Terran Empress
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  • Terran Emperor, do you solemnly swear to be a gentleman, and inquiring one at that, and to dedicate your life to improving mankind? The group has many benefits, but it comes with much responsibility.
    You technically aren't supposed to be an existing organization.
    That being said, all that entails in your case is changing the group's name.
    You are still missing information for CityIOT, please check thread for what is missing.
    hey there, if you have any interest in an A&A game, check the subforum once in a while as we will be starting a second forum game soon. I will PM everyone in the group when we do. Also if you want to play a 1v1 with me, shoot me a PM and we can do that too.
    Would like to let you know that what you claimed as your capital in MadIOT is not Berlin. The territory to the south-west of the one you thought was Berlin is actually Berlin, the small one.
    can you give me the intended colors hex format preferably. I would hate to pick a clashing color.
    Since your interested in starting a nation in DoC, the spots that are relatively open taking into account province density are:

    Eastern Europe (perhaps Romania with Vlad Tepes as a nation?)
    Central Asia (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan region)
    Southern India (Vijayanagara, Tamil Nadu)

    All other regions taking into account province density would become overcrowded by your presence (if they are not already).

    At any rate welcome to DoC :goodjob:
    Welcome to the CFC Herd, Terran Emperor!

    I'd like to invite you to post an introduction in our own welcome thread, participate in our current pony elimination game, or post in any of our other topics. I hope to see you around in the group and forums!

    Group Administrator
    CFC's Resident Luna-tic
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