Warhammer 40k, Civ, Board Games (Twilight Imperium, Axis and Allies)
- Birthday
Feb 10, 1996
(Age: 28)
- Location
Hallow Nest
- Steam ID
- Marauder M
- Civ5 Difficulty Level
- Prince
- Civ4 Difficulty Level
- Warlord
- Gender
- Female
- Civ5 Versions
- Basic Edition
- Gods & Kings
- Brave New World
- DLC (various)
- Civ4 Versions
- Regular Edition
- Warlords Expansion
- Beyond the Sword Expansion
- Civ3 Versions
- Civilization III Gold
- Play the World
- Conquests
- Col Versions
- Remake (2008)
"Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister
"Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead." - Darth Revan
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