The Splintered Court feedback

I played with Arendel. I found the scenario to be a tad disappointing, probably because the others have been so outstanding. Maybe I'll try it again, but the biggest issue was that I found it to be too easy.


Playing on my normal level (emperor) I found that I got the lead in score pretty quickly. Of course I got Guardian of Nature and I build Gilden on the first turn. I took a few turns to build Gilden which would help me defend while I was expanding.

I think I got the lead because the AI doesn't build enough workers. With Guardian of Nature and the FoL religion, the cities grow to very large size, and therefore a lot of tiles are worked. Add this to the fact that you start with 3 cities and that your workers are slow, you have to build a LOT of workers. I was using about 3 per city.

While I was building up, the good news was that Thessa became a powerhouse. She was expanding fast and took a few enemy cities. Later she defeated one of the enemy Svartalfar by herself.

I wasn't suere here if I was lucky that Thessa was so powerful, or if she became so strong because I took the burden on research and money production. In the meantime, I was getting priests in my capital. This gave me a bunch of great priests that I used to build the altar up, I got to level 5 by the end of the game. My production city (workshops all over the place) was churning out longbowmen and later champions, I could build about 2 every 3 turns. The capital was churning out priests of leaves, which were able to start with about 15 XP's by the end of the game. My third city churned out adepts.

I like to get adepts early so that they can become mages by the time of the 'big push'. I had about 15 mages or adepts by about turn 200. My first node was a body node and then I went for air to get Maelstorm.

I got about 3 cities from the settler event -- obviously, always leave money to be able to buy a settler. I took about 4 barbarian cities and had a nice 10 city empire. Thessa was holding if not winning, and I built up my SoD. I had a nice lead in gold and production.

After getting the other cities, I got a water node; I didn't use it but I always try to get water with the Ljosalfar, their kryptonite of course is having their forest burn so it is good to be prepared. I then got a shadow node, fire node and an enchantment node.

My SoD had about 15 level 4 through 7 Priest of leaves, about 10 mages, and about 15 longbowmen and champions with a few recon units on about turn 200 or so. I cast haste, shadowalk, Maelstorm, a few fireballs to take down the defense, enchanted blade and arrows, and regenerate as my main support spells. I then sent in the 15 tigers and overpowered the defenders. I took down Rivanna's main army. I lost some longbowmen and champions, replaced them, and took her down. I rested about 5 -10 turns to get reinforcements and then stormed through Faeryl for a fairly easy win.

I suspect I won the game early -- by building up for later with lots of workers and getting a huge base, I'm sure I was vulnerable to an early attack, but they didn't take me or my allies down. So I built a classic SoD and overpowered them.

Minor bugs

I reported this on the main bug list, but I also got Yggdrasil on a resource (corn) and couldn’t use either.

I founded Empyrean and Kilmorph from disciples in dungeons.

Neat idea

I really liked the idea of the time of the day affecting the units for the werewolves and the vampires; unfortunately, it wasn’t used in my game. I didn’t see any reason to attack them they would have been a distraction.

Spoiler :
I could have turned over the Svartalfar leaders to them, but there wasn’t much of a game reason. I can see bringing in a powerful ally cam help, however, the trigger is that the enemy id defeated. I think the nature of FfH or even Civ IV is that victory ‘snowballs’. That is, once I defeated one of the Svartalfar leaders I had a big lead and I didn’t particularly need the help. I think we all know that in the FfH world, offers of help usually come with strings attached…..


Spoiler :
When I first got the ending, I was upset. The next day I thought about it and I liked it a lot better, but I may have a suggestion. I guess I’m not too upset with what happened to Arendel but I don’t think that Faeryl should ‘win’ either, I’m thinking more of a Shakespearean or Greek Tragedy.

I do think after the civil war that ‘the elves live happily ever after’ is not really a great FfH ending, so I do like the effect of the ending. That is, a unified elven nation with a powerful leader attached to her people would almost certainly make them a powerhouse. Instead, we now have a powerful leader, but at odds with the people, and almost inevitably something will go wrong. Either Faeryl will betray her people or she will be discovered almost certainly but either way the elves will not have peace. The ability for Arendel to return is intriguing.

But I am disappointed in the suddenness and that the result seems to come out of left field (or as was said above, kind of a deus ex machina).

My suggestion is that the leader(s) (especially Arendel) have a choice. Somehow, they get a choice from a god or elder spirit that she can choose between success for herself or for her people. (Of course, these are both bad…) This choice theme has a lot of analogies in fantasy, for instance Achilles’ choice or Hile Troy’s in The Power That Preserves.

If Arendel is a good goody (as I suspect most people playing Arendel will role play to do) you also see a cut scene where Faeryl gets the same choice and takes personal victory. At the end of the game we get the current result. If she takes the personal victory, then after a win Faeryl is imprisoned, but that something bad happens to the realm. As an example, the elves realize that hell terrain is spreading to their ancient forest and they can’t stop it. It is destroying the forest and with it heir power and they are starving. A similar ending can be made if the player plays Faeryl.

Best wishes,

I beat this a while ago as Arendel, and really wanted to post my reaction to the ending. But I was really upset, so I decided to wait until I had a clear head. But when the shock died down, I was replaced with disappointment, and didn't feel like posting.

Spoiler :
The shock/anger was brought about because one of my favorite leaders is now dead. That coupled with the fact that I effectively lost when I won. The disappointment came when it sank in that this is now cannon. :mad:

I agree with Bruenor's assessment.

Actually, when I first beat it, I read the ending text and (before I got to the screaming part) I thought that Arendel and Faeryl were the same person and had been for a very long time, perhaps even before the Age of Winter. You know, a bit of split personality thrown into the works. That was actually a more appealing outcome, because then the ending is no longer "Haha, you died" but "You succeeded, just not in the way that you thought." It provides a unified Elven kingdom with either an insane or corrupt ruler.

It may be too late, but I would really like to see this scenario ending changed to something else.
Finished it... played as the Svartalfar, and easily won!

Spoiler :
Volanna prooved to be quickly powerful enough for disrupting activities around my closest neighbor's cities, giving me tiem for growing.
When Gilderic, weaken by some attacks from Barabarian came too close from Volanna, my hero added a prestigious head to his already large trophy room...
When Alazkahn the Assasin arrived, there is no match for his double strike, especially once he learns blitz...

I have only 1 request. Only 1.


It is the 1st time I see a new interrest in the Elfes fight, with a balance between the 3 Ljosalfar and what is currently only 1 Svartalfar.
I do believe we need to be able to play, in custom mode, with the 2 blocks, Neutral/Good and evil elves...
It is too good !!!...
Going to finally comment on some more of these. Don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way...I enjoyed the scenario. But...this one I don't think lived up to its potential.

The Splintered Court is a good example of one of the things I've grown to dislike about a few of the FFH scenarios...the special rules of the scenario end up conflicting with either other special rules or the goal of the scenario. This one is an example of the latter, while The Black Tower is an example of the former (I'll comment on that one in its own thread later.)

The "time of day" mechanic was, in my play through this scenario, almost utterly worthless. It might as well have not even been there.

Spoiler :
Even assuming that either the Baron or Alexis DoW one of the courts, which doesn't seem to happen often from my experience, the likelihood that it's against you and that they're close enough to you to matter (and not just pestering one of your allies) is very very small. On top of this, it's very easy (especially as Svartalfar) to spread your religion to them and win them as friends for the rest of the game.

On top of this, assuming that you end up giving up the rival leaders to the Baron and Alexis, they don't even maintain war for very long, and try to get out of it as soon as possible. The options to give the leaders over to them is just not worthwhile, especially if you consider the punishment for it later in the case of giving one to the Baron. If this is intended to be a "stupid choice" then it works, but if it's meant to provide any actual advantage it fails to do so.

In a scenario where the actual goal is to play as or against the vampires/werewolves, this would have been a fun mechanic to play with, but it doesn't really do anything here, so it's a missed opportunity. Significantly strengthening the Baron and Alexis, and making them auto DoW both courts until the sacrifice is given (at which point they peace the one that helped them) would change all this, but I'm not sure that's the direction best for the scenario in order to maintain its focus.

Also, I'm going to agree with whoever mentioned making one of the Svartalfar leaders male and one neutral. Just for visual balance if nothing else.

As for the endings, I liked them. :p
What is the punishment for trading away an evil leader to Duin? And reversed with Calabim?
Seemed extraordinarily easy, got Silveric and wiped the northern Svarts, then turned south and alternated between two remaining ones. gibbon kept on stealing archers so it was difficult to conquer last city...
Okay, I have a couple of issues so far that are irking me. I'm playing the good elf lady.

1) I can see just about all of the map and there is not a single deer on it. Kinda blows that I can't build one of my unique units. Is this normal?

2) I researched Commune with Nature fairly quickly to get Yvaine and Druids. I built Yvaine after jacking around with turns and research to avoid my team building him first. However, I appear to have no access to Druids at all. I can't upgrade a PofL that I'm fairly certain is at the level nor can I build one. There's not even a grayed out option when you check the queue inside the city. Are Druids available in this scenario? bug? please help...I need these magic treehuggers badly
What alignment were you?
I'm playing the one good elf Ljosalfar
Only neutral players can build druids. Good players get paladins instead and Evil get Eidolons.
I thanks. Any ideas on how to get Yddrassil to work. it has cotton on it
It doesn't have the fruit with it? That's just incredibly bad luck... If you go to WB then you could place the fruit there.
Ha...I'd never used WB before, but I think I actually fixed it. It took me a little bit to figure it out but the tool is actually pretty intuitive. Y's a nice little plot to have.

What is the punishment for trading away an evil leader to Duin? And reversed with Calabim?
Seemed extraordinarily easy, got Silveric and wiped the northern Svarts, then turned south and alternated between two remaining ones. gibbon kept on stealing archers so it was difficult to conquer last city...

To Duin, the leader appears as a Doviello civ in Mulcarn Reborn.

I don't think anything (yet) happens if you give a leader to the Calabim.

I found it was far easier playing as the Svartalfar then as the Ljosalfar because as the Svartalfar (Volanna) I started with a hero unit that I promptly went on a rampage with.

Whereas none of the Ljosalfar civs start with such a unit, but they do get Gilden Silveric- but they have to build him first.
so is kael ever gonna post the ending text for winning as the svarts? or is the ending with the ljos the only ending?
I am having massive problems with the latest version 0.41d crashing to desktop.

I can't load the Splintered court scenario. How can I report this bug properly?

I can't provide a saved file because I can't start the scenario?

Any suggestions?
Volanna still refuses to recognize the power of the Winter Court, rather than Summer Court, when captured by the Ljosalfar. This seems a bit odd, but could be interesting if it was implied elsewhere that she had been planning to overthrow Faeryl, and that Faeryl liked using troops dressed as Ljosalfar to take down those dark elves that betrayed her. (For a moment I thought that was what was happening, but then I remembered that it was Rivanna that the Svartalfar victory screen said was considering overthrowing Viconia. There is not reason they couldn't both be disloyal though.)

Also, I still really think that Thessa and Rivanna need to come back as Calabim leaders in some later scenario if given to Alexis, just like Volanna and Amelanchier return as Doviello if given to Duin. Maybe there should be up to 3 Calabim civs in the Wages of Sin?
Greatly enjoyed this scenario. The two scripted events and the unique setup made this interesting. Really made you focus on your few cities, which is a good combo with the elves (well, at least the Ljos).

I'm new to FFH2, so this was my first time playing any elves. I figured since this is a civil war situation between two queens, I might as well play in-character and therefore I chose to play as Arendel the Summer Queen.

I soon discovered that this put me all the way out of the action, which was a little unfortunate. It took a while to reach the front line. Though it did allow me to build up in safety, and I was able to quickly expand without any trouble.

I built Gilden and researched all the elf-appropriate techs and built cottages everywhere (and wow, they're amazing with the Ljos!). Unlike others, I was not really impressed with Gilden... even though he eventually got up to 300xp and became quite good, being an Archer unit type really makes it hard to pimp him out as a city destroying monster. He's no doubt great on defense though.

I eventually got some Priests and Longbowmen, and moved east, since my ally was getting pressured by the Calabim. Went okay at first, but increasingly became harder. Totally forgot about the "day/night" cycles... wish I had remembered in hindsight.

Near the end of the campaign vs Calabim I was having a really hard time cracking cities. No catapults hurts, and I hadn't really been concentrating on adepts, much less mages (my leader was Spiritual, so I figured I'd play to her strengths and pump out priests and tech in that direction as well).

I read the FFH2 manual though, and got really excited about Yvain and druids, so I teched to that! I had 3 Nature mana, and was salivating at the +2 affinity for Yvain. Imagine my frustration when I saw that my ally was building Yvain as soon as I researched the tech (he had also "stolen" the mounted hero). I also didn't see any druids, and figured they must have been disabled for this scenario... I didn't realize it was because I was of good alignment, d'oh!

Eventually wiped out the Calabim, which helped my two allies. Then I moved down and took over Volanna. I decided to play in-character and not turn her over to the Baron, which in hindsight was probably good... I only encountered him at the very end, stuffed in a remote corner.

So I moved my attention to Faeyla (sp?), but pretty much had to wait till I teched to Sorcery and built up mages with Fireball (and later Maelstrom).

Alazhkam was a pain -- I can see him being lots of fun playing as the Svart! But once I took him out and Gilden got the Mirror, and eventually Blitz, he was finally a proper havoc-wreaking hero :)

Gibbon Giddeon (sp?) was on a hill staring into the sea, not sure what he was doing.

Once Faeyla was crushed, I got the event that she fled to the last remaining Svart encampment. Cool -- hadn't really thought about it, but I'm glad the scenario doesn't end there.

Eventually I took out the last Svart, and got the final ending text. Whoa! All I could keep thinking was "oh, wow". I did not see that coming... the text up to that point had been very typical of what I'd expect Arendel to do (except for allowing Esus worshipers).

The more I thought about it though, the more I started to think it didn't really make sense, and that it was more of a Deux Ex Machina. Why didn't Faeyla do so before? How could Faeyla expect to have a chance to do that vesus Arendel, with her spiritual protection? Heck, even Decius was able to see through the Sidhar's "shadow magic" (with some priestly help). Then I wondered why "fake-Arendel" gave away so much power to the other Ljo leaders.

Kael's reply does help to answer some of this. And I do realize that this was Faeyla's "backup" plan. I'm sure she would have preferred to "win" the civil war, but at least this way she gets to keep some power even though she lost the war.

I finally ended up feeling bad for Faeyla -- she has to act like Arendel for the rest of her life, pretending to be "good" (the opposite of how she'd want to naturally act). Ouch.

Anyhow, very interesting scenario! Would love to see a scenario where you get to rescue/uncover Arendel.

Suggestions to improve it:
  1. More scripted events! This one had at least three (the two Svart leaders, plus sending a messenger to get help), but it's the scripted events and the lore that really make these scenarios interesting.
  2. Have the day/night be more obvious, and/or have more of an effect.
  3. Move the Baron up... he did nothing the whole scenario (unlike the Calabim!), and I can see why with such a huge marsh between him and everyone else.
  4. Maybe move the Svarts and Ljos closer together -- the Svarts never really attacked me or my allies (except near the very end), due to the distance in-between.
  5. Prevent allies from building heroes -- I've seen this mentioned a couple of times in this thread.
  6. Add deer. I did eventually realize that none existed, though it didn't impact me personally -- I was trying to play IC as much as possible so mostly stuck to archers and magic wielders.
I finally ended up feeling bad for Faeyla -- she has to act like Arendel for the rest of her life, pretending to be "good" (the opposite of how she'd want to naturally act). Ouch.

Well, she is naturally deceptive, and I do think that she derives pleasure from pretending to be someone else and deceiving people. And yeah, your reaction to it is certainly interesting - being sorry for Faeryl never crossed my mind.

Or maybe she'll excel at wearing the mask or Arendel so much, that her "true" personality will slowly change for at least a bit better. Yay for interesting redemption scenarios.
Well, she is naturally deceptive, and I do think that she derives pleasure from pretending to be someone else and deceiving people. And yeah, your reaction to it is certainly interesting - being sorry for Faeryl never crossed my mind.

Or maybe she'll excel at wearing the mask or Arendel so much, that her "true" personality will slowly change for at least a bit better. Yay for interesting redemption scenarios.

Always having to choose the "good" or "right" option, as opposed to the perhaps more gratifying or sadistic or immediate option, will no doubt be very frustrating at first for Faeryl. But you're right, in time it may come as second nature to Faeryl, since I believe she'll "play" Arendel's role without any problems.
I am having massive problems with the latest version 0.41d crashing to desktop.

I can't load the Splintered court scenario. How can I report this bug properly?

I can't provide a saved file because I can't start the scenario?

Any suggestions?

I found that if you go to single player->play now->select any options until your map is loaded up
You should be able to load the scenarios. I was having this problem too and tried my steps above which I saw as a solution for another thread. This also works to clear up any crashing issues for multiplayer.
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