell me that 3 hours before? I mean, does this really only come to your mind at this time, and not...let's say...1 day before? Then I could at least re-adjust.
Bloody people :mad:.
Hope the rest still comes.
Somehow doubtful.
...I only want just 1 social activity at the weekend, and if it's only 1 hour :(.
RANT: I have no love for "abstract art." The whole movement was funded and promulgated by Nelson Rockafeller, et al, as a reaction to the popularity of Soviet Socialist Realism of the 1930s... Charles Keller, et al.

I don't hate the artists or their work... just its origins in bourgeoisie co-optation.

nuff said.
And yet Abstract Art predates the Soviets by a considerable margin.

Much of the art of earlier cultures – signs and marks on pottery, textiles, and inscriptions and paintings on rock – were simple, geometric and linear forms which might have had a symbolic or decorative purpose [but is still certainly abstract].
Rant: The pervasive perception that foreign people are always hotter than locals is my biggest travel pet peeves, and people really need to stop catering to this false belief. :gripe:
RANT: I have no love for "abstract art." The whole movement was funded and promulgated by Nelson Rockafeller, et al, as a reaction to the popularity of Soviet Socialist Realism of the 1930s... Charles Keller, et al.

I don't hate the artists or their work... just its origins in bourgeoisie co-optation.

nuff said.



Also of course the Dadaists had very strong Communist and Anarchist tendencies.

Basically what Borachio said.
Rant: The pervasive perception that foreign people are always hotter than locals is my biggest travel pet peeves, and people really need to stop catering to this false belief. :gripe:

...so...you don't like being considered hot?


And :gripe: yeah, yesterday evening 2 from expected 8 people showed up, and that was 1 couple :gripe:.
(was still a good evening, but people....organize yourself...please!)
I've always thought the word for that was "exotic."
It's the lure of the slightly unfamiliar. As long as it's not too unfamiliar. No one, or very few people, find the crocodile all that sexually alluring; exotic though it may be as a bed fellow.

I suppose it's something to do with ensuring genetic diversity in a population. If we only favoured our close relatives the result might not be all that good.
Tired of the bad things in life: nagging, pestering, nationalism, canine disobedience, Poland, televisions, Polish nationalism, people who leave their alarm clocks on when they're not there to turn them off, especially when they leave their doors locked, and a certain lake in North Africa whose name rhymes with "Noland".

I need to get away.

What's wrong mv?

okay so it's been a few days so i can begin to think clearly.

so what's been happening is that i used to live with a guy, let's call him nathan. me and my roommate (let's call him thomas) knew that nathan had left school in january 13 as a result of his pretty manic depression. we understood that risk when we got an apartment for the three of us. the first month and a half was fine for the three of us, until nathan had, from my point of view, to be a nervous breakdown and had to leave school (again). we informed our landlord that nathan left and he told nathan to wait paying for his rent.

since late september, we've been looking for a new guy to come in. unfortunately, nathan left at the worst time since there's no one (at least no student) looking for housing in october. we've had a few contacts but none of them seemed worthy enough.

fast forward to about a week ago. our landlord sent us a letter asking what's happening to nathan's rent and whether we want to re-sign the apartment for next year (which we very much do). we ask him on facebook what he's been doing with the rent money but he didn't reply (despite thomas and i knowing he'd seen it). a few days later, things come to a head when our landlord calls us and asks again what happened to nathan's rent. thomas and i call nathan's father and he tells us that hasn't been paying because our landlord may or may not have told him that his family need not pay for the backrent.

we immediately call our landlord and ask him about whether he said that or not. he didn't give a very straight answer but did say that nathan's backrent of ~$2000 dollars is entirely thomas' and my problem. i flipped out because the lease runs until the end of july, and the backrent by then would be about $5000.

we've had a guy come and visit the room we're selling. he seemed initially really receptive and said he could move in immediately (which would save us $3000 bucks). we give him a friendly rate for the room. but then he hardballs us really hard and lowers his asking price $50 or about 15%. thomas and i are really upset because that would mean our rents would be higher (i would be paying $100 more to live in a comparably sized room in the same apartment).

the last few days have trying to figure out what the hell we're supposed to do. thomas' mom is trying to get a case against nathan so we don't have to pay for the money but his family hates us know because, i think, nathan is blaming us for his manic depression, which made his family hate thomas and i. so getting the money out of them can only happen through court.

however, if our landlord DID say that nathan didn't have to pay for his rent our case becomes pretty weak, and would require us to, essentially, void the lease. thomas and i read over the lease and realized that any half decent lawyer could tear the lease to shreds (it's horribly written). so here's our trilemma:

1. sue nathan's family for the money (unlikely to work)
2. sue our landlord (no housing for next year)
3. bite the bullet and split the backrent.

we went back to the guy who was mulling offer and give him everything he wants. i get an email back yesterday that he's not accepting his own effing offer.

so thomas and i are stuck.
lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym

But on a more serious note, that sucks dude. Hope it works out okay.
Seek some legal advice.
Oh wow madviking, that sounds awful. I have no idea what I would do in a situation like that, legal advice may be the way to go.
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