• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by quartal

  1. Q

    Upcoming patch info!

    ICS-maybe imba, but it's not the best strat to make the points. Plus it's slow. The point is. Even if the strat exists, you don't need to use it.
  2. Q

    Upcoming patch info!

    I would presume Greg only states what they've got ready and tested in the upcoming patch info. They're probably waiting for the last minute additions if they manage to get them tested and working before the patch launch. (meaning there might even be more additions to the actually released...
  3. Q

    Info on Upcoming Patches from Jon Shafer

    Personally I don't see much of a problem with gaming houses releasing slightly bugged versions if most of the bad stuff is fixed quickly. Some of the stuff just doesn't come out without the game actually going to prod. PC just has so diverse machine base and the games are getting more and more...
  4. Q

    The enemies of your enemies is your friends.

    Agree. Usually on my games there's one big AI civ destroying everything and can't make any deals with the other civs against him.
  5. Q

    Unplayable multiplayer

    I must say in a turn based game this is just unbelievable how they still haven't gottent the mp to work. I mean on my studies we made a freaking multiplayable pong that worked better. :)
  6. Q

    Upcoming patch info!

    * Workers – Improved the path-finding mechanic when building route-to roads improved, including a large performance increase when evaluating road-pathing. I lol if this lowers the game turn switching from 2 minutes to 1 minute after 16th century ad.
  7. Q

    [FIXED] Saved Modded Games won't load

    I still seem to have this problem. Just started a new modded game today with some UI-things. Saved the game properly. The I tried to save the game again a while later and I couldn't see the old game. Then just before I finished playing saved the game again, figuring that you just can't see...
  8. Q

    How to deal with much more advanced AI

    I've had this same problem on two longer games while trying to get a culture win. On first game I barely got to artillyery and rome was already amassing tanks and some kind of futuristic machine gun units. On my current game I'm trying to be a bit more active on scouting out the different...
  9. Q

    The Big Issue With The Civilization Series

    Even modern riflemen run out of ammo against overwhelming odds. ;)
  10. Q

    The Big Issue With The Civilization Series

    In my first huge/marathon game (the only one) I didn't have much of a problem with any of the OP:s things. Firstly the unit strengths are upgraded pretty logically. The first melee kind of units are pretty close to themselves and there is a steep rise in strength for rifleman. I've hardly...
  11. Q

    Does forests spread?

    There is a mod that does this. Haven't tried it though.
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