Random Raves 40: Happy new year

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The red hat of your avatar makes it look like your online indicator (when offline) is red instead of green. It pleases me to imagine that CFC gave Lohr a special online indicator.
Warned for PDMA.
It's called the Pinse.
Moderator Action: Please provide an English translation for all foreign text. - Vincour
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
blatant hypocrisy

Moderator Action: You've been infracted for PDMA several times recently. Please stop doing that. Report posts if you feel something was missed. Three point infraction. - Vincour
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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And that is how he earns his special online indicator..

Rave: Now fishing rod purchased, summer temperatures finally coming around the corner, freezer inventory getting low. I am ready! :fish smiley: (why don't we have a fish smiley!?)

Unfortunately my adventures in deplorable land aren't really linkable...or at least I don't know how. I get notices of replies that give me a time stamp of my initial comment, and you could go to the article on Breitbart and scroll down through the comments, but that's about it. Maybe I'll post a screenshot or something when the swarm settles back into their happy stupor. :think:
I have enough stamina now to do a Level 13 bike ride at the gym for 20 minutes, on random, without stopping. That means nothing to anybody except me, but when I first started a couple weeks ago I would barely finish 15 mins of level 11 and couldn't get through 15 mins of level 12

Today my heartrate went up to 145-155 and stayed there for 10 minutes or so. That's crazy to me because a couple weeks ago I was getting up to 135 and on a lower level only staying there for 2 minutes and getting exhausted. now I'm at a higher level and pedalling along and having the juice to keep going at that rate. It feels amazing!

I am going to stick to level 13 this week and next week try level 14 and see how far I can get. The system goes up to level 25. My physio also wants me to upgrade to the elyptical, but I don't get a good enough rhythm on that thing yet. The bike also has other settings, but I like random, because it just throws random hills at me, and there's always high-intensity sections and high peeks, just in different places.
My stamina has been in free fall since ski season ended. But that's ok, it's summer so I've little use for stamina.
Well, if I did get it, I could put up the sign I have, that says "This house is protected by an Attack Penguin."
If you recalculate the prize to per dm^3 of penguin, it's less daunting. :)
It's even better if you do it by cm^3.
It's even better if you do it by cm^3.
If I only buy as much of it as I can afford, I wouldn't have much at all.

But if I ever could get it, it'd make one heckuva greeting for when I have people coming in here, especially if it was wearing the "Attack Penguin" sign.
I think that both Snerk and I meant that you could make the price seem smaller by thinking of buying it by unit of weight, instead of by unit of stuffed penguin.
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