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Farm Boy
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  • hey. i dont' ralely know you mcuh and id oubt i make much of an imrpuitn (why would i???) but as much as i disagree with you i ma super thankful you are here and psiot because you just want the best for peopel and that's all we can ask of weach other realyl. sorry i am drunj as hell. but thank yiou. for being yiu.
    We do suffer from yob culture and binge drinking and the like, but I believe that we're the most surveilled country in Europe. You can't have the Tories downtreading the poor without a dozen cameras to watch them scrabble in the dirt, eh?
    I don't know, because I'm neither a Londoner nor a city-dweller, but I'd guess they'd think that if a stranger is making eye-contact with them in a fast-paced city, maybe they're sizing them up for some reason.

    Either that or people are simply too busy rushing around to give the time of day to obvious tourists. :)
    On public transport or in general? People tend to sit on buses and trains in silence, unless they're with someone they know, and I guess that in big cities, people tend to move about more quickly and avoid eye contact, in case someone else thinks that they're being targeted for some reason.
    English cooking is so unpalatable that even the notoriously taste-lacking English try to avoid it and replace it with Indian or Thai whenever possible.
    I'd be willing to listen to why the Confederate flag isn't a symbol for white supremacy if you could give me a compelling argument.
    hehehe! Those peanut butter quotes were from a crunchy vs creamy peanut butter thread. Don't feel bad for forgetting you said that. I forgot I even made the thread until Antilogic recently reminded me.
    I loathe the secrets mechanic, it's annoying to play against. I'd rather see secrets gone than leeroy nerfed tbh, though both would be nice.
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