Role Play Challenge, The Next generation: Yes we Can!

You can block them like this:
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It blocks the land before the first border pop.

OK, got it!

Seams the clams block is more important and should be first. The eastern one can always be put more north towards the horses and use the mountains for extra "natural blocks". Also both I prefer on tile south if possible so I can try and steal at least one dye.
I think 1S is better too. The only thing is that his city over there can be the holy city. If that's the case you're not the one who will be stealing tiles...
I put city #2 1S of the yellow dot to claim the dye, and city #1 2S of the red dot

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to claim gems. (I also luckily got the stone after the second border pop, even though he built a city right next to the stone.)
Not in fresh water lakes, but sometimes in a closed body of water (is that the way to call it?) it does. You can build a harbor, a lighthouse and stuff but you can't build ships. More than once it happened to me. But I hadn't seen it was B & S, I think it's more difficult to happen in this map script.

The best terminology I have found to distinguish these is:

Lake - Freshwater, not more than a half-dozen or so tiles
Inland Sea - Saltwater, but entirely enclosed by land, so no *direct* access to a larger ocean. Can be confused with the map type, but well that IS the defining feature of that map!

Even if Washington doesn't bridge the two, you can always make a fort canal provided there is a maximum of 2 tiles between the seas. A fort has to be touching salt water to allow naval movement. Not sure what happens in something like ocean-fort-city-fort-ocean, something to test in WB! Unfortunately gone are the days of Civ1's city canals through Asia!
I believe the rules are "A ship can move into a fort/city that is adjacent to water". So your ocean-fort-city-fort-ocean idea wouldn't work, as the city is not next to water, but if you had


where "O" is the ocean, "F" is a fort, and "L" is a 1-tile freshwater lake, then that would be a canal.
Yes We Can: Obama Magic!

You all may be wondering, but it just may be true! Barak Huessain Obama is not the messiah, but in fact the son of Jor-El. Nothing less can explain what has happened!

Intrigued, well let's see what is up!

I started by taking everyone's advice (including my own) and spawned a pair of settlers from Washington using our lone worker to help chop them out.

I also decided to take TMIT's advice on researching, going Mysticism first and then alphabet although I kept the slider at 100% until the treasury ran dry.

But the big event VERY soon into the RPC

A Vedic uprising! Yes, that is a stack of 4 archers heading towards our city of New York defended by a lone warrior!

I assumed the city was lost and that our next settler would be blocking Cathy again if we even survived. The 4 archers by-passed New York! I nearly had a heart-attack here as I thought for sure they were heading towards the capital Washington.

We did manage to get our first settler of the segment built and sent them SE to follow our original plan, sending the settler south WITHOUT an escourt as I fogbusted the area with our extra Washington Warrior.

Boston is founded, great advice there TMIT. OK maybe we can only lose one city to these Barbarian Vedics. Then then diverted towards Boston, great no way we hold that city with 2 warriors!

They then by-passed Boston and headed into Byzantine lands, never to be seen again


Obama smiled and said, "See, you just need to believe in change."

You know I am getting sold on this guy here!

Meanwhile we did just a tad more exploring around New York.

That's a Sweet spot for another coastal city there!

The real defining moment came right here as we settled Philadelphia

Adjusted civics to adopt Slavery and whip out some monuments

And finished

Great for many reasons, but bad in one. We can build wealth, steal some techs, access to currency, and trade for techs galore. The bad thing is RPC rules say I must accept all deals (note I stupidly forgot the rules for a bit a refused open border to DeGaulle, which I later accepted).

So what is the tech situation

WOW! A monopoly on writing! I am tempted to try and keep it but with the RPC rules I decided to

THAT certainly beat the hell out of researching hunting/archery at the start of the segment! The only tech request came for meditation.

We puched out one more settler, wanting to lock up at least the copper

5 very strong cities there! I saved here.

I then started with the BUG-mod dot feature which ran amock (please, how the hell do I delete one of these dots!). I reloaded the last autosave just to get the map cleaned before redoing the dot-map.

The west

I like that Blue Dot city alot but fear Cathy probably has beaten us there.

To the east

I think the horse city is most important as that is what Justinian will target if he can get a settler there.

So Obama has been incredibly efficient here! A list of things to do

1) Defense. We need some archers here.

2) Washington is set to spam out a few workers right now. Maybe 1 or 2 more settlers, then a library.

3) Techpath??? After Masonry where to? DO we make a run at Aesthetics for an early Great Library utilizing the marble? Currency??

4) City specilization? Looks like Washington is the production powerhouse, so I plan to cottage Boston and Atlanta for now. New York and Philadelphia were strategic cities, not real good production or cottage cities.

So how is Obama doing!
You got terribly unlucky, and lucky at the same time.

The barb uprising can spawn on one civ and attack another because they attack the barb's "target city". They make a straight beeline for that city and will only attack units directly in their way. They do not pillage.

But you got a vedic aryan uprising, and you didn't have archery. The uprisings are only supposed to occur if you can build the counter unit. In the case of archers, it's archery. So then, why, exactly, did you get this event?

If cathy didn't spawn that event, you have uncovered a bug and should report it.

Also in border cities, if you are not using multiple warriors to defend them, you should probably spawn bust out in FRONT of the cities too, since random barb archers are dangerous to warriors in cities (warriors are odds on due to fortify, city defense intrinsic to the unit, and city defense vs barbs, but you don't want a 30% chance of losing the city).
madscientist said:
I then started with the BUG-mod dot feature which ran amock (please, how the hell do I delete one of these dots!). I reloaded the last autosave just to get the map cleaned before redoing the dot-map.

Just press alt-x to open the interface and click to place a dot on the same location as an existing dot. It will toggle off.
NO, to remove an existing bug dot mapped city, right click on the Coloured circle, and it removes it, right click anywhere on the non mapped map, removes bug dot mapping.

I personally like to set out cities to settle in Colours, green for 1st wave, yellow, for 2nd, cyan for 3rd red is last or marginal cities, white is fillers, other colours are for marking. that's me..
^ Don't you need to right click on the center? Mad, I've seen lucky but that's ridiculous!

Luck, no it's OBAMA!

On a serious note based on what TMIT said I would guess the Barbs were spawned by Cathy and they targeted either Justinian or DeGaulle.

See, Obama is so beloved that even the Barbarians love him so much that they left him alone!
I personally like to set out cities to settle in Colours, green for 1st wave, yellow, for 2nd, cyan for 3rd red is last or marginal cities, white is fillers, other colours are for marking. that's me..

That dot-mapping tool is one of the best innovations ever, and everyone has their own way of using it. I colour-code my cities depending on their function - blue for cottage cities, red for production, white for GP farms, black for fishing villages/fillers, magenta for resource cities... you get the idea.

Great start Mad! BTW, I've sometimes had problems getting rid of the centre square of the dotmap - not the surrounding bit, but the circle in the centre. It doesn't always happen though, and I haven't figured out why just yet.
too bad Obama doesn't like wars, I'm a big fan of finishing what the horde started

I usualyl like to follow a forced-peaceful game with a nice war-monger's one, so unless Obama get's dragged into an unending slugfest look for a military based game. I have a few new eladers in mind for this!
BTW, I've sometimes had problems getting rid of the centre square of the dotmap - not the surrounding bit, but the circle in the centre. It doesn't always happen though, and I haven't figured out why just yet.

It took me a while to figure that out too. After you right click on the dot, the BFC will go away but the dot remains until you leave the dotmapping tool. I've gotten into the habit of rapidly hitting alt+x twice just to clean up the map.
That dot-mapping tool is one of the best innovations ever, and everyone has their own way of using it. I colour-code my cities depending on their function - blue for cottage cities, red for production, white for GP farms, black for fishing villages/fillers, magenta for resource cities... you get the idea.
I just splash the map full of colors like a 2 year-old finger painting.
Get two or three more cities and you're pretty much set to head for Mass Media.

I personally would like to see how early you can get the UN built.
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