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'Very polite argument/discussion with an anti-gay'

bob bobato

Nov 26, 2006
I am currently in the middle of a surprisingly polite 'discussion' with a anti-homosexual, on the comments section of a YouTube video (YouTube video). We're debating on the merits of homosexuality. The other user says its wrong because its unnatural, I say that doesn't matter. I'm going to post the comments here,as far as it goes now. I'm interested in seeing how OT would respond to their/my arguments, to get other perspectives on the `ìssue`. Mind you the anti-gay user might suddenly stop posting any moment; he may have decided to ignore me already. I suddenly feel very excited by this, since I feel his arguments are getting weaker. I'm scared I'll change his position, which would be terrible for my ego:)

tommyaquinas(anti-gay) said:
Adam as a homo.... Unnatural, just like homosexuality. Those ----- are all mentally deranged, poor things
(Some Other User) said:
Hey -------,being gay as nothing to do be unnatural.You are born like this and this is not a choice.We are in 2009 and you better come out of your cave and start open your mind instead of posing some discusting and ------ comment on youtube.I hope one day you will have a son or a daughter who is going to be gay and you will understand then what you have to go trough and how it fill to be insulted by ignorant people like you.. ----- -----.
tommyaquinas said:
What is the natural result of sexual intercourse??

Man has sex with man = no child
Man has sex with woman = child
Woman has sex with woman = no child

I know that its natural for some to be gay, just as it's natural for some to be mentally deranged. It's the act of homosexuality thats unnatural. That's what i hope you tell yourself or your kids because clearly homosexuality has affected you in some way. I go in peace my friend
bobbobato(me(duh)) said:
woman with pill has sex with man with condom = no child.
tommyaquinas said:
And is this natural or unnatural??? Drugs have been taken which would prove to make it unnatural just like homosexuality
bobbobato said:
Many things are unnatural, not just homosexuality. Bronze is unnatural, plastic is unnatural, GMOs are unnatural, your computer is unnatural. If it`s nature is the only thing you have against homosexuality, then you should also be anti-plastic.
tommyaquinas said:
Ah yes, but those unnatural things are in order to benefit humanity. There is no benefit with regard to humanity when 2 men come together.

Also forgot to add in relation to your point about contraception... There's still more chance of a couple conceiving through using these artificial methods than there ever will be of 2 men.

I wont reply to any more of your points because I don't want you to feel insecure about yourself. You have your cross to bear in life. I pray for you
bobbobato said:
That's true. There is no great benefit to humanity from homosexuality. But neither is there a detriment. Homosexuality is neutral, like colours of flavours.
tommyaquinas said:
If everyone in the world was gay humans would cease to exist, thus making it a detriment to humanity.
bobbobato said:
And if everyone in the world were female humans would cease to exist. But everyone in the world is not gay or female, and it is extremely unlikely that everyone in the world will ever be gay (or female). Considering that there is a 5% chance that a newborn will turn out to be gay, and there's a 50% chance that they'll be female, the 'everyone in the world is female' scenario would actually be much more likely.

I go to bed, thinking this thread will be buried in page 2 in the morning. I wake up, and suddenly there are 6 pages:) The 'conversation' has been updated. Since this thread is now about gay marriage, I don't think anyone cares about the 'conversation' anymore, but I'll post the new comments anyways.
tommyaquinas said:
We're talking about gays here, their sick & twisted perverse thoughts & the detriment this causes to society. I pity gays, there's no better feeling in the world than the warmth of a vagina
bobbobato said:
What is this detriment? It can't be their perceived threat to humanity, since it does not exist. Everyone in the world is not gay. Essentially, their thoughts are the same as straight peoples', only with two people of the same sex instead. Both Straight and Gay sex use mouths, penises, and excretory organs. The only non-superficial difference is procreation. But that, I think, is a moot point, since most times straight people have sex, 'babies are not the hoped for result', but pleasure is.
The natural argument is stupid both ways. His argument about everyone being gay is stupid. You shouldn't have made a comment like that dropping to his level. Otherwise I really don't see the point.
I run "Youtube Comment Snob" on purpose.
It can hardly be called "polite" just because everyone's using sound grammar; he did still call gays as a whole mentally deranged and a detriment to humanity...
It can hardly be called "polite" just because everyone's using sound grammar; he did still call gays as a whole mentally deranged and a detriment to humanity...

What I think he means by polite is that the other user isn't dropping the F-bomb after every sentence and/or use CAPS LOCK to show his argument. Which, for most Youtube users, is very hard to do :lol:
It can hardly be called "polite" just because everyone's using sound grammar; he did still call gays as a whole mentally deranged and a detriment to humanity...

But he also said he'd pray for me:rolleyes:. It's only superficially polite, yes, but at least it's not homophobic.
You're wasting your time - at the risk of doing what I hate other people doing and being a net-psychologist, what he means is 'I went to church and they told me that and I'm not going to give you this argument or change my views just because some logic wants me to'. Sad but true.
I see this ending only one way: logical circle.
Agreed - something like 'It's bad because it's un-natural' 'why is it un-natural?' 'because it's bad'. Likewise, we should believe religious authority because it says so in the bible, and the church authority say we should believe the bible, and we should believe the church authority...

I have yet to see a convincing or even good anti-homosexual argument.
Well, it doesn't matter whether he's polite or not - he's still detrimetal for our society.
A youtube fight? Shame on you!

These days I just block out the entire comment section. I just think. Who care about what they/I say?

Though I always wonder why homophobes or anti-homos would go to a video tagged "gay" and comment there.
Is it like a weekly thing?

"Oh its Friday, time to be rude to people."
Though I always wonder why homophobes or anti-homos would go to a video tagged "gay" and comment there.
Is it like a weekly thing?

"Oh its Friday, time to be rude to people."

They do it because they feel confused and uncomfortable over their own sexuality.

I have yet to see a convincing or even good anti-homosexual argument.

That's because there are none. In organised debating, you can't win a case on those grounds because there's no logic or reason to defend yourself with.
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