The Villages


Jan 22, 2003
First, a huge thank you to JK Stockholme for assisting in playtesting and balance. Because of him you all aren't going to starve turn 3.

Onto the show: Welcome to The Villages!


Players control a village and its villagers on a small island shared with other competing villages. Players are free to set their own objectives and can grow their village through building, trade, soft-power influence, or conquest.

The game is meant to be light and at least at first, fast-paced. Actions are resolved with six-sided dice based on villager attributes.
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The Map, Movement, and Scouting

The Map:
empty terrain map

the map with grids:
Spoiler :

Turn Length

Each turn is one season long. There are four seasons per year; the island is a temperate zone.


Entering a hex you have not previously entered is a scout action. You cannot enter an unscouted hex without taking the scout action. Based on your sneak dice results you may find resources, items, or other goodies Failure to scout means the villager returns to the hex it started in and the targeted hex remains unscouted. A critical fail (all 1s on the scout roll) will result in an animal attack (resisted with the scouts brawl, and if applicable a friendly villager’s brawl if that villager is set to patrol).

The highest number of successes on a scouting roll will be tracked for each hex, that way a competing scout (or you if you repeat the scout attempt) can find more goodies if they roll a higher number of scout successes. To clarify further, a villager may scout a hex that has already been scouted by an enemy villager to gain access but must roll more successes than previously rolled to find new goodies.

Animal Attacks

When attacked by an animal, the defending villager (and if applicable, a friendly villager set to patrol) rolls brawl against difficulty 4 (usually) and the animal rolls their brawl (usually but not always 2 dice) against difficulty 4.

Resolution occurs in multiple rounds. Every round the villager rolls brawl and each success reduces the animal’s brawl by one. Every animal’s success reduces the villager’s brawl by one. If brawl is reduced to 0, the villager or animal with brawl of zero dies (there is no incapacitation with animals).

The second phase of the round is a morale check. The villager and animal both roll charm; they need successes equal to or more than the enemy’s brawl successes (damage done) or they rout.

If neither side routs, a second round of brawl rolls ensues.

Any damage to a villager’s brawl is temporary and the attribute returns to base if they survive.

If the scouting villager dies or is routed, the hex remains unscouted.

Multiple villagers scouting a target hex together, or a villager set to patrol and the scout, may use their combined brawl attribute. Any damage to the combined villagers is applied individually one point at a time to their brawl, applying damage randomly. Only living villagers contribute their charm to any morale roll.

Hex Resources:

The difficulty to gather raw resources from a hex is always a base of 4+ unless there are particular modifiers to the hex (indicated by a +-2, -1, +1, or +2). An example might be pearls which could reduce the difficulty to gather shiny to 3 or abundant hardwood which might reduce gather difficulty for lumber to 3. Negative modifiers may increase the difficulty to 5 or more.

Note that buildings can have a negative impact on a hex’s resources.

Location and Movement:

Villagers may move anywhere on the map that you have scouted as long as there is a scouted path between the hexes.

Moving into an unscouted hex requires a scout action.
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You village has many villagers but only a limited number of special named villagers. We will refer to our named villagers as villagers and the remainder as ‘unnamed villagers’.


Villagers all have 9 attributes. Attributes not listed for a villager have a value of 1. Attributes may increase through use (see actions) or through inspiration by working with a villager with trick.

The physical attributes are:

  • Brawl Brawl is strength and skill in arms. It is used in combat and to patrol against animal attacks. Be careful of villagers with shoot who counter brawl.
  • Shoot Shoot is skill in combat and in hunt. Be careful of villagers with sneak who counter shoot.
  • Sneak Sneak is skill in combat and in scout. Be careful of villagers with brawl who counter sneak.
The economic attributes are:
  • Gather Gather can be used to gather food, timber, ore, and bling resources.
  • Shape Shape can be used to shape raw resources into shaped resources and to build buildings.
  • Tinker Tinker can be used to tinker shaped resources into tools.
The social attributes are:
  • Charm Charm can be used to recruit villagers or to get unnamed villagers to support the efforts of other villagers. Charm is very critical for successful morale checks as part of combat. Charm can be used to influence enemy villagers. Charm is weak to trick.
  • Witch Witch can be used to bless an action. It can be used offensively to curse enemy villagers. Witch is weak to charm.
  • Trick Trick can be used to inspire villagers and improve their attributes or to invent new buildings or items. Trick can be used to subvert energy villagers. Trick is weak to witch.

All villagers consume one food per turn. Starving villagers die (randomly distributed unless you give orders to specifically manage the starvation of your village).


Action Mechanics:

Villagers can take one action, using a single attribute, per turn.

No more than a single action of a particular type may be taken within one hex per turn, though in most cases multiple villagers can contribute to an action. The exception is actions using buildings where only a single villager can contribute to the action.

Actions are resolved according to the results of a die roll, with one die per relevant attribute associated with the action. The difficulty of most actions is 4 (so 50/50 success failure) but this can be modified by multiple factors (like fertility of a hex for gather food or the results of a bless or curse action).

If action dice come up all sixes, the villager will increase their attribute. If the action dice come up all 1s, a critical failure has occurred and negative consequences will be incurred.

Action List:
  • Attack
    Uses brawl, shoot, and sneak to do damage to enemies (see combat).
  • Patrol
    Uses brawl to patrol against incoming attacks. A unit set to patrol will intercept enemy villager or animal attacks regardless of where they occur instead of only in the immediate vicinity.
  • Hunt
    Uses shoot to hunt game. Produces food. A critical fail will result in an animal attack (resisted with brawl and a friendly villager’s brawl if set to patrol).
  • Scout
    Entering a hex you have not previously entered is a scout action. You cannot enter an unscouted hex without taking the scout action. Based on your sneak attribute you may find resources or items. Failure to scout means the villager returns to the hex it started in and the targeted hex remains unscouted. A critical fail will result in an animal attack (resisted with brawl and a friendly villager’s brawl if set to patrol).
  • Gather
Gather can be used to gather food, timber, ore, and bling resources. Each gather success generates one raw resource. Gather in hexes with buildings do not require a dice roll and just generate one raw resource per rank of gather. A critical fail will result in an animal attack (resisted with brawl and a friendly villager’s brawl if set to patrol).​
  • Shape
    Shape can be used to shape raw resources into shaped resources. Each success will generate one shaped resource from a raw resource. A critical failure will consume raw resources without generating shaped resources.
  • Build
    Build uses shape to build new buildings from shaped resources. Build cannot be used to make a building the village has not yet invented. There is a maximum of 2 buildings per hex. Buildings will require 3 or more successes to build. Construction of a building is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. A critical failure will consume resources without generating the building.
  • Tinker
    Tinker can be used to tinker shaped resources into tools. Tinker cannot be used to make a tool the villager has not yet invented. Typically new tools require at least three successes to succeed. Successes can be added in subsequent turns. Construction of a tool is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. A critical failure will consume resources without generating the tool.
  • Recruit
    Recruit will promote an unnamed villager to a villager. It takes three charm successes to generate a new villager. The new villager will have attributes of one except for one attribute that will be ranked at 3 or two at 2 (player’s choice, selected when recruit is first attempted). Progress towards recruiting a villager is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. Only one recruit action can be taken per player per turn.
  • Support
    Convinces unnamed villagers to assist another villager’s action. Each charm success adds one dice to the action of your other villager(s) engaged in that action.
  • Influence
    Uses charm offensively to reduce the dice used by enemy villagers. Each success reduces one random action across the entire enemy villager population of a hex by one dice. Ignores distance. The enemy will be aware of who is responsible. Can only be performed if there is a scouted route to a building of an enemy village. Is resisted with the highest ranking enemy trick attribute in the targeted hex. A critical failure triggers an automatic influence attack by the enemy.
  • Bless
    Uses witch to bless a friendly villager’s actions. Every two successes reduces the dice difficulty by one (ie- if the difficulty of tinkering a tool is 4 and the bless action gets 2 witch successes, then the difficulty of the tinker action becomes 3. If the bless action gets 4 witch successes, than the tinker action only fails on a roll of 1). A bless action used on attack affects the morale role only, not the attack rolls themselves. A critical failure can release a curse upon friendly villagers.
  • Curse
    Uses witch to increase the difficulty of a specific action taken by enemy villagers in the targeted hex. Each success increases difficulty by one. Range is 4 hexes. Curse can be used to target defenders in combat and increase their chance of routing. It is resisted by the highest charm attribute of enemy villagers in the targeted hex. A critical failure can release a curse upon friendly villagers.
  • Inspire
    Uses trick to improve the attribute of a friendly villager. Both villagers must be in the same hex and the targeted villager cannot perform other actions while being inspired. A number of successes equal to the current rating of the target’s attribute are required to increase it by one point. A villager can use trick to inspire themselves but the difficulty is increased by 1. Progress towards inspiring a villager is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. A critical failure will reduce the targeted villager's attribute by one.
  • Invent
    Uses trick to invent a new building or tool of the player’s design. Requires three successes. Progress towards invention is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. A critical failure reveals a flaw in an existing invention.
  • Subvert
    Uses trick to reduce a specific enemy villager’s (player’s choice) social attribute by one (determined randomly). If the attribute is reduced to one or more, it is permanent. If it is reduced to zero, the target is incapacitated for one turn and will return with an attribute of 1 the following turn. Requires only one success but is resisted by the highest witch attribute of enemy villagers in the targeted hex. Range is two hexes and the attempt will be immediately obvious to the target. Critical failure will reduce the subverting villager’s trick by one.
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Resource Bank:

All resources are shared throughout the village.

You cannot ‘spend’ resources that you gather in that turn, only those that are in your bank. This also applies to food, so don’t count on your harvest to survive or you will starve.

Raw Resources:

Raw resources are generated from terrain using the gather attribute.
  • Food
    Villagers gather food from forage, hunting, or fishing. Farms and appropriate buildings can maximize production (by producing the raw resources without dice) of food while hoes and appropriate tools can improve yield of food. Food is not shaped into anything. Every villager consumes one food per season.
  • Timber
    Villagers gather timber from hexes with woods. Timber camp and appropriate buildings can maximize production of timber while axes and appropriate tools can improve yield of timber. Villagers shape timber into lumber.
  • Ore
    Villagers gather ore from hexes with minerals. Mines and appropriate buildings can maximize production of ore while pickaxes and appropriate tools can improve yield of ore. Villagers shape ore into metal.
  • Fiber
    Villagers gather fiber from hexes with fibrous plants or wooly animals. Pastures and appropriate buildings can maximize production of fiber while sheers and appropriate tools can improve yield of fiber. Villagers shape fiber into textiles.
  • Shiny
    Villagers gather shiny from hexes with precious gems, pretty feathers, shells, etc. A gem mine and appropriate buildings can maximize production of shiny while flippers and appropriate tools can improve yield of shiny. Villager shape shiny into bling.
Shaped Resources:

Shaped resources are made from raw resources using the shape attribute.
  • Lumber
    Villagers shape lumber from timber. Lumber can be used to build buildings and tinker tools.
  • Metal
    Villagers shape metal from ore. Metal can be used to build buildings and tinker tools.
  • Textiles
    Villages shape textiles from fiber. Textiles can be used to build buildings and tinker tools.
  • Bling
    Villages shape bling from shiny. Bling can be used to build buildings and tinker tools.

Buildings Mechanics:

Buildings are made by build using lumber, metal, textiles or bling.

Buildings impose two important limitations:
  • One hex can only have up to two buildings in it.

  • Buildings limit the number of villagers involved in an action in that hex. If you have a farm in that hex, only one villager may gather in that hex afterwards (even if gathering lumber or other non-food resources).
Buildings provide a significant benefit:
  • Buildings generate automatic successes for your villager’s gather attempts. A farm, for example, allows a villager with gather of 3 to produce 3 food per turn (instead of getting a chance to roll 3 dice for successes as might be attempted from foraging).
Building Ratings:

Buildings may have a rating on them. This would appear as follows:
  • Farm (-1)
  • Farm
  • Farm (+1)
A building without a rating allows the villager to gather a number of raw resources equal to their gather attribute while a -1 would produce one less raw resource and a building with a +1 allows one extra resource to be produced.

Types of Buildings:

Currently known buildings include:

Effect: Generates food based on gather.
Invented by: All
Requires: 2 lumber, 1 textile

Timber camp
Effect: Generates timber based on gather.
Invented by: All
Requires: 1 lumber, 2 metal

Ore Mine
Effect: Generates ore based on gather.
Invented by: All
Requires: 2 lumber, 1 metal

Effect: Generates fiber based on gather.
Invented by: All
Requires: 2 lumber, 1 textile
Variations of pasture may exist, such as a plantation but they are all effectively the same building.

Gem Mine
Effect: Generates shiny based on gather.
Invented by: All
Requires: 1 lumber, 2 metal
Variations of gem mine may exist, such as a pearl farm but they are all effectively the same building.

Pyramid Ruin
Effect: Generates blessing or curse based on witch.
Invented by: None
Requires: unknown- not invented yet
A villager with ‘witch’ can use the pyramid ruins to generate automatic successes.​

New buildings can be invented with trick.


Tools Mechanics:

Tools allow a villager more dice towards their action.

Tools and buildings are synergistic (more dice that automatically succeed).

A villager may use up to three tools. Villagers may not use duplicate tools in an action (ie: a sword and shield is fine; two swords is not).

Tools may not be built (with tinker) until invented with trick.

When built, a tool is assigned to a particular villager. Moving a tool from one individual to another makes the benefit of the tool unavailable for that turn.

Tool Ratings:

Most tools will allow one extra dice. Some will allow two or more.

Types of Tools:

Currently known tools are:

Effect: +1 charm
Invented by: no one
Requires: unknown; cannot build until you invent

Bow and Arrows
Effect: 1+ shoot
Invented by: Gorken
Requires: 1 timber, 1 textile, 1 metal

Effect: 1+ gather for foraging or farming food
Invented by: Aelhammer
Requires: 2 lumber, 1 metal

Effect: 1+ gather for foraging or farming food
Invented by: Asheburn
Requires: 2 lumber, 1 metal​
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Resource Trading

Your village may trade with any other village you have a scouted route to (you must have a route from one of your building to one of theirs). Out-going resources are spent on the turn you initiate the trade but incoming resources only become available on the turn aftewards.


Combat Overview

One or more villagers must use the attack action for their turn, targeting a particular enemy village’s scouted hex.

A targeted village’s villagers will defend all hexes within one hex range of them. Villagers engaged in patrol will defend against attacks anywhere. If the defender faces multiple attacks, each defender can be involved in a maximum of one battle per turn.

Attack and Defense Strength, Combat Resolution:

The brawl, shoot, and scout of the attacking villagers is compared to the brawl, shoot, and scout of the defending village’s villagers. Half the defenders’ total brawl is subtracted from the attacker’s scout. Half the defenders’ scout is subtracted from the attacker’s shoot. Half the defenders’ shoot is subtracted from the attacker’s brawl. Similarly, half the attackers’ total scout is subtracted from the defender’s shoot, and so on.

Both sides then roll their remaining brawl+shoot+scout dice against a difficulty of 3. Successes are applied as damage to the opponent’s physical attributes randomly (though weighed equivalently to their ranks in each attribute). If one of the villager’s attributes reaches 0, they are incapacitated. If all physical attributes are reduced to 0, they are killed.

Both sides then roll total charm. Incapacitated and dead villagers do not contribute charm. Difficulty in round one is 2. If they fail to roll more successes than the total damage done by the enemy, they will flee. All villagers from one village either rout together or stay together; this is a combined roll. This is why it is important to have an 'officer' with your forces to contribute charm.

If neither side flees, a second and third round of combat occurs, with additional incapacitations and death. Note that damage is not applied to incapacitated enemies unless all enemies are incapacitated. A new charm roll to check morale occurs after each round with the difficulty being 3 in round 2 and 4 in round 3.

There is a maximum of three rounds involved. If the defender is not routed in three rounds, the attackers must withdraw.

At the end of combat, the attributes of all villagers who are not incapacitated or killed return to baseline.

If all villagers on either side are incapacitated or killed, then all villagers of that side are lost in the horrific slaughter that ensues.


A successful attack will claim any resources gathered or shaped at the target hex. Any tools associated with any incapacitated or dead defenders will be seized by the attackers. The building(s) in the conquered hex can now be used by the attackers. The defenders will need to scout the targeted hex to move through it again.

A failed attack will allow the defenders to take any tools from any incapacitated or dead attackers. The attackers will need to scout the targeted hex to move through it again.

Incapacitated Villagers:

Incapacitated villagers lose one turn and return the following turn with attributes of 1 in the attribute reduced to 0 in the combat to reflect any permanent damage.
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Joining "The Villagers" Game

Name your village.

Select a starting position (using the grid map in post #2). Pro hint: Do not pick some out of the way peninsula or distant atoll; doing so will limit your capacity to gather from the surrounding area in the early game.

Choose a color (approximately).

Your village starts with the following villagers. Please name them.
  • Two gatherers (gather 3)
  • One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2)
  • One scout (sneak 3)
  • One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2)
  • One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm)
  • One villager of your choice (with a rank of 3 in one attribute)
You also start two farms, and 10 food, 3 lumber, 3 metal, 3 fiber, 3 shiny resources.

Submitting Orders

List the actions you are taking. For each action, 1) indicate which villager(s) are involved and 2) what hex they are taking place in (using the grid system).

Remember that no more than one action of a particular type can occur within the same hex in the same turn though multiple villagers can act together towards an action (unless there is an appropriate building providing its benefits to that action).
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High cliffs topped in tall wind-swept grasses drop abruptly to stormy seas. Rare pebble beaches allow for some limited fishing of the rich waters.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 1
fiber: 0
timber: -1
ore: 0
shiny: 0
Luoyang (successes: 1, turn 0)

A coastal peninsula, this grassland area is home to small burrowing rodents and nesting birds. The coasts itself has characteristic limestone cliffs veined with chalk and tin.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 1
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: 1
shiny: -1
Asheburne (successes: 1, turn 3)


A rocky pebble-strewn peninsula dotted with stunted trees and the nests of small marine birds. Surface copper deposits are rare but accessible.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -2
timber: -1
ore: 1
shiny: 1
Asheburn (successes: 1, turn 0)

A thin coast of sandy land falling to a pebble-strewn beach. The seas beyond are rich in fish and promise to be fertile. Inland the beach gives way to thin copses of tropical trees, their woods rich in sweet-smelling resins.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 1
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: 1
Asheburn (successes: 1, turn 2)

A narrow strip of land between sea and inland lake offers rich dark soil suitable for farming while highland hills offers rich game and minerals. Luoyang have built a farm on the north shores of the southern lake.
food- farm: +1
food- hunting: +1
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: +1
shiny: 0
Farm (+1)
Luoyang (successes: 4, turn 0)

Low hills rise between the sea, a western river, broad and fast-flowing, and to the south, thin forests. Luoyang have built a farm near the eastern river, on the north shores of the southern lake.
food- farm: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 0
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Farm (0)
Luoyang (successes: 1, turn 0)

A coastal plain of grassland and sandy shores. Small rodents and birds are common, as are grazing herbivores.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: +1
fiber: 0
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Asheburne (successes: 2, turn 4)

Lowland swamps flooded with brackish waters mixing from inland freshwater lakes and coastal sea-water. Reedy plants growing throughout provide a ready source of fiber but alligators and other large predators make exploring the area dangerous.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: -1
fiber: 1
timber: 0
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Asheburne (successes: 2, turn 3)

Low hills covered in boulders and smaller rocks, small trees, and low shrubbery, including seasonal blue- and raspberries. Shoreline reeds promise potential for use in weaving and fiber production.
food- foraging: +1
food- hunting: 0
fiber: +1
timber: -1
ore: 1
shiny: 0
Asheburn (successes: 1, turn 0)

Craggy hills covered in low trees in the west and wide coastal plains leading to high cliffs overlooking the seas in the east. The seaside cliffs are marked with various metal deposits. A bay with particularly rich soil serves as the home of the Ashbeburn and they have built a farm here.
food- farm: +1
food- hunting: -1
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: +1
shiny: +1
Farm (+1)

Asheburn (successes: 4, turn 0)

Shallow lake spotted with innumerable small islands overgrown with tall reeds and home to millions of brightly-feathered birds.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: +1
fiber: +1
timber: -1
ore: -2
shiny: +1

Luoyang (successes: 1, turn 0)

A region dominated by a large freshland lake covered in thick algae, its banks are overgrown in reeds. The southern forests are thin and sickly, most animals avoiding the region.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: -1
fiber: 1
timber: -1
ore: 0
shiny: -1
Asheburn (successes: 2, turn 2)

Low hill and thin trees dominate this region. In the south, a small lake feeds wide rivers that drain into the nearby seas. The Asheburn have built a farm on the shores of the lake.
food- farm: 0
food- hunting: -1
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Farm (0)
Asheburn (successes: 1, turn 0)

A mountainous landscape of ash and boulders and the skeletal remains of blackened tree trunks. The underbrush is gone and animals have fled the area.
food- foraging: -2
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 0
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Aelhammer (successes: 2, turn 4)

Southern mountains give way to rolling hills, alluvial river basins, and thick forests. Bears fish the streams and further south, these join into two major rivers.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: -1
shiny: 0
Aelhammer (successes: 2, turn 2)

Tall mountain ranges covered in snow and home to bears, elk, and goats. Eastwards, a thin forest of conifers give way to lowland deciduous forests.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: 0
Aelhammer (successes: 2, turn 3)

Hillside forests giving way to a large lake in the south-east. Cedars are plentiful and the ground underneath has little vegetation due to their acidifying effects.
food- foraging: -2
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: -1
Asheburne (successes: 2, turn 4)

Fertile coastal plains with wild vegetables easily foragable.
food- foraging: +2
food- hunting: -2
fiber: -2
timber: -2
ore: 0
shiny: 1
Gorken (successes: 2, turn 3)

Towering snow-capped mountains and boreal forests hidden in high valleys to the east and in the west, sloping hills dotted with stone are home to sure-footed goats. There is evidence of prior mining operations.
food- foraging: -2
food- hunting: 1
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: 1
shiny: -1
Aelhammer (successes: 2, turn 1)

Highland lake nestled in a fertile valley. To the west, mountain rise tall while to the east, coniferous forests blanket the lands thickly. Aelhammer have have built a farm on the edge of the valley lake.
food- farm: +1
food- hunting: +1
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Farm (+1)

Aelhammer (successes: 4, turn 0)

Mountains rise in the west while to the east, the highland coniferous forests give way to deciduous trees as the lands drop towards a wide lake. Aelhammer have built a farm in a clearing in the forests.
food- farm: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: +1
ore: -2
shiny: 0
Farm (0)

Aelhammer (successes: 1, turn 0)

Between western sea and eastern forests lies wide rocky plains riddled with caves. The caves themselves hide many secrets, among them precious amber deposits from some prehistoric forests.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: 1
Gorken (successes: 1, turn 0)

Thin tropical forests divided by slow-moving languid rivers. The forest themselves are filled with spiders and their webs
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: -2
fiber: 1
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: 0
Gorken (successes: 2, turn 2)

Hillside forest with numerous smaller streams feeding into fast-moving rivers. Rocky outcroppings are veined in ochre, promising iron beneath.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: +1
shiny: -1
Gorken (successes: 2, turn 4)

High mountain rise in the north, spilling streams into a growing river that snakes its way through a mixed forest. Game is particularly rich here.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: +2
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: 0
shiny: 0

Aelhammer (successes: 1, turn 0)

High mountain rise in the west while to the east, hills bracket a fast-flowing river. The land is rocky and trees grow twisted here.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: -2
fiber: -1
timber: -2
ore: +1
shiny: 0

Aelhammer (successes: 1, turn 0)

Hilly forests fall gently to the sea in the west. A wide river in the south-east bring fertile run-off and enriches the soil. The Gorken have founded their village here, building productive farms on the river's edge.
food- farm: 1
food- hunting: 0
fiber: +1
timber: +1
ore: +1
shiny: -1
Farm (+1)

Gorken (successes: 4, turn 0)

Lowland jungles and steaming marsh beset with secretive animals paths encircle gently rising hills and more mature woodland. In the east, a wide shallow lake is home to cranes and singing amphibians.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 0
timber: 1
ore: 0
shiny: 0
Gorken (successes: 2, turn 1)

Lowland valleys with many small streams and two large rivers feeding into a shallow lake . heavily overgrown in jungles. The hills rise in the east, the jungles thinning to more deciduous forests.
food- foraging: -1
food- hunting: 0
fiber: 1
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: 0
Clan Odd (successes: 2, turn 1)

Gently sloping hills rising to tall snow-capped mountains in the north and falling to near-tropical jungle in the south. The area is rich in deer and large game.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 1
fiber: 0
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: -1
Clan Odd (successes: 1, turn 2)

Sandy, scrubland plains jut into the sea, offering little protection for trees or animals.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: -1
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: -1
Gorken (successes: 1, turn 0)

Forested hills in the north cradle a slow-moving river while to the south, wide plains offer a home for wild sheep. The Gorken have built farms in the crooks of the river.
food- farm: 0
food- hunting: +1
fiber: +1
timber: 0
ore: 0
shiny: -1
Farm (0)
Gorken (successes: 1, turn 0)

Steep hills and narrow canyons covered in thick jungles and lowland marsh. The eastern portion of this area has many small rivers feeding into a wider slow moving giant that expands into a lake. The shores of the lake are fertile and it is here that Clan Odd has built its farms.
food- farm: 1
food- hunting: -1
fiber: +1
timber: 0
ore: 1
shiny: 0
Farm (1)
Clan Odd (successes: 4, turn 0)

Stagnant lowland swamp interspersed with steep rocky hills and cliffs. Draping moss darkens the underbrush and smothers the land in an oppressive humidity. In patches, silver deposits can be found amongst the cliffs.
food- farm: 0
food- hunting: -1
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: -1
shiny: +1
Farm (0)
Clan Odd (successes: 1, turn 0)


Narrow coast of towering mangrove trees and thick draping moss. Predators prowl both the waters and the thick forests. The seas beyond are homes to reef sharks and worse, making fishing very dangerous. A small offshore island is covered in low jungle and home to migratory birds and dangerous large cats.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: -2
fiber: 0
timber: 1
ore: -2
shiny: 0
Clan Odd (successes: 1, turn 0)

The jungle thins somewhat here as the hills rise sharply in the northeast. Beyond the coast, an island rises from the sea in the south-east, covered in low trees and thick underbrush.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: 0
ore: -1
shiny: 0
Clan Odd (successes: 1, turn 0)

Coastal jungles and swamps with little obvious value. A secret island in the thick jungle offers unique colorful berries useful as dye and hides the ruins of a unique squat stone pyramid, a place of magic and mystery.
food- foraging: 0
food- hunting: 0
fiber: -1
timber: -1
ore: -2
shiny: 0 (for Clan Odd: 1 due to secret berries)
Pyramid Ruins (witch: 0)
Clan Odd (successes: 3, turn 2)
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Sign-ups are now open.
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Village of Aelhammer, located at F8

Color: Royal Purple

Two gatherers (gather 3): John and Peters, you know, the farmers
One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2): Franklin, the oldest dude in town
One scout (sneak 3): Conros, the adolescent who likes to explore
One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2): Vin, the stocky ranger
One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm): Mayor Jacqueline, the put upon middle-aged mayor
One priest (charm 3): Mother Rebecca, worshiper of the Verdant Circle and village teacher
D 9/10 (the lake)

Name: Luoyang

Color: red

Two gatherers (gather 3): Jiang and Chu
One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2): Liao
One scout (sneak 3): Yu
One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2): Yang
One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm): Qianlong
One scout (sneak 3): Guo
Village of Gorken, located at H5

Color: Orange

Two gatherers (gather 3): Brother Oren and Brother Poe
One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2): Sister Nil
One scout (sneak 3): Brother Pik
One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2): Sister Bess
One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm): High Lord Sol
One Warrior (Brawl 3): Brother Kartos

So here's the map with current villages shown.

Colored hexes are limits of scouting range.
Big 'F's are farms.
Smaller letters are villagers.


  • the villages turn 0 v1.png
    the villages turn 0 v1.png
    2 MB · Views: 75
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D 9/10 (the lake)

Name: Luoyang

Color: red

Two gatherers (gather 3): Jiang and Chu
One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2): Liao
One scout (sneak 3): Yu
One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2): Yang
One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm): Qianlong
One scout (sneak 3): Guo
I moved you north a little to allow more space between peeps. You are still on the same lake, just on the north east and north west shores... hope thats okay.

Village of Gorken, located at H5

Color: Orange

Two gatherers (gather 3): Brother Oren and Brother Poe
One gather/shaper (gather 2, shape 2): Sister Nil
One scout (sneak 3): Brother Pik
One hunter (shoot 2, sneak 2): Sister Bess
One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm): High Lord Sol
One Warrior (Brawl 3): Brother Kartos

I moved you away from the center also so that there'd be more room for shared scouting... hope thats okay.
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Village of Asheburn

Color: Yellow
  • Two gatherers - Harlan and Celeste
  • One gather/shaper - Alton
  • One scout Johsia
  • One hunter Carla
  • One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm) - Bethany
  • One Hunter Sarah
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Turn 0:

Four villages have been founded on the island, each with some limited information regarding their surrounding. How will their villagers act to expand the influence and prosperity of the villages?



John (F8) Gather 3
Peter (F9) Gather 3
Franklin (F8) Gather 2, Shape 2
Conros (F8) Sneak 3
Vin (F8) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
Mayor Jacqueline (F8) Charm 3 (crown +1 charm)
Mother Rebecca (F8) Charm 3
10 food, 3 timber, 3 ore, 3 fiber, 3 shiny


Jiang (C8) Gather 3
Chu (C9) Gather 3
Liao (C8) Gather 2, Shape 2
Yu (C8) Sneak 3
Yang (C8) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
Qianlong (C8) Charm 3 (crown +1 charm)
Guo (C8) Sneak 3
10 food, 3 timber, 3 ore, 3 fiber, 3 shiny

Brother Oren (H4) Gather 3
Brother Poe (I4) Gather 3
Sister Nil (H4) Gather 2, Shape 2
Brother Pik (H4) Sneak 3
Sister Bess (H4) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
High Lord Sol (H4) Charm 3 (crown +1 charm)
Brother Kartos (H4) Brawl 3
10 food, 3 timber, 3 ore, 3 fiber, 3 shiny

Harlan (C13) Gather 3
Celeste (C12) Gather 3
Alton (C13) Gather 2, Shape 2
Johsia (C13) Sneak 3
Carla (C13) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
Bethany (C13) Charm 3 (crown +1 charm)
Sarah (C13) Shoot 3
10 food, 3 timber, 3 ore, 3 fiber, 3 shiny

Clan Odd
Ingvar (C13) Gather 3
Tone (C12) Gather 3
Leifsson (C13) Gather 2, Shape 2
Sigurd (C13) Sneak 3
Torilsdottir (C13) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
Jarl Odd (C13) Charm 3 (crown +1 charm)
Knud (C13) Shoot 2, Sneak 2
10 food, 3 timber, 3 ore, 3 fiber, 3 shiny

Spoiler :
the villages turn 0 v1.png

Writing Orders:

List the actions you are taking. For each action, 1) indicate which villager(s) are involved and 2) what hex they are taking place in (using the grid system).

Remember that no more than one action of a particular type can occur within the same hex in the same turn though multiple villagers can act together towards an action (unless there is an appropriate building providing its benefits to that action).

Also recall that all villagers have stats of 1 in attributes not listed, so you can always gather or scout with any character for example; they just aren't as good at it.

For information as to what resources each hex may have, refer to post #7.

Orders Timeline:

Orders are due Wednesday.

New Players:

Please see post #6.
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Clan Odd

Color: Brown
  • Two gatherers - Ingvar and Tone
  • One gather/shaper - Leifsson
  • One scout - Sigurd
  • One hunter - Torildsdottir
  • One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm) - Jarl Odd
  • One Hunter - Knud
John and Peters farm in F8 and F9 respectively, doing their best to produce more delicious apples than their brother
Franklin, lacking the materials to do much, will turn some Timber into Lumber for later construction.
Conros, despite being told not to wander too far by the Mayor, heads off to the northwest to see what's there. (scouting into F7)
Vin goes to put some meat on the table, because one can live off apples for only so long, hunting some rabbits in G7.
Mayor Jacqueline and Mother Rebecca (F8) work together try to recruit someone to head the militia (Brawl 3)
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John and Peters farm in F8 and F9 respectively, doing their best to produce more delicious apples than their brother
Franklin, lacking the materials to do much, will turn some Timber into Lumber for later construction.
Conros, despite being told not to wander too far by the Mayor, heads off to the northwest to see what's there. (scouting into F7)
Vin goes to put some meat on the table, because one can live off apples for only so long, hunting some rabbits in G7.
Mayo Jacqueline (F8) and Mother Rebecca (F9) both work at recruiting villagers, Jacqueline looking for someone to head the militia (Brawl 3) while Rebecca tries to recruit a skilled lumberjack (Gather 3)
Recruit will promote an unnamed villager to a villager. It takes three charm successes to generate a new villager. The new villager will have attributes of one except for one attribute that will be ranked at 3 or two at 2 (player’s choice, selected when recruit is first attempted). Progress towards recruiting a villager is reset to zero if there is no progress towards it during a turn. Only one recruit action can be taken per player per turn."

Your two recruit efforts are not viable. Your villagers can work together towards one recruit action or one can recruit and the other can use a support action.

Clan Odd

Color: Brown
  • Two gatherers - Ingvar and Tone
  • One gather/shaper - Leifsson
  • One scout - Sigurd
  • One hunter - Torildsdottir
  • One chief (charm 3) with a crown (+1 charm) - Jarl Odd
  • One Hunter - Knud
Stats and starting scouted hexes are up. Feel free to submit orders for turn 1.
Gorken: Turn 1
Brother Oren will farm in H4 and Brother Poe will gather Fiber I4
Brother Pik will Scout H5
Sister Nil will shape Fiber into Textile
High Lord Sol (H4) work to try to recruit someone to build tools (Tinker 3)
Sister Bess will go hunting in I4
Brother Kartos will be on Patrol (Brawl 3)
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