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  • That's great. Washington is great. I don't envy you the rain though haha. I'm actually going to the West Coast next summer (from Vancouver to San Diego) so we could hang out.
    I think I'm going to pick up Dune because I want to be a Sci-Fi guy. What's going on with you? What college you going to?
    ICly let me be clear that we would regard any large, bloc-style alliances entered by Argentina as a threat to the regional stability, and the safety of the Brazilian people and their interests.
    Yo. I cna't unsubscribe this group unless I'm invited first. Can I quickly join and leave?
    Just realized I forgot to allocate funds to India in CI this turn. :cringe: Didn't double-check my orders.

    Sorry about that. I'll send whatever you need next year. Just remind me.
    Just so you know, orders are due in less than 24 hours. I know you've been a bit busy/not as active, but even bare-bones orders are great.
    We'll see. Post some stories of what you can pull off with your DNC. Be glad I would probably end up joining the Greens or some other minor left party and upsetting your plans. :)
    I unfortunately don't have much time for another forum and a fixed daily commitment to a game. I'll keep it on the radar, though, maybe the next campaign. ;)
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