
It's an invalid link for "updated biq" download.

Game crashed when I started a game as Macedonia. It said missing file macedonianpeltast/fort.flc. Is the For.flc in the unit folder supposed to be Fort.flc? I added a t to mine and it works now but don't know if that's right
It's an invalid link for "updated biq" download.

Game crashed when I started a game as Macedonia. It said missing file macedonianpeltast/fort.flc. Is the For.flc in the unit folder supposed to be Fort.flc? I added a t to mine and it works now but don't know if that's right

Updated BIQ link is now working.
It should read For.flc in the ini file. The error is the name on the Flc file which reads Fort.flc. So you can change INI file to match the FLC file or vica versa. Either way will work.;) In the final version, the INI will be correct.
'Sono pazzi, questi romani', according to Asterix.
The New Unit.rar have 1 strange unit.
Macedonian Peltast
The old (first) versions looks very much like such a peltast, with a throwing spear motion.
However the new Peltast doesn´t have any spearthrowing and surely looks more like any kind of regular spearman with a swordslashing to boot.

A mistake in copying or by me.
Please enlight before the old Peltast is replaced.
Spartan archer (only to city states in pedia) is available to Macedonia
missing entry pediaicons: animname_ptro_illyrian swordsman
Syracuse has something like 4 different units that are all weaker, more expensive, and require more technology than the siracuse hoplite
Yes, and I have a problem :


Missing entry in "text\PeiaIcons.txt" ICON_BLDG_Bathouse

The game will now exist

1) backup & open a \Text\PediaIcons.txt file with the Notepad (or Organizer on Mac);
2) find a string ICON_BLDG_Bathouse;
3) change Bathouse to the Bathhouse;
4) save (& close) a file;
5) load your latest save and try to build Bath House building again.
But I have this problem when I want to turn the game. Previously, a badly written, it should be


Missing entry in "text \ PeiaIcons.txt" ICON_BLDG_Bathouse

The game will now exist

I checked and the pediaicons is ok,( is bathhouse )

The problem must be somewhere else.
But I have this problem when I want to turn the game. Previously, a badly written, it should be


Missing entry in "text \ PeiaIcons.txt" ICON_BLDG_Bathouse

The game will now exist

I checked and the pediaicons is ok,( is bathhouse )

The problem must be somewhere else.

I can find no error. Try redownloading the files.
I do not understand
I do it like this:
First The download file directory SPQR 101.rar Conquest / Conquest
Second Extracting the folder SPQR101
3rd I pull the file to a folder Conquest BIQ


The first version worked, but now want to let run this scenario, a message


Missing entry in "text \ PediaIcons.txt" ICON_BLDG_Bathhouse

The game will now exist

I'm doing something wrong?
Etruscan settler doesn't have a move button either. The Mesopatamian bowman seems to have a mixed up upgrade path it goes from all defensive unit to all offensive unit half way through. Quinquereme and Romanquinquereme have the same stats.

How many things were changed in the 1.01 update? I'm not sure if stuff was missed or supposed to be that way. Like the golden fleece for Macedonia and barbarian stuff for Egypt
Etruscan settler doesn't have a move button either. The Mesopatamian bowman seems to have a mixed up upgrade path it goes from all defensive unit to all offensive unit half way through. Quinquereme and Romanquinquereme have the same stats.
How many things were changed in the 1.01 update? I'm not sure if stuff was missed or supposed to be that way. Like the golden fleece for Macedonia and barbarian stuff for Egypt

The Romans are the only ones the Quinquererme is available to. The current unit is a replacement for the original unit. The fix is to make the original unit not available to any civ. WARNING!!!! DO NOT DELETE the original unit. That will totally mess up the auto production listed units.
These items have been fixed but were not included in the update.
It takes between 10 and 12 hours to upload the files. Some of the fixes were completed after the upload began. They will be included in the next update. Remember this is a Beta version. BTW - the problem with the settlers has nothing to do with the "move button". The problem was in the starting unit selection box.
Oh ok thanks. I look forward to playing a more-refined spqr scenario
Oh ok thanks. I look forward to playing a more-refined spqr scenario

The best way to do that, is to continue to provide your experiences, observations, and suggestions. Your help and comments will make that happen that much quicker.
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