• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • You have until wednesday at noon to submit your spending for PEW PEW if you are interested in playing and joining this round. Otherwise you can join whenever afterwards.
    Cheers, I.
    I apologize for my actions earlier on chat. They were in fact rather juvenile. I do not expect forgiveness nor acceptance, but I still feel it necessary.
    A reminder that CityIOT orders are due in 7 hours. For those who have been less active lately, we will be entering a slower update cycle, driven by more RP and content, following this update, so I encourage those members to return for the new phase.
    A reminder that campaigning and endorsements for CityIOT are due by 10:00 PM EST tomorrow; new candidates have until 2:00 AM to declare their campaign.

    Also, please add your house to your OP
    Can u post ur feelings on the subject in thread? I'm willing to continue stats and game mechanics but don't want to take over narrative.
    I have family visiting. If you want to take the lead on this one, please go ahead and start. I'll do stats and maps based on your writing.
    Except for the map, my part of the update is done. Good luck with narrative. If you want to talk about anything, please don't hesitate.
    Ah. I've never bothered with GoT (although I know that Natalie Dormer has been promoted as incredibly beautiful because of it, for some reason).
    I like the picture, it looks as if there were snow in it.
    Why don't I do everything but the narrative by Wednesday (gives me a deadline) and you can take over on Wednesday and write the narrative.
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