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The Silmarillion: Dagor Bragollach


Oct 22, 2008
The Silmarillion: Dagor Bragollach

This is essentially an embellished, fan-created port of the old Dagor Bragollach scenario for Civ II to Civ IV.

So here it is, the Battle of Sudden Flames (now with flames!).
Special thanks to Walkter Hawkwood and Dancing Hoskuld for that.

UPDATE: Version 0.12 has now been released as of February 4th 2015

A few things to mention:
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The current version is basically an alpha. I'll be grateful for any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports.

A month ago I knew very little about modding Civ4, so the present intent is to max out the game's xml capacity, and then continue on to more in-depth changes as I learn.

The scenario is not by any means balanced, nor was the mythical Dagor Bragollach. So if you find the odds aren't stacked against you (unless playing as Morgoth), then I haven't done my job.

You will notice many peculiarities (such as two easterling civs over the ered luin that can't do much) in this release, typically that's because I eventually have something else in mind as my modding capabilities expand.

Parts of the map, unfortunately, are not to scale.

The tech tree is virtually non-existent, and the civics are still bare-bones. For now, (unless Morgoth), don't use science. At present, you shouldn't be able to afford dedicating any less than 100% of your economy to survival anyways.

If you have your own copy of Lothlorien and Amon Hen from the Fellowship of the Rings soundtrack, recommended to add those into the Silmarillion/Assets/Sounds/Soundtrack folder and then play the whole folder via the in-game sound options.

Especially if you have some capacity at digital art, 3d modelling, python, or sdk. I do not.
A lot of civilopedia writing needs to be done also. I'd like to do it myself, but alas... time I'd rather spend modding.
The salary for the above positions, unfortunately, is zero. Your own enjoyment and zero. If it makes you feel better, that's all I get paid.

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Changelog from 0.11 to 0.12

-Dwarf "Elf Archer" unit in ossiriand has been removed
-Forests on mountains near gundabad have been removed
-Mountain Pass added West of Angband on north side of iron mountains
-More buildings added in aman
-Changed the size of the animals
-reduced size of armoured berserkers
-palace given 10% defence
-breeding pit given iAIWeight 50
-eagles can enter rival territory (but since they act as animals, they won't unless controlled by the human player)
-Atani classes can now build mines, farms (except orcs), and roads, but take four times as long as specialists to do so.
-Atani classes now have iAIWeight -10
-higher value units now give more experience points when killed
-changed the ai trade modifier for most bonuses so that prices in negotiations wouldn't be so exorbitant.
-changed flame idisappearance from 4500 to 5000, and igrowth from 2000 to 1800. Aiming to have them spread a bit but burn out in 6-10 turns.
-removed the heal rate penalty for promotion_dark. Should give morgoth more staying power.
-promotion combat6 available to more units and doesn't require leader
-promotion tactics and morale available to more units (with leader) and heroes (without leader)
-Gave Trait Nandor Promotion_Sindar instead of Promotion_Dwarven
-Removed capacity of Dwarves of Khazad Dum to build some buildings

Changelog from 0.1 to 0.11

-Gave Luthien <bIgnoreTerrainCost>1 instead of 0
-Changed relevent heroes to <bFlatMovementCost>0 instead of 1
-Changed some of the front-line elven heroes to UNITAI_CITY_DEFENSE
-Changed <iDisappearance>5000 and <iGrowth>3000 to 4500 and 2000 respectively for flames feature.
-Edain civ had accidentally been given some elven mailed archers. Corrected this.
-Rivil's well now connected to rivil's creek.
-Arossiach tag placed
-The mountain chain just north of Cirith Ninniach is now unbroken
-A forest was placed on the mine in brethil
-Fortified entrances to Utumno
-Fixed the west entrance to Angband
-Added Aeluin
-Many orc defensive units added to Angband and Thangorodrim
-renamed TXT_KEY_CIV_FORCES_OF_DARKNESS_ADJECTIVE from dark to Forces of Darkness.
-Changed build times for most improvements.
-changed settlers iaiweight to -999 so ai shouldnt build them.
-all rangers now still ignore terrain but don't have flat movement cost, e.g. they can benefit from roads.
-Added more hints
-No non-state religion spread, for now.
-removed mithril armour for light troops
-quadrupled the BASE_CITY_GROWTH_THRESHOLD from 50 to 200. May be a little excessive.
-Farms can't be built outside cultural boundaries, again (since they serve no purpose and won't carry irrigation outside boundaries)
-Changed iExtraYieldThreshold for food to 1 for edain and easterling, to represent the fact that their populations grow faster than that of the elves and naugrim.
-farms give +1 food without irrigation and +2 food with irrigation, (achieved because tech_good now gives +1)
-Forge now needs Copper, Iron, or Mithril to build
-Spawn of Ungoliant now have black vapours as native features.
-created promotion hero and dark lord that doubles xp
-added text entry for TXT_KEY_INVISIBLE_RANGERS
-Changed iasset and ipower of unit morgoth and building will of morgoth to 400.
-Added wonder gates of thangorodrim
-made barbarians half and half orcs and easterlings

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Civ selection screen

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Sudden Flame

With a little humour:

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The REAL map of Beleriand:

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And, well... sometimes...

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Good work! :goodjob:

Screenshot tip: Try using the ["IMG"]["/IMG"] tags, without quotes, and paste the direct link inside.

Example: ["IMG"]http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/7e3a/66pam6ml8925oiizg.jpg["/IMG"]
Spoiler :
You read my mind. Not ten seconds before I saw your post I thought "I should ask topsecret how to do that.

I'll give her a go. My last attempt I wound up with a bunch of x's.

Yeah, I see now. It wasn't the tags that were the issue, it was the link. Had I not spotted convkey on what you posted, I wouldn't have figured it out. Thanks!
hi euskingc!!
i downloaded the scenario yesterday, and playtested for about 10 turns as the Noldor.
overall, i think this is awesome. i really love the map, the placement of cities and units in general.
my only concern is the following... after retreating to some strongholds (forts built in hills/forests, and cities like barad eithel), it was relatively easy to stand my ground.
and i was thinking... isnt that too much? i mean, in the book morgoth´s forces kicked butts, so i felt that the defense modifiers that you applied to "ancient forest, hills, forests and forts" turned the balance (too much) in favour of the defensive forces.
i feel that tweaking that a little bit, will make the battle results more "realistic", in comparison to the book (instead of addying more dark forces units)

as you pointed out in your first post:
The scenario is not by any means balanced, nor was the mythical Dagor Bragollach. So if you find the odds aren't stacked against you (unless playing as Morgoth), then I haven't done my job.
yep... i think the odds arent THAT stacked against me.
After having play-tested it several times, I think I have to agree.

The first version I had made, Barad Eithel and Himring didn't have 'wonder' fortress, and the ai would lose them every time. I tried to give them enough of a bonus that the ai noldor and sons of feanor would only lose them about half the time... this seems to have been achieved, but the problem is a human player can be much more competent at fighting a defensive war, and as the noldor it's possible to lose only (at most) dorthonion, and not even necessarily, and about the only city that isn't human-player tenable for the sons of feanor is the gap of maglor. Not sure what the remedy is for this, other than a challenging and time consuming AI-overhaul.

Also noticed that if ai-Morgoth is doing well in one sector but poorly in another, he will continue to redistribute his forces from where he's doing well to send them to be slaughtered where he isn't, though never in sufficient strength to dislodge a well-prepared defence, and thus lose all momentum altogether.

My first version Morgoth had somewhere in the range of 2500 units, and at that time he mopped the floor with me almost every time (though barad eithel and himring had no wonder forts then either). I since reduced it to about 1500, and I think it's not enough. I find it's also too easy in this latest version to counterattack and simply walk into Angband (that joke never gets old for me, sorry). I hear what you're saying about the defensive bonuses too. It's all going to take some serious tweaking. I think less ancient forests in Dorthonion might also be in order. As the Edain I found I was easily able to break Morgoth's strength in the highlands using guerilla warfare. It took a little longer than the Noldor's upfront dig in and be valiant approach, but to the same end.

Have you tried it on Deity? I've only playtested it on Prince.

I've noticed also that after the initial assault, Morgoth run's out of steam and it's easy to reconquer what was lost, before preparing for the big push into Angband. This isn't at odds with what happened in the time between the Battle of Sudden Flame and the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, as it is told that the Eldar had even reconquered most of Dorthonion before the battle took place. But it's just... too easy.

You may notice that late game the civ4 engine does it's thing (and I'd like to tweak this significantly once I figure out how) and barbarians start taking over where morgoth left off and putting constant heavy pressure on the player, but it's more a severe nuisance than real threat.

What I'd really like to do to give Morgoth (and the Barbs) some more teeth though, is create an "orc pit" terrain improvement I can sprinkle around Angband that regularly pumps out the baddies, and maybe a troll pit and dragon layer type improvement as well. Something to keep the stream of forces out of Angband a little more constant... not to mention make it more challenging to assault. That coupled with some needed defence bonus tweaking, as you say, ought to give it the level of challenge we're looking for. But XML alone doesn't cut it for that update though, so it's going to take me some more time.

And thanks for posting!
Also noticed that if ai-Morgoth is doing well in one sector but poorly in another, he will continue to redistribute his forces from where he's doing well to send them to be slaughtered where he isn't, though never in sufficient strength to dislodge a well-prepared defence, and thus lose all momentum altogether.
you are correct. i noticed that too.

My first version Morgoth had somewhere in the range of 2500 units, and at that time he mopped the floor with me almost every time (though barad eithel and himring had no wonder forts then either). I since reduced it to about 1500, and I think it's not enough
mmm... that´s interesting. you feel that it´s a matter of sheer numbers then?

Have you tried it on Deity? I've only playtested it on Prince.
i was playing it in inmortal, therefore my worries...
What I'd really like to do to give Morgoth (and the Barbs) some more teeth though, is create an "orc pit" terrain improvement I can sprinkle around Angband that regularly pumps out the baddies, and maybe a troll pit and dragon layer type improvement as well. Something to keep the stream of forces out of Angband a little more constant... not to mention make it more challenging to assault. That coupled with some needed defence bonus tweaking, as you say, ought to give it the level of challenge we're looking for. But XML alone doesn't cut it for that update though, so it's going to take me some more time.
well, i actually used to play the original civ2 version, and it had that trick.
dont know if it´s doable in civ4.

anyway, i have some rudimentary civ4 edit skills, so i´ll play a bit with the defensive bonuses, and will give you my comments

i´m a big silmarillion fan, so i really appreciate what you did here :goodjob:
you are correct. i noticed that too.

I'm not certain how much xml tweaking I can do to help remedy this. But some seems to be possible with the leaderhead file (if I remember correctly). The issue might go deeper, and if that's the case, it'll take alot more time. There's a very long list of features I'm wanting to get at before then, even if this aspect really sucks in the meantime.

How did you feel about the finances of the factions you've played? They may be a little overdone... I find by late game it's often possible to be raking in 500-1000$ a turn... though you have to really work for it.

i was playing it in inmortal, therefore my worries...
Now that I think of it I think the standard setting was at Noble, not Prince. Whatever the standard is is what it was tested on. But if you're not on the verge of desperation on immortal there's a serious problem.

well, i actually used to play the original civ2 version, and it had that trick.
dont know if it´s doable in civ4.

I'm planning several sdk/python changes... and if you check out fall from heaven they have been able to implement improvements that spawn units. It doesn't appear so difficult, but my off-season is generally from november-early january, so unfortunately it may have to wait if I'm going to do it myself. I've thought about hiring help (and actually paying them) for the project, to be honest... someone who has a solid understanding of SDK and python and can do it quickly and well. That could speed things up considerably. This is an interesting scenario right now... but it could be spectacular.

I've actually wanted to do this scenario for years.

mmm... that´s interesting. you feel that it´s a matter of sheer numbers then?
No doubt there is a certain level of critical mass at which Morgoth's forces can begin posing a serious threat to the free peoples on the opening turns. Of course that variable also interplays with other variables, such as the defensive bonuses, and the raw strength of the units involved. The Balrogs may be slightly underpowered too. I am wanting to do more than simply make Morgoth more dangerous in the opening turns though. He needs a better industrial base ... and alot more cunning.

You might notice too that the free peoples have more starting strength than in the original civ2 version. If we cut them back, say 15-30% or so, it may not be necessary to give Morgoth many more units. I'd like things to be epic, hopelessly outnumbered, but at the same time if the first turn takes 2 hours... it might limit the games replayability.

Also, the heal penalty given to Morgoth may have to be scrapped, or the AI will need to be taught to retreat with his units to heal them somewhere more appropriate. That should give him at least a little more staying power.

I'm thinking of some features that might reflect some of Morgoth's cunning use of less direct, more deceptive approaches. Plague, fear, dissension, treachery... and the power of the Oath. Between the two great battles, Ulfang will play his part. As well as the silmarils. All these planned changes turn this into a major project though. Phase one was to get it out and balanced maximizing the game's xml capacity before moving on to other changes. As you've noted, there's still a bit of work to do in this respect... and if you're willing to provide any data... that will actually be a very huge help. If you have any questions about what xml files certain variables can be found in, don't be shy to ask!

Have you been able to take Angband?
Great Scenario. Many thanks that you made it possible. I loved the old scenario for civ2 and yours is already is already very good (absolutly playable), but still with room for improvement.

My impressions:

I played highest difficulty (deity?!). Usually I play civ4 and other mods at king-difficulty to have a challenge.

Reason for possible higher difficulty in your scenario could be the missing of any techs. So no theat to loose the tech-race.

As you already said, Noldor and Sons of Feanor is very easy. You can hold almost all cities in the first attack of Morgoth. After this first attack, Morgoth is no threat at all.

I find Doriath difficult, because you only have few troops and AI Sons of Feanor has no chance against Morgoth attack. This means a lot of troops will attack you in the first turns (10-15 turns) from the east and is was impossible for me to hold them off.

Some general impressions:

Economy is struggling the first turns. Even at 0% tech rate, you have a big deficit at the beginning. But with the merchants it is manageable. After you build most of the economy buildings, you will have a big surplus.
-> maybe you should remove some of the economy-buildings (Banks for example). Or you could change the cost per turn of some units. You can build 4 different spear warriors. You could give the 2nd best +1gold/turn and the best +2gold/turn.

Barbarians are really annoying for the player. After some time a lot of them appear (maybe because of big emptiness on map). For the AI they are a real theat. The "good" AI players loose many cities to them or even get extinct because of them.
And it seems that even Morgoths is attacked from barbarians, which hinders his effort to attack the "good" guys.
-> you should make Morgoth always peaceful to barbarians (like clan of embers in FFH). I mean, the barbarians are orcs, too. Why should they attack their big boss? :)
And maybe lower the total amount of barbarians. It is ok for the player, but a too big problem for the AI.
Hi Siegbert =)

Did you notice the difference between the 'girdle of melian' and the ancient forest feature? I'm intending to make the difference more visually apparent (right now they use the identical art); digital art isn't my thing, but nevertheless it's on the to-do list.
The girdle of melian is basically the 3 outermost tiles of Doriath. If you meet morgoth there, particularly with your rangers, and particularly if you keep giving his toughest units a volley, you should be able to break his forces.

I may have added in a few more troops for Doriath since the release posted. I'm working on an update at the moment. I'll have to check the changelog to see if that was before or after the version you're running.

As well as considering your recommendations for economic tweaking, I might adjust the bonuses given by economy buildings also. You're right that without the techs, it makes it easy to sit back and reap the fruits of a 100% tax rate safely.

As for your recommendation about morgoth being at peace with the barbarians, you've read my mind, that is exactly one of the items on the to-do list =)
Ideally I'd like to go even further and maintain some level of some minor squabbles amongst the orc tribes... but nothing too serious... just enough to be representative of their unruly, violent nature (think two towers film, "Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!").
Unfortunately, it isn't a simple xml change, so it's going to take more time than other fixes and features...

I tested the barbarian levels on Noble, but I imagine on Deity they'd probably swamp the ai. I think I remember seeing in an xml file somewhere a way to tweak the amount of barbs that appear at each difficulty level. The other thing you could try is opening the worldbuilder file with notepad and changing the barbarian level so that it's not set to raging. It's been weeks since I looked at it but it might work if you just remove that line altogether.
If you've never done this before, back up the file first in case it doesn't work.
Always back up.

And thank you for your feedback!
Oh my god! I remember the original mod for Civ 2 with great fondness. I hope you keep at this great project.
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