Advanced Civ

Advanced Civ 1.11

The only major novelty is an overhaul of city trades. Please refer to the manual (p.9) for a summary. Short summary: The AI is willing to trade with and for cities also at peacetime, still won't pay for liberation, may refuse to give up cities for various reasons, and civs need to have sufficient tile culture in order to receive a city.

The rest – lots of tweaks. Fully covered by the commit history from now (mid-May 2020) back to late July 2019; the notes below omit the very minor ones.

The 48-civ DLL can now load scenarios created by an 18-civ DLL. More generally, scenarios should work so long as all civ ids in the WorldBuilder save are less than MAX_CIV_PLAYERS in the current DLL. [change id: advc.056]
The two DLLs still aren't savegame-compatible. (And won't be; but if I ever break backward compatibility, I might increase the maximal player count of the standard DLL to some number around 30 and stop providing multiple DLLs.)

Game rules
Spoiler :
Revert the K-Mod changes to German Assembly Plant (+2 production), French Musketeer (15% withdrawal chance), Celtic Dunn (+1 XP for melee units), Mining Inc. corporation (120% maintenance). I had overlooked these when I reverted other low-impact balance changes from K-Mod. Not worth deviating from BtS for I think, at least not until a full balance overhaul is implemented. [advc.200]

Culture and revolts: [advc.101]
• The culture garrison strength of a unit, i.e. its strength against revolts, is now equal to its combat strength with the following modifiers:
- Defensive modifiers (Archery units, Garrison promotions)
- Generic strength modifiers (Combat promotions)
- Minus 50% for non-lethal units (i.e. Siege except Machine Gun).​
Previously, culture garrison strength was determined by the iCultureGarrison values set in Civ4UnitInfos.xml. Those values (now obsolete) weren't shown anywhere in the game, so this change should make the impact of garrison units on revolt probabilitiy more transparent. The nationality bar shows how much garrison strength is needed for zero revolt chance; see under UI changes.
• Adjusted the foreign culture strength formula (the other factor that determines the revolt probability) to balance out the change to culture garrison strength, and to make revolts a bit easier to suppress in the midgame and a bit harder in the late game than in AdvCiv 0.96. Added two XML parameters for fine-tuning this: FOREIGN_CULTURE_STRENGTH_FACTOR and FOREIGN_CULTURE_STRENGTH_EXPONENT (AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml)
• Decreased the impact of hurry and draft anger on foreign culture strength. Details (Git commits 1 2), discussion
• Decreased the impact of game speed on revolt probability. Since culture spread isn't speed-adjusted, I think revolt probabilities should only be partially speed-adjusted. (K-Mod introduced the speed adjustment.)
• Reduced the culture spread range of cities onto other landmasses. This tweak to the K-Mod culture spread rules avoids puzzling border shapes when cities on two different landmasses spread culture onto a third landmass. [advc.098]
• Partisans event (bugfix?): The number of partisans is now equal to the culture level of the razed city's cultural owner, starting with 1 partisan unit at Fledgling culture. Razing a size-1 city never creates partisans (this part is definitely a bugfix). Adopted from @SmokeyTheBear (thread)

Maintenance, research costs:
• Lowered the number-of-cities maintenance modifier on Huge maps a little bit and added a crowdedness modifier to account for the initial player count and sea level. [advc.140]
• The city count in the formula for number-of-cities maintenance is now capped at ca. 40 cities. (This should only be relevant for Huge maps.) The cap can be adjusted through MAX_CITY_COUNT_FOR_MAINTENANCE (AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml). [advc.exp.1] Discussion
• Lowered Ancient-era tech costs by 5% if Tribal Villages are disabled. [advc.910]
• Increased tech costs in Always-Peace games by 5% after the Ancient era. [advc.910]
• Progress toward a tech makes that tech cheaper to steal through espionage. [advc.120i] Idea from the VIP mod

AI civs start with only one free Scout on Immortal. (Basically, I don't think additional exploration units are a good way to ramp up the difficulty. Earlier versions of AdvCiv have already taken away the second free Scout on Emperor, one of the free Archers on Immortal and Deity – and the free Settler on Deity.) [advc.250e]

Terrain features:
• Global Warming (GW) can no longer remove vegetation from Grassland, meaning that only vegetation on Plains can be removed by GW. (Though successive GW events can still remove e.g. a Tundra Forest by first turning the Tundra into Grassland and the Grassland into Plains.) The Grassland protection can be disabled through PROTECT_FEATURE_ON_NON_DRY_TERRAIN (AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml). An earlier approach was to let Forest Preserve protect vegetation; that's also still possible; see under optional changes. [advc.055] Discussion
• A city can receive (positive) health or happiness from a terrain feature or improvement only if the city owner is able to peacefully enter the tile with the feature or improvement. Meaning that Forest Preserve no longer grants happiness and health to rival cities unless there is an Open Borders agreement. [advc.901]

Barbarians can appear on Plains Hill and Tundra Hill again. The criterion is, as before, a positive food yield, but the -1 food from hills is no longer counted. I think this captures the notion of habitable land better. [advc.300] And the Great Wall graphic is now placed in a way that avoids creating "Gaza strips" wedged between the Great Wall and some other obstacle. [advc.310]

Reverted a change that had prohibited cities with insufficient air capacity from producing air units. However, when a newly completed air unit gets force-moved due to exceeded air capacity, it now has to skip one turn. If a (legal) rally point is set, the unit gets moved there rather than to the nearest legal tile. [advc.001b] Discussion

Standard map generator: These changes affect most of the official map scripts. They don't apply if a map script overrides the respective part of the map generation process.
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Terrain: [advc.129c]
• Slightly increased the overall frequency of plains.
• Plains tend to clump together a bit more.
• Plains can occur in the +/-10 latitude region around the equator (typically covered by Jungle).
• Deserts have a tendency to appear next to plains.
• Increased the frequency of hills a tiny bit.
These changes should make the terrain slightly more Earth-like (tropical soils aren't well suited for food production) and varied without altering gameplay much. They can be disabled by setting bEarthlike to False at the start of AdvCiv\Assets\Python\

Resources: [advc.129]
• Gold, Silver, Gems and Fur are no longer restricted to appear on only one landmass.
• Decreased the probability of Gold resources getting placed in a cluster.
• Resources that are (in principle) restricted to a single landmass can also get placed on multiple small landmasses (think of the Spice Islands).

Starting site optimization ("normalization"): [advc.108]
* The "Balanced resources" map option now causes more aggressive normalization of starting locations, essentially according to the BtS rules. In particular, unrevealed resources are taken into account when deciding how much work a site needs.
* Extra resources placed near starting sites are now considered in a random order instead of the order in Civ4BonusInfos.xml.
* Decreased probability of lake starts. (Should still be more likely than in BtS but not as likely as in K-Mod.)

savemap script by @xyx and @tywiggins for exporting the map of an ongoing game as a map script. More detailed description here. AdvCiv integration:
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• Shortcut: Alt+Shift+M (can be disabled on the BUG menu)
• The file name gets generated from the name of the original map, its dimensions and player count.
• An on-screen message says whether and where the new file was created.
• Tries saving to AdvCiv\PrivateMaps first. If that location can't be written to, My Games\Beyond the Sword\PublicMaps is used. AdvCiv will not be able to load from the latter location unless NoCustomAssets is set to 0 in AdvCiv\AdvCiv.ini. Regardless of the location, Civ 4 needs to be restarted before an exported script can be loaded.

Spoiler :
Peace negotiation: There were problems with the UWAI component refusing to make peace or unreasonably insisting on reparations. (Some reports in that vein: 1 2 3)
• When multiple AI civs are at war with the same civ, each of them (usually) assumes that it will be the primary target of the shared enemy. (Previously, AI civs often assumed that a stronger enemy posed no immediate danger because it would go after a different target first.)
• The AI may make a small payment for peace to a stronger war enemy that probably poses no immediate danger but could be very dangerous in the medium term. (Offering a token of goodwill might help and can't really hurt.)
• The AI may pay a human player for peace even if it thinks that both sides want peace. (It's not a reasonable position to insist on a square peace treaty when continuing the war is disastrous for one side and merely inconvenient for the other.)
• Made the AI a bit more generous when paying for peace in situations when the war is going badly but not extremely badly. (For extremely bad wars, the AI still assumes that peace is unlikely to last and therefore not worth very much.)

City safety calculation (evacuation): [advc.139] Discussion 1 2 3
• The AI updates the safety status of its cities in response to moves of human war enemies. This way, the UWAI component is always up to date about city safety when asked for a peace proposal.
• The safety calculation now accounts for unassigned promotions of the city defenders and for units in production that will appear at the end of the turn.
• Made the AI less likely to leave behind more than a couple of defensive units when evacuating a city.

In the city safety calculation and most other AI code that evaluates the strength of unit stacks: [advc.159]
Per-unit strength values are taken to the power of 1.25 before getting summed up. For war planning (UWAI component), such an adjustment had long been in place, but, for tactical decisions, the implicit assumption was still that e.g. two Swordsmen are an even match for one Cuirassier.

Increase the impact of NoWarAttitude (Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml) probabilities that are near 50%. (UWAI doesn't treat those as probabilities; they get factored into the war utility value as part of an "affection" cost.) This should make about a third of the AI leaders noticeably more reluctant to start wars when Cautious, approximating their BtS personalities more closely. Previously, Cautious vs. Annoyed attitude rarely made a significant difference in AdvCiv apart from worst enemies.

Only AI civs in the upper third of the scoreboard consider stage 2 of the "Domination" victory strategy (was upper half). [advc.115]

Diplo memory decay:
• Simplified and corrected the decay formula for multiple remembered diplo actions. For example, two declarations of war (in short succession) are now fully forgotten by the target after an expected duration of 150+75 turns on Normal speed. Three declarations after 150+75+50 turns, etc. (geometric progression). [advc.130r]
• Memory about tech trades ("you're becoming too advanced", "you shared your discoveries") are exempt from the above, i.e. they decay as in BtS with a per-turn probability that doesn't depend on the memory count. [advc.553]
• "You shared your discoveries" is now easier to get (increased relations modifier per tech) but more difficult to sustain (faster memory decay). [advc.553]
• "You gave us help" now decays faster, i.e. with a (base) probability of 1/150 instead of 1/200. [advc.144]

AI civs contact human players more frequently with offers for resource trades. Several players had reported (mainly here) that the AI made such offers only (very) rarely. I've tweaked the heuristic for deciding whether one side needs a resource (much) more than the other (and more than other potential recipients). [advc.036]

Tribute demands: [advc.104m]
• A tribute demand may consist of multiple resources, and they don't have to be surplus resources.
• The AI takes into account its war utility value when deciding how much tribute it should at least demand.
• The order in which the AI goes through the different types of tribute demands is now properly randomized. This may lead to more demands for gold per turn – I'm not sure that these ever occurred in AdvCiv 0.96.

Air recon: Fixed a BBAI bug that had caused the recon target to be chosen randomly with a bias only for maximal distance from the airbase. And made several tweaks (Git commits 1 2). The modified code isn't used much by the AI, it's mainly for automated human units, so this is really more a UI than an AI change. [advc.650]

City placement:
• Exploration units now prioritize the surroundings of (tentative) city sites. Previously, early AI cities were often founded without exploring the full city radius, which had lead to cities that clearly weren't locally optimal. This change should also make human exploration more rewarding as AI scouts won't reach the human player as quickly and will be slower to find Tribal Villages. [advc.031d]
• AI cities cancel settler production when all city sites are taken. This should lead to fewer AI cities in poor locations that the AI normally doesn't bother to produce settlers for. [advc.031b]
• Numerous tweaks to the evaluation of city sites (Git commits 1 2) [advc.031]

Tech evaluation: slightly higher value for early-game resource yields – to account for the fact that, in the early game, owned resources are almost always workable. Prompted by this post. (More remains to be done on that front.)

Improved the evaluation of the Pyramids ability (was still as in Vanilla Civ 4). The AI will build them much sooner now than in K-Mod. Actually, I had to make the AI underrate them again quite a bit to keep them viable for human players. May still go as early as 1000 BC; seems to vary a lot. [advc.131]

Removed or tweaked various conditions under which workers build roads and railroads while moving toward a target tile – so that improvements (and railroads on Mines, Lumbermills, Quarries) get built earlier. And other tweaks for railroad construction following (some) suggestions by Elkad. [advc.121] Discussion

Placed a limit on the number of units that the AI may delete per turn in response to financial trouble. The AI tries to avoid deleting units that are headed for enemy territory. [advc.110] Discussion

Revised the AI estimate of units needed for revolt suppression. Hopeless cases are disregarded. [advc.099c]

Damaged AI units consider tile defense when deciding whether to heal. Inspired by similar changes by @Tholal in the "More Naval AI" (MNAI) mod. I've also adopted a few other tweaks (AI and other) from that mod, by Tholal and @lfgr: Git commits 1 2
I've only gone through a small portion of the MNAI commit history; there's probably a good deal more that AdvCiv could adopt.

Spoiler :
The game auto-saves at the start of a human player turn, not at the start of the game turn. This makes a difference when a human player isn't first in the turn order, e.g. in scenarios. [advc.044]

Improved UI support for revolts: [advc.101]
• Added hover text on the main map and city screen (nationality bar) showing how much more garrison strength is needed to reduce a city's revolt chance to 0, or how much garrison strength can be safely removed. Idea by @Elkad
• "Grievances" that increase foreign culture strength, i.e. hurry anger, draft anger and foreign religion (if not countered by the owner's state religion), are stated in the hover text of the nationality bar.

Happiness and health effect in tile hover text: [advc.059]
• Happiness is shown when hovering over a Forest Preserve in the radius of a city owned by the active (human) player or over a tile owned by the active player in the radius of any revealed city. (BtS never shows the happiness effect of Forest Preserve in tile hover text.)
• When hovering over a Worker build button, the change in happiness (Forest Preserve) and health (chopping) that the build will cause is shown. (BULL has a similar feature.)

• When a city owned by the active (human) player gets bombarded, an interface message gets shown immediately (previously: not until the start of the human turn) and (idea from the MNAI mod) the name of the bombarding unit is included. [advc.004g]
• Help text for Walls and Castle says that defense is "raised to" 50% and 100% respectively. (This is implemented through a new XML tag DefenseRaise that replaces the cumulative DefenseModifier tag. Mod-mods can keep using the old tag.) [advc.004c]
• When hovering for combat odds and the only (otherwise) valid defenders are maximally damaged, the combat help text says so and states the attacker's damage limit. [advc.089]
• The number of collateral damage targets (iCollateralDamageMaxUnits in Civ4UnitInfos.xml) gets shown in unit help text. [advc.004]

The pathfinder should no longer propose paths that pass through more tiles than necessary. [] Discussion

When hovering for movement into terrain that one of the selected units (e.g. Workboat) cannot enter, help text says which technology, if any, (e.g. Astronomy) would allow the move or if being the owner of the tile would help. [advc.057]

Darkened the color of the Great Person bar; was 100% yellow. [advc.002i]

The Settings tab (Victory screen) and the first replay message both list those custom map options that differ from the default. For example, if "Cylindrical" is the default world-wrap, then "Cylindrical" wouldn't be listed, but "Toroidal" would be listed. [advc.004, advc.106h]

Field-of-view slider: [advc.090]
• Made the bar slightly longer, which makes it a bit easier to set the slider to a particular value. (However, I haven't been able to fix the bug that can make the slider slip away when the mouse button is released.)
• When increased above 75%, the slider becomes more sensitive. This should allow Huge maps to be fully displayed without switching to Globe view (e.g. for AI Auto Play or a screenshot).

When the active player is defeated during AI Auto Play, the player with the next highest id automatically becomes the active player; AI Auto Play continues uninterrupted. [advc.127]

Option for Sea Patrol mission button added to the BUG menu. The button was previously disabled through the DLL; it's still disabled by default. [advc.004k]

Bugfixes: [advc.001]
In pre-AdvCiv code:
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(Vanilla) The Taj Mahal no longer grants an extra Golden Age turn when completed during a Golden Age. Moreover, a Golden Age started by the Taj Mahal doesn't start until the beginning of the owner's next turn. (Previously, it started during the end-of-turn sequence, already affecting the :hammers: and :gp: generated at the end of the turn.) [advc.001x]
(Vanila/ AdvCiv) Great Person birth modifiers from buildings (e.g. National Epic) had not affected birth probabilities. As a result, the birth probabilities displayed by AdvCiv were sometimes way off. [advc.001c] Discussion
(BtS) When deciding whether to monopolize a tech ("don't want to trade just yet"), code that was supposed to check for a war plan against the recipient of the tech had instead checked for a war plan against anyone.
(K-Mod) Erroneous uses of AI strategy bitmasks had lead to (minor?) errors in the AI evaluation of Cottages and commerce yields in general.
(K-Mod 1.44) The AI had used the "Big Espionage" strategy (far) too often because of a feedback loop between that strategy and the espionage commerce weight. I've also made some tweaks that further lower the AI espionage commerce weight. [advc.120]
(K-Mod 1.45) Angry citizens had consumed food even during the production of a worker or settler. (Not how it's supposed to work.)

In older AdvCiv code:
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• AI cities hadn't taken the Apostolic Palace's production bonus into account when evaluating Temples and Monasteries.
• The tech cost adjustment for the "No Tech Trading" option had had no effect. [advc.550d]
• Potential for out-of-sync errors resulting from AI city safety data not being stored in savegames. [advc.139]
• When forming a Permanent Alliance, the allies had lost their vassals.
• One aspect of the war utility computation, "fidelity", had been ignored by UWAI. It's supposed to stop the AI from making peace shortly after bringing in a war ally.
• UWAI had sometimes overestimated the offensive power of an AI civ when units originally produced for offensive purposes were in fact filling in as city defenders.
• Several more or less rare issues with city production getting interrupted upon border expansion, connecting a resource, declaring war or receiving a tech through trade. [advc.064d]
• Issues with the fly-out scoreboard: [advc.085]
- Drop in frame rate and lag in animations while the scoreboard was expanded. (This problem is not 100% fixed. Moving the cursor around in a particular pattern still seems to cause the frame rate to drop.)
- If the scoreboard gets expanded during diplomacy, instead of flickering, it now stays expanded until the diplo screen has been closed. (More a workaround than a bugfix.)​
• Various mixups of player and team ids. Those had some negative effect in team games, but I'm not sure how much trouble they had caused.
• Coastal roads had sometimes established a trade connection with adjacent coastal water. That's only supposed to happen in the special case of tiles workable by a city on a different landmass. [advc.124]
• The AI was able to ask humans for a free technology prior to Alphabet.
• AI units guarding a city site were sometimes (rarely?) moving back and forth between two tiles. [advc.300]
• Possible crash upon force-war votes (Apostolic Palace) affecting dead players.
• The Top Civs popup (e.g. "the most advanced civilizations") should no longer start appearing once half of the civs have been eliminated.

Many thanks to the players and fellow modders who have pointed out these and other issues and offered advice, in particular:
@Elkad, @SuperXANA, @carp, @VDNKh, @keldath, @xyx, @Pepo, @Cruiser76, @devolution, @Nightinggale, @Leoreth, @PieceOfMind

Optional changes (disabled or unused by default):
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Penalty on "ground-breaking" research as a rubber band/ catch-up mechanism. Based loosely upon @Leoreth's getSpreadResearchModifier function (Dawn of Civilization mod). See comments in TechDiffusion_GlobalDefines.xml for most of the specifics. [advc.groundbr] Discussion (on and off over several pages)

Tags added to Civ4ImprovementInfos.xml:
• Terrain improvements can grant health through the HealthPercent tag. (I plan to use this for Forest Preserve eventually.) [advc.901]
• Terrain improvements can protect vegetation from Global Warming through the GWFeatureProtection tag. Based on a suggestion from @Cruiser76. If this is used, then PROTECT_FEATURE_ON_NON_DRY_TERRAIN (GlobalDefinesAlt.xml) should probably be disabled. [advc.055]

The TerrainImpassables and FeatureImpassables tags don't apply to owned tiles even for land units. (Not relevant in BtS/AdvCiv because only sea units have impassable terrain (Ocean). [advc.057] Discussion

Minimap in replay:
REPLAY_TEXTURE_ERA in GlobalDefines_advc.xml allows storing a terrain texture for the replay file before the game is over so that the replay minimap doesn't reflect e.g. terrain changes from global warming. [advc.106n] Discussion
• Added a comment to GlobalDefines_advc.xml about increasing the resolution of the minimap through MINIMAP_RENDER_SIZE. [advc.106m]

Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml now contains a special LeaderHeadInfo element "LEADER_DEFAULTS" that sets default values for all non-mandatory elements. The LEADER_DEFAULTS element isn't required; mod-mods with custom leaders shouldn't have to change anything. [advc.xmldefault]

Performance optimizations: Turn times have been reduced to about 2/3 of AdvCiv 0.96 in tests with 18 civs. (But scalability problems of the UWAI component with far more than 18 civs still haven't been addressed.) The saved time is mostly due to low-level optimizations:
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• Function inlining [advc.inl],
• caching, avoiding unnecessary branching, reordering of conditions [advc.opt]
• memory use – collapsing zeroed arrays to avoid CPU cache misses. [advc.003t]
Regarding the last point, I've adopted a couple of ideas by @billw2015 from Caveman2Cosmos, but, more importantly, I've added @Nightinggale's EnumMap from the "We the People" mod, replacing some of the naked arrays in BtS code. It's a major improvement in readability and safety and a notable improvement in performance – despite being used only in a few AdvCiv classes so far.

Refactoring - an overview (maybe) for other modders; not relevant for players. To make the CvGameCore code easier to maintain and extend.
Spoiler :
Much of the code for "info enums" (enum types used for ids of objects storing data loaded from XML) is now generated by the preprocessor. This was helpful for integrating the EnumMap class mentioned under optimizations.
Expanded the use of enum types for ids a bit more, and added a macro for (somewhat) type-safe bitmasks. Through operator overloading, the linker now detects (suspicious) comparisons between certain enum types, in particular between player and team ids. [advc.enum]

The code for caching GlobalDefines (including Python callback guards) also gets generated by the preprocessor. This makes it much easier to cache additional defines. I've tried the same approach for implementing new XML tags on the DLL side. That's currently limited to simple integer and boolean XML elements and not as convenient as I'd like, but still avoids a lot of boilerplate code. I've been using it for the tags added in AdvCiv 0.97. [advc.tag]

Class ScaledInt (yet to be renamed to "ScaledNum") for fixed-point arithmetic, which is safe wrt. network synchronization. (There's not much of a point in that for AdvCiv so long as the mod still uses floating-point math extensively in the UWAI component.) I use ScaledInt in many of the AI calculations that I've added or modified this spring, and I'm quite happy with it in terms of usability and performance.

Most of the frequently needed types of loops can now be written more safely and concisely through
FOR_EACH macros (cities, units, selection groups, areas, deals, enum values) [advc.003s, advc.enum]
• or iterators (players, teams, plots). [advc.agent, advc.plotr]
In some cases, i've updated the entire code base to use the new syntax, in others, the process is ongoing. The FOR_EACH_ENUM macro is mostly @Nightinggale's work.

Made all base class declarations of virtual AI functions private, moved them to the bottom of their header files and created wrapper functions that make it easier and safer to modify the AI functions. Added some getter functions for obtaining references to AI objects in order to get by without the base class declarations. [advc.003u]
Untangled some header dependencies, especially dependencies on AI headers. [advc.003u]

Identified 5 more (total now 7) classes that get allocated by the EXE and therefore must retain their BtS memory layout. Added static assertions as a protection against memory corruptions (which are very difficult to track down). [advc.003k]

Split up CvInfos.h/.cpp into 17 + 17 separate header and implementation files. [advc.003x]

Moved the AI code for city site evaluation out of the CvPlayerAI class. In terms of splitting up large files, especially CvPlayerAI.cpp, a lot more could be done.

Moved bulky, repetitive code that sets up Python calls into a helper class. []

Added plenty of const qualifiers and moved toward using references instead of pointers when appropriate.

Local improvements: Removal of duplicate code, removal of unused code, renamed identifiers.

Build system (no major changes) and debugging – both only relevant for developers:
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Build: [advc.make]
• Moved profiler settings to Makefile.project.
• Profiling code based on the Time Stamp Counter adopted from "We the People" (@Nightinggale). [advc.003o]
• Configuration debug-opt (debug symbols + compiler optimizations) added for inspecting optimized disassembly.
• Parallel debug builds (following @billw2015's suggestion)
• Some inlining allowed in debug builds (Ob1 compiler option), making them ca. 30% faster.

• Added code for testing whether an AI Auto Play sequence is reproducible. Mainly for finding uses of uninitialized memory or other non-deterministic code. [advc.repro]
GameFont Display by @Nightinggale added. No immediate use, but might become helpful in the future.
• Can log some basic statistics (land/ sea ratio, terrain, elevation and resource frequencies, resources per player) after map generation. [advc.mapstat]
• Can log a breakdown of the AI evaluation of city sites. [advc.031c]
• The manual includes a crib sheet about the various log files introduced by mods and from the original game (under id "007" in the changelog portion of the manual).
• Some tweaks to assertion popups: [advc.006]
- Include the function name in the error message. From Caveman2Cosmos (@billw2015)
- On a failed assertion while debugging, re-evaluate the condition, so that the user can immediately step through the evaluation. [advc.006h]
- Warn about empty int/bool/float XML elements. (from MNAI) [advc.006d]
- Don't show a spurious "current XML file" in assertion popups when XML loading has already finished. In part from MNAI [advc.006e], in part from @rheinig's mod. I've also adopted some tweaks to modular XML loading from the latter.​

(DLL allowing up to 48 civs: GitHub)


The Dutch were unable to produce Galleons and East Indiamen (bug report)

Free Missionary didn't match the chosen religion when playing with the "Choose Religion" option (bug report)

AI war evaluation (UWAI component): When an AI civ was predicted to conquer a city with too few surviving attackers to continue the offensive, UWAI had erroneously ended the (simulated) offensive of the previous city owner instead of the new city owner. This error may have occurred fairly regularly during wars spanning more than one continent. (bug report)
Other, lesser issues with interncontinental wars and AI peace terms remain unresolved. Hopefully, v0.97 will address those.

Positive combat modifiers of human attackers were shown with a minus sign when hovering for combat odds. (bug report)

The keyboard shortcut Shift+U for unloading all units from a transport had been overridden in v0.96 by a new shortcut for unselecting all units. Unselecting now uses the shortcut Shift+Alt+U (may have to hold those keys for a split second to suppress automatic unit cycling). (bug report)

Fort and Forest Preserve weren't shown in Sevopedia. (bug report)


+1 move for Frigate, Privateer, Ship of the Line. Removed the extra move that Ship of the Line had received with Coal since AdvCiv 0.94. [change id advc.905b]

Machine Gun has +25% strength against Mounted units (was 10% in K-Mod, 0 in BtS). [advc.909a]

Discussion about the two changes above (2nd half of the post): link

Show rival techs even when tech trading is disabled (as in BtS – v0.96d had changed this). [advc.553] (discussion)

Increased Barbarian creation rate on small continents by not rounding down unnecessarily in the computation of the number of Barbarians to place. [advc.300]

Reduced the impact of sea level on distance maintenance. [advc.140] (In BtS, sea level didn't affect maintenance at all; AdvCiv has changed that.) With High sea level, distance maintenance should be about 10% less than in v0.96d and, with Low sea level, 10-15% greater. (related posts)

Mixed Continents map: Increased the hill grain value on small landmasses, meaning that hills are spread out more evenly than in v0.96d. It had been too difficult to place cities with reasonable production yields along some stretches of coast. [advc.mxc]


Replay screen dimensions adjusted to display resolution. [advc.106m]

Thanks to Elkad, Pepo, Bestban and keldath for bug reports and suggestions.

This Git commit includes the full list of changes – apart from this small last-minute change. Meanwhile, v0.97 remains work in progress.
Another small update with bugfixes. I've also included some simple AI tweaks and changes to map scripts because – although not thoroughly tested – map scripts are unlikely to ruin anyone's game.

* The cache for the (geographical) closeness between the cities of an AI civ and those of any given rival was not getting updated reliably – a serious impediment for AI war/ strategic planning. This bug had been introduced in v0.95.
* When a naval blockade was lifted through a change in tile ownership, none of the blockaded tiles were cleared. This bug was introduced a few versions ago. Thanks to @Elkad for reporting and investigating the problem.
* The game no longer attempts to cancel outdated minimized popups in networked multiplayer games. This had resulted in popups appearing multiple times. (I haven't fixed the error, just disabled the broken code, i.e. now there will be outdated popups in network games – same as in BtS.) Thanks to @keldath for reporting the problem.
* The expanding scoreboard was not collapsing reliably in games with simultaneous turns.
* When playing without Tech Trading, the technologies available to rivals were still shown on the "Tech" tab of the Foreign Advisor screen. They're supposed to be secret then.
* When playing with randomized personalities, memory-based relations modifiers (e.g. "You declared war on us") were not displayed. Moreover, the sum of the relations modifiers was counting the hidden modifiers (first impression, rank) and thus more or less giving them away. Some of the memory-based modifiers are now displayed as at most +1 or -1 to prevent e.g. Gandhi's personality from immediately revealing itself through "-2: You declared war on our friends."

AI tweaks:
* The AI trains fewer "floating" defenders in the late game. And a couple of other tweaks to the floating defenders formula. I think the (BtS) numbers had been way too high; e.g. some 6 floating defenders per city by the Industrial era – in addition to the stationary defenders.
* Great People aren't spent on cities that are in immediate danger of getting conquered. Thanks to @Elkad for making me aware.

Map scripts:
* Added a variant of the "Continents and Islands" script by @jam3, which, in turn, is based on the BtS script "Big and Small" by Sirian. I've called my version "Mixed Continents" because it doesn't necessarily involve islands – by default, the two landmass types are normal continents and small ("snaky") continents. It's possible to place the two landmass types in two separate regions of the map, but, by default, they're mixed together. I've disabled jam3's "Add Plains" and "Reduce Desert" options because I found them a bit arbitrary and thus confusing. Instead of the "Add Water" option, the sea level setting is now used (was previously ignored; "Big and Small" still ignores it). And I've tweaked the land/ sea ratio and map dimensions so that the same player counts as on e.g. Fractal and Continents can be used.
* karadoc's "not too Big or Small" also uses its sea level setting now. (His script doesn't support overlapping regions; for separate regions, especially for large maps, it's probably a better choice than "Mixed Continents".)
* Perfect Mongoose: (prompted by this post by @LeBashar)
- Plains aren't quite so expansive anymore (fewer overall and some are placed near the equator).
- The script tries to avoid placing Jungle and Desert next to each other.
- Snow and Tundra mostly don't appear outside the polar regions anymore.
- Increased the frequency of Forests and the land-sea ratio a little bit.

The changes are covered in some more detail by the commit history on GitHub. (That's a link to the "hotfixes" branch; there are plenty of changes for v0.97 on the master branch.)

The main download link includes the whole (updated) mod as always. For players who have customized the mod: The only modfied assets are CvGameCoreDLL.dll and The updated DLL for up to 48 civs can be found here. (I forgot to update the meta info for the DLLs this time. So the file properties still saying version is no cause for concern.)
This update only contains bugfixes, namely those from the v0.96b hotfix ...
- Traits category in Sevopedia wasn't working (bug report)
- AI-controlled Carracks were freezing the game in rare circumstances (bug report)
... and these additional bugfixes:
- Human units set to automatic exploration were unable to heal (bug report)
- Two errors leading the AI to cancel resource deals erractically

The main download link includes the whole (updated) mod as always; however, for an update from v0.96, it's enough to replace AdvCiv\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll with the updated DLL (separate download) and (just for the Sevopedia bugfix) to also update AdvCiv\Assets\Python\Contrib\Sevopedia\ (separate download - "save link as..."). The updated DLL for up to 48 civs can be downloaded here.
For players who need more than 18 civs: updated CvGameCoreDLL for up to 48 civ

Release notes:

Just one significant balance change (culture levels):
Spoiler :
Culture level thresholds are adjusted ...
* to the game's difficulty level. This only concerns Monarch difficulty and above. On Emperor difficulty, Normal speed, for example, the threshold for Legendary culture is now 60000 instead of 50000. (Rationale: Tech cost increases on the high difficulty levels had made Space victory too costly compared with Culture victory.) The Victory screen shows how much culture is needed for victory. As before, the thresholds are the same for human and AI players. [change id 251]
* to the start era. For example, starting in the Modern era halves the threshold for Legendary culture. (The specific numbers probably aren't well-balanced yet.) [advc.126]
The first threshold ("Fledgling") is exempted from these adjustments.

Perhaps also worth mentioning: The anger caused by foreign culture when not at war has been reduced a little according to @xyx's suggestion here.
User interface:
Spoiler :
Changes to the tabular scoreboard: [advc.085]
When updating from v0.95, to adopt the changes to the default scoreboard layout mentioned below, you can either make those changes manually through the BUG menu or remove My Games\Beyond the Sword\AdvCiv\Settings\Advanced Scoreboard.ini; BUG will then recreate that file with the new default settings when a game is started or loaded.
* Hover text
- The scoreboard shows additional columns on mouse-over: Open Borders, Defensive Pact and some others mentioned below. This behavior can be disabled through the "Expand on Hover" option on the "Score" tab of the BUG menu.
- BULL "Trade Hover" merged: Help text about trade routes and active deals is shown when hovering over the trade connection icon :traderoute:. That icon appears on the expanded scoreboard.
- Hover text for the power ratio :strength: added. The text says by how many espionage points the threshold for seeing demographics (or research) is exceeded. The power ratio is enabled by default and shown on the expanded scoreboard.
- Hovering over your own name on the scoreboard will list any AI players whose worst enemy you are.​
* Golden Age/ Anarchy indicator added; shown by default on the expanded scoreboard.
* Changed the meaning of the espionage icon :espionage:. If the icon is enabled (default: disabled), then it's shown next to rivals for whom a positive weight has been set on the Espionage screen. (In BtS, the icon is shown next to rivals that have accumulated fewer espionage points against you than vice versa, but information about rival espionage points accumulated against a particular target is generally secret in K-Mod – and in AdvCiv.)
* When rival research is visible, the scoreboard now shows the research progress as a percentage (because the number of remaining turns fluctuates too much).
* The scoreboard can no longer be – accidentally or deliberately – minimized. (But it can still be hidden entirely through the "Toggle Scoreboard" button.)
* The scoreboard can display leader and civilization icons that show trait abilities and unique units on mouse-over. Disabled by default; add the letters F and G to the "Column Order" box on the "Scores" tab of the BUG menu to enable these icons. Merged from Kek-Mod; see below.

Hover text added to the food yield display on the city screen (merged from BULL; "Food Rate Hover").

Hover text for technologies (research bar, choose-research popup) shows when one technology will speed up another and lists "leads-to" technologies with additional missing requirements separately; example: "Alphabet – Leads to Currency and later Printing Press" [advc.910]

When the city screen is exited through a right-click on the city tile, the camera is centered on the city tile afterwards. (Right-click to exit had been added in v0.95.) Exiting through the keyboard or a middle-click focuses on the selected units (if any) as before. [advc.004t]

Can now unselect all units by holding Shift + U for a moment. [advc.088]

The Sevopedia window now uses (almost) the entire screen. [advc.004y]

The Great Wall graphic is only placed adjacent to unowned and Barbarian tiles. (To avoid a very long wall when the Great Wall gets constructed late.) [advc.310]
Partly merged Kek-Mod updates 0.23-0.25a
List of the changes that I've merged (none to be urgently aware of): Git commit 1 2

Noteworthy bugfixes (in AdvCiv code):
Spoiler :
* Asking a vassal to stop trading no longer cancels the master's deals. Generally, embargoes are symmetrical in AdvCiv, but vassals are an exception. [advc.130f]
* The relations penalty for razing an AI city is now only halved when the razed city is insignificant (culture, population). In previous versions, the memory had always been halved. [advc.130q]
* The AI had sometimes refused to accept cities in peace deals. Now fixed. [advc.122]
* When a human player was trading a resource to an AI civ and still had more than 2 resources of the same type available, the AI renegotiated the trade every 10 turns. [advc.133] Thanks to @xyx for helping me fix this bug. (Some other issues with pointlessly canceled resource trades may remain.)
* The "Choose Religions" option no longer lets a human player found multiple religions with a single religion tech. [advc.004x] Thanks to @Montezuma12 for reporting the problem.
* The game will no longer crash when hovering over a tile containing a visible Spy together with a Barbarian unit. [advc.061]
* Hotfix 0.95b is included (fixes issues with canceling unit automation and switching between tabs on the Victory screen).
AI tweaks:
Spoiler :
* Some adjustments to the AI evaluation of city sites and the odds of training Settlers and Workers, mainly aimed at allowing faster military build-up in the early game when there are no decent sites to settle. Thanks to @keldath for feedback and recommendations on this. [advc.031b]
* The AI shares Workers between different cities and landmasses less inefficiently than before. [advc.113]
* Can dial down the impact of leader personality on all AI decisions through UWAI_PERSONALITY_PERCENT in Assets\AI_Variables_GlobalDefines.xml. [advc.104x]
Multiplayer: The mod runs a compatibility test at game start and informs players if floating point computations will lead to synchronization ("OOS") problems. (More information here, after the second quote box.)

Included misc. contributions by @devolution:
Spoiler :
* Some bugfixes and AI and performance tweaks; see these Git commits. Thanks to @vedg for a small amendment.
* AI Auto Play can be used for benchmarking (press Ctrl+Shift+B instead of Ctrl+Shift+X). This is going to be helpful for evaluating any future performance optimizations.
* Updated to @Nightinggale's Makefile and Visual Studio project files and properly adopted devolution's final release configuration.
Thanks to devolution also for helping me resolve problems with line endings and case-sensitive file names in the AdvCiv Git repository.
I've added two paragraphs about building and debugging AdvCiv's GameCoreDLL to the manual (chapter "For developers").

Performance: Some tweaks in the AI code here and there, and the DLL is now being compiled with the compiler from Visual Studio 2003 SP1 (2006) that @alberts2 was so kind to share in the Caveman2Cosmos subforum. The updated compiler might generate slightly faster code.

Code refactoring: Many stylistic changes (see e.g. this Git commit); got rid of the "INLINE" clutter in function names (see this commit); revised header inclusions (commit); removed excess whitespaces (commits 1 2 3). Making such style changes piecemeal along with functional changes has made line diffs difficult to read; that'll hopefully be less of a problem in the future.

The commit history (mid April to late July) documents all changes.
Updated manual: See "Overview" tab
DLL for up to 48 civs (still not exactly recommended): GitHub link

Changes that were not included in the beta version from January (v0.94e) have blue change id numbers. Also, a bug in v0.94e that had made the AI almost always unwilling to be hired for war is now fixed.

DIFFICULTY CHANGES (mostly Emperor and above)

In an effort to reduce the number of units on the map and to improve the balance of the various yields, I've added modifiers to the highest three difficulty settings that increase the production costs, worker turns, food needed for growth and Great Person (GP) thresholds of human players, and reduce the GP thresholds of the AI. In return, the AI production bonuses and worker speed bonuses have been reduced. [advc.251]

The AI bonuses no longer increase with each era because that mechanism is self-reinforcing: Those AI civs that are already ahead in tech are the first to benefit from the increased bonuses. Instead, the bonuses now increase based on the game turn number. And, for simplicity, the AI modifiers for expenses and war weariness don't decrease progressively anymore; instead, AI research costs decrease over the course of the game. [advc.251]

(All in all, the magnitude of the AI bonuses should be as before. The changes above are only supposed to reduce distortions resulting from the bonuses.)

On Deity, the AI no longer starts with an extra Settler. Due to various changes in AdvCiv, the Deity AI had been so quick to expand that a human player usually didn't stand a chance to found more than three cities on a Standard map with the default player count. I've only played one test game on Deity after these changes (which I lost resoundingly, but surviving the early game wasn't so hard), so I'm not sure how difficult this setting is now and whether Immortal is difficult enough for everyone. [advc.250e]

Fewer free Archers: On Immortal and Deity, the number of free Archers that the AI receives at game start has been reduced by 1, and, on Immortal, the number of free Archers placed in Barbarian cities has also been reduced by 1. [advc.250e]


To pace technological progress, earlier AdvCiv versions had already increased the tech costs for both human and AI players. v0.95 tweaks these increases, [advc.251] and changes the game year computation on Normal speed so that the years pass a bit faster during Renaissance and a bit more slowly in later eras. Moreover, tech costs are now adjusted to the sea level (+20% for low sea level, -15% for high sea level). However, cost modifiers from map size and sea level don't apply to Ancient tech. [advc.910]

For greater transparency, various research modifiers (those based on the tech era and those compensating for the "No Tech Trading" and "Raging Barbarians" options) are applied to the tech cost instead of the research rate, and the research bonus for knowing a single prerequisite tech (see e.g. this thread) has been removed. [advc.910]


The default grid dimensions have been reduced a little for all map sizes, mostly by just four columns or rows. (This change can be undone through AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GameInfo\Civ4WorldInfos.xml.) Previous versions had already raised the default player counts, e.g. from 7 to 8 players for Standard-size maps, but, in my estimation, most maps were still a bit too spacious.
For some particular map scripts, a custom grid size has been set. Notably, Pangaea is now a little larger than in BtS (88x52 instead of 84x52). [advc.137]


Drill I enables the Blitz promotion for ships, but Blitz allows only one extra attack per turn (was previously limited only by the unit's movement points). Both can be reverted through AdvCiv\Assets\XML\Units\Civ4PromotionInfos.xml. [advc.164]
This should make it a bit easier to destroy unescorted transports before they can unload. In that same vein, the following change was included in the 0.94e beta version but is now disabled by default. It can be re-enabled by setting ENABLE_162 in AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml to 1.
Spoiler :

On the turn that war is declared, units that enter enemy borders have all their movement points spent. (Except air units and units that can explore rival territory.) [advc.162]
Having tested this a bit, I feel that it helps solve the problem (see e.g. these two posts), but adds complexity, is easy to forget about and implausible. New idea (for a future version): Unloading units outside a friendly city or fort causes the transport to lose all movement points and, for the next turn, the unloaded units are considered to be "disembarking", meaning that an attack on the transport can still destroy them.

Units that get "bumped" out of foreign territory have all their movement points spent. [advc.163]

Added an active espionage mission for investigating cities. (Previous versions of AdvCiv had allowed cities to be investigated for free when a spy unit was present.) The base cost is 40 espionage points, mission success is guaranteed and the spy unit remains in the city tile (not returned to the capital). City investigation no longer reveals the owner's current research and gold reserves. [advc.103]

The espionage slider requires Alphabet (previously no requirement beyond meeting another civ). [advc.120g]

Production overflow can no longer result in cities training multiple units per turn. This K-Mod innovation had, in my opinion, too many flaws. I've made some other changes to discourage micro-optimization of overflow:
* Cities can store overflow production at least equal to the size of their food store.
* Production from chopping is no longer converted into overflow, and instead remains stored until the city needs it.
* Slavery can't be used if the current production order is already certain to finish on the next turn through stored overflow or chopping yield.
The production tooltip on the city screen says how much overflow and chopping production will carry over to next order, and how much gold, if any, will be generated. [advc.064b]

No Fort is needed to connect a workable(!) tile across water. [advc.124]

Team games/ Permanent Alliances: When multiple members of a team are researching the same technology, their research modifiers are decreased by 10 percentage points. This should make tech choices more interesting. (In BtS, it's pretty much always best for the whole team to focus on one tech at a time.) [advc.156]


Worked around a BtS bug that had prevented the AI from contacting human players with peace offers. The AI-initiated offers can be more generous than the ones resulting from "What is the price for peace/ Let's stop this fighting." However, a rejected peace offer makes the AI slightly less willing to accept human peace offers. And I've tweaked the timing (ContactRand, ContactDelay). [advc.134a]

Fixed two serious problems with the (BBAI/AdvCiv) naval AI:
* Ships that were supposed to transport Settlers had often been filled up with Workers and, as a result, never set sail. [advc.040]
* The AI had sometimes trained far too many Galleys for exploration or colonization because of an inconsistency between the AI code for choosing city production and AI code for re-assigning unit roles (UnitAIType). [advc.017b]

AI city placement on small islands has been tweaked. [advc.031]

AI made more reluctant to use Slavery, especially on nonurgent builds. (It turned out that my earlier changes to the K-Mod Slavery code hadn't been very effective.) The AI still uses Slavery routinely on bread-and-butter builds (e.g. Settler, Worker, Library, Granary) and units with an immediate use. With that in mind, I've shifted the overall AI yield priorities a bit toward commerce. [advc.121b]

"You accepted our favorite religion/civic": If the player switches into a different religion or civic later on, the bonus is no longer suspended (as had been the case in earlier versions of AdvCiv), but the AI forgets it faster. [advc.145]

Changed Suryavarman's favorite civic from Organized Religion to Caste System because asking others to adopt a religion civic doesn't make much sense unless state religions happen to match. Hopefully, I can address that problem more generally in a future update; Sury's case was especially annoying because his change-civics requests apply a double relations penalty when rebuked. [advc.005a]

Changed the probability of demanding tribute for some AI leaders. In particular, I've pretty much switched the probabilities of Ragnar, Mehmed, Shaka, Kublai Khan, Brennus (now likely to demand tribute) with those of De Gaulle, Sitting Bull, Isabella, Catherine and Louis (now unlikely to demand tribute). The new probabilities should match the historical backgrounds of those leaders better. [advc.005a]

UI (lots of changes, intended to bring AdvCiv closer to being on par with BULL/BUFFY)

The tile hover text that lists the units in a tile now uses the available space more efficiently, sorts the units more sensibly and shows the total number of military land units and ships. All this can be disabled on the "Map" tab of the BUG menu. [advc.061]

The hover text of technologies (e.g. on the research bar) now shows all research modifiers that apply. Will e.g. show "+20% from diffusion" when most other civs already know a technology. [advc.910]

If the Ctrl key is held down while issuing a command to a Worker, the job is stopped one turn before completion. Also, if Ctrl is held down while hovering over a tile, the current progress on all unfinished Worker jobs is shown. [advc.011]
(Rationale: See this open K-Mod issue.)
Unfinished Worker jobs still decay, but the decay only starts once a tile has been unattended by Workers for 8 consecutive turns (in previous versions of AdvCiv, the time limit was 5 turns). [advc.011]

Units on Sentry (or healing outside a city) are not woken up by enemy units that start their move already within the visibility range. [advc.004l]
(This should make separate Sentry missions like "Land Sentry" in BULL unnecessary.)

More context-sensitive hover text for resource icons. Will e.g. not list the potential extra health from Crab with Harbor when the city screen of a landlocked city is open, nor from Pig with Supermarket when the game has just started. For strategic resources, relevant building discounts and enabled units are listed. [advc.004w]
On the "Resources" tab (Foreign Advisor screen), active trades can be canceled by clicking on an icon in the "Importing" or "Exporting" column, the denial reason is shown if the AI isn't willing to trade a resource (both merged from BULL) and the amount of gold per turn that the AI will pay or demand for a resource is shown. [advc.073,036]

Merged from BULL and always enabled: On the Foreign Advisor screen, when hovering over a tech that the AI isn't willing to trade, the reason for the trade denial is shown. [advc.073]

"What are the current deals we have together?": When hovering over a trade item (e.g. "Banana"), the help text shows the terms of the deal (e.g. "Wine to Peter for Banana") and whether or when it can be canceled. [advc.072]

New option on the "General" tab for showing the Great Person bars only once there is any progress toward a Great Person. [advc.078]

New option on the "Alerts" tab for showing an on-screen message upon meeting a rival. That message will also indicate the location of the encounter on the map. By default, the message is shown, and rivals still introduce themselves through a diplo popup. The message and the popup can be disabled. [advc.071]

New option on the "Map" tab for showing culture percentages on unowned tiles. Disabled by default, but one can always hold down Shift to view culture percentages. [advc.099f]

Merged from BULL and enabled by default:
* Info about production overflow is shown in the tooltip of the hurry-production button. [advc.064]
* Airport icon above city billboards on the main map. [advc.002f]

Civilopedia categories for keyboard shortcuts and leader traits restored from the original BUG code. (I think K-Mod had disabled these.) Shortcut info updated. [advc.004y]

AdvCiv options moved from XML to the BUG menu:
General tab:
- "Open Event Log if more than x messages" [advc.106b]
- "End-Turn Message" [advc.002n]
Map tab:
- "Scores in Globe View," "Resource Filters," "Tribal Village Icons" [advc.004z]
- "Show Resources at Game Start" [advc.004m]
- "Founding Yields," "Founding Border" [advc.004h]
- "City Network Icon" [advc.002f]
Score tab: "Color-Code Teams" [advc.155]
Unit Icons tab: "Promotion Glow" [advc.002e]
Time tab: "Year Notation" - AD (Anno Domini) before or after the year or (new) CE/BCE [advc.002k]

The "Show Era" and "Era Color" options of the "Just Another Game Clock" mod can now be enabled without activating the clock. [advc.067]

K-Mod's "Simple Unit Selection" option works now (previously had no effect) and is enabled by default. [advc.001]

Tidied up the BUG menu and player options menu (Ctrl+O) by rearranging and renaming some options, rewriting most of the help texts (some of which were nearly incomprehensible to me) in English and German, changing default settings and removing a few options (incomplete list of removed BUG options and changed defaults here, at the end of the commit message). ini files with BUG settings from v0.94 and earlier should continue to work; if you want to use the AdvCiv default settings instead, you'd have to clear My Games\Beyond The Sword\AdvCiv\Settings. [advc.004,advc.076]

Revised the "Demographics" tab, mainly, to prevent players from deducing information about unmet rivals in the early game. The "best rival" and "worst rival" columns show the name, rank and value (e.g. number of soldiers) of the best or worst rival whose demographics are known through espionage. (There are some options near the top of Assets\Python\Screens\ that relax this condition a bit and provide info also about rivals who have been met but whose demographics are hidden.) The values in the "rival average" column are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5. And some accompanying layout changes. [advc.077]

When a transport ship is on or next to a land tile after spending its last movement point and has no further orders, units in cargo are woken up. [advc.075]

When viewing combat odds or attacking with multiple units selected, the unit with the best odds is chosen as the attacker if the Alt key is held down. Otherwise, an attacker with suboptimal odds may be chosen, e.g. to inflict collateral damage or to preserve high-level units. [advc.048]
(Previously, there was no reliable way to see which unit would actually attack.)

Culture layer: For tiles with culture of multiple civs, the area painted in each of the civ's colors corresponds to that civ's culture percentage. For example, a 75-25 Egyptian-Japanese tile is shown as 3 parts yellow, 1 part red, not half-half as before. On tiles in the fog of war, only the owner's color is shown. [advc.004z]

Fixed a bug in the code that records city name changes in replays (added in v0.94); no longer records the (normally) unobservable temporary name changes that happen when a city is conquered. [advc.106k]

AdvCiv now writes its replay files in the same format as unmodded BtS, meaning that AdvCiv replays can be viewed through the Hall of Fame screen without loading (or even installing) the mod. This is configurable through GlobalDefines_advc.xml. [advc.106i]


Through a compiler option that @devolution pointed out to me, AI turns should be about 10% faster in large games. :eek:

The GitHub commit history since early December documents all changes in this update, including some refactoring of DLL code (removed DLLExports, Cppcheck) that isn't worth detailing here because it shouldn't affect the behavior of the mod.

Credits: Small changes adopted from Kek-Mod (DarkLunaPhantom), Caveman2Cosmos (Koshling, alberts2) RoM: A New Dawn (Afforess), We The People (Nightinggale, devolution), Dawn of Civilization (Leoreth), K-Mod-Extended (alberts2).

I've realized that BtS did not have a diplomatic handicap on Noble difficulty and above, meaning that the +1 bonus to inter-AI relations ("first impression") added in v0.90 was uncalled for. That said, I've come to think that a slight diplomatic handicap for humans makes sense, so I'm keeping an AI bonus of +0.3 below Prince difficulty, and increasing gradually from Prince (0.4) to Deity (0.9). This fractional bonus is added to the modifiers from AI peace weight and warmonger respect (which are also fractional in AdvCiv and rounded in the end). [advc.148]

Relations modifiers from trade: [advc.130p]
* "Our trade relations have been fair and forthright":
a) This bonus is now more properly adjusted to difficulty, game speed and map size than in v0.93.
b) Instead of subtracting 100% of what the other side gets, the AI subtracts only 83%, meaning that trades that are indeed "fair" now contribute a bit to the relations bonus.
c) Getting from e.g. +3 to +4 is harder than getting from 0 to +1, i.e. the bonus is no longer proportional to the trade values recorded by the AI.
a) and c) also apply to penalties for trading with an enemy.
* "You've traded with our worst enemies" is now also counted in the following situations:
a) Trade with a civ that is not the worst enemy, but a war enemy.
b) Payments for peace by a third party (brokered peace). Such payments are always tolerated in BtS; now they're only tolerated by civs that are Pleased with the civ that peace is made with.
c) Reparations paid in a two-party peace deal.
a) and c) count only partially.
These changes are intended to close loopholes in the enemy trade logic.

Trade embargoes: [advc.130f]
* An embargo lasts for 18 turns on average; was 22 in v0.93 and 30 in BtS. The trade value charged by the AI for an embargo has been reduced accordingly.
* The relations bonus for accepting an embargo demanded by the AI is, on average, remembered for 50 turns instead of 100. The relations penalty for negotiating a trade embargo is normally remembered for 60 turns (no change), but an embargo proposed against a war enemy is forgotten twice as fast by that enemy (i.e. after 30 turns on average).
* Whether the AI is willing to "betray close friends" is now also a matter of the attitude toward the player that proposes the embargo. On the flip side, the AI may refuse to stop trading with a dangerous neighbor ("we're afraid of their military might").
These changes should make embargoes more common and a bit less consequential.

"We see that you could probably use a little help": The AI may gift tech to any liked rival that has fallen behind. In BtS, the AI only helps humans, and that felt like an unfair advantage. Plus, helping partners that have fallen behind can actually be a smart play for the AI. [advc.130z]

Rise & Fall option: I've narrowed (and simplified) the conditions under which the AI is unwilling to accept gifts; see the second half of page 19 in the manual. [advc.700]


Flood Plains no longer appear at river bends, only alongside rivers. Rationale:
- Cities with a high number of Flood Plains tend to be too powerful.
- Makes it easier to find a spot for a city at a Desert river. (Settling on a Flood Plains doesn't feel good.)
- The Flood Plains graphic was difficult to see on river bends.
This change can be undone through Civ4FeatureInfos.xml. [advc.129b]

Quechua loses its bonus against Archers and costs 15 production again. (K-Mod had increased the cost to 20.) The only remaining advantage over a regular Warrior is the free Combat I promotion (which, in my opinion, is still a very significant advantage). [advc.907b]

Prompted by two recent posts in the K-Mod forum, I've implemented a few balance changes to ships that I had been meaning to make for some time: [advc.905-906]
* East Indiaman becomes a unique Frigate with 3 cargo spaces and +1 speed, and Frigate and East Indiaman gain +4 bombard rate. East Indiaman can no longer explore rival territory.
* Ship of the Line also gains +4 bombard rate, +25% vs. Frigate (was 20% in K-Mod, 50% in BtS), requires Iron again (K-Mod had allowed Copper as an alternative), gets +1 speed with Coal and costs 110 production (was 120).
* Ironclad at Steam Power, no longer requires Steel. Gains +25% defense on Coast, i.e. pretty much always. Speed is still 3 as in K-Mod.
* Transport cost reduced from 125 to 100, strength from 16 to 14 and can't attack, blockade or pillage.
Rationale: Transport is supposed to be a more efficient cargo ship than Galleon and East Indiaman, but not a unit for harassing pre-Combustion civs.
* Attack Submarine and Submarine (now called "Nuclear Submarine") switch places in the tech tree. Both units get 6 first strikes, which should make them more dangerous for Battleship, and Destroyer gets to ignore first strikes. Stealth Destroyer receives the same anti-air and anti-submarine abilities as Destroyer and 1 cargo space for missiles, but also a cost increase from 220 to 270. These changes replace earlier balance changes to submarines (K-Mod: attack bonus, AdvCiv 0.93: higher withdrawal chance) and Stealth Destroyer (K-Mod/v0.93: increased strength). [advc.906]

Increased the cost of the force-religion and force-civics espionage missions, especially when a target religion has few followers. The AI uses these missions more deliberately, and they're announced to third parties. Previously, AI espionage had resulted in (seemingly) erratic religion changes. [advc.132]

Cities in occupation have a heal rate of 15 HP per turn, same as friendly non-city tiles. (Was 20 HP per turn in BtS.) [advc.023]

Reverted an AdvCiv change that had made Tanks less effective at suppressing revolts; their culture garrison strength is now 12 as in BtS. [advc.101]

Can build United Nations and Apostolic Palace when Diplo victory is disabled; only the victory votes require Diplo victory to be enabled. [advc.178]

Increased the probability of free research from a Tribal Village at the expense of free gold. (Because research is more interesting and, since v0.93, no longer overpowered.) Gold is still likelier than research. [advc.314]

On Emperor difficulty, the AI receives only one free Scout instead of two. This should leave more Tribal Villages for human civs that start with a Scout. [advc.250e]

Reduced combat bonuses against Animals: The AI bonus is always 50% (was 65%), and the human bonus is 20% on Monarch (was 25%), 25% on Prince (was 35%), 35% on Noble (was 50%), 50% on Warlord (was 70%), 75% on Chieftain (was 90%) and 100% on Settler (was 110%); no change on Emperor and above. These numbers already include the bonuses against Barbarians (Animals count as Barbarians). [advc.313]

Revised the free buildings granted when starting in the Medieval era or later. E.g. free Walls instead of Lighthouse in the Medieval era, free Library instead of Forge in Renaissance. [advc.126]


The Glance tab (Foreign Advisor screen) shows a fist icon when a civ is willing to start a war against another civ at the player's request. This can be disabled on the Advisors tab of the BUG menu. [advc.152]

The "Pending" city alerts ("Alerts" tab of the BUG menu) no longer trigger on positive changes. E.g. Growth: Pending only triggers when a city is about to shrink, not when it's about to grow. [advc.106d]

After completing a Spaceship (SS) part, the SS screen is only shown if the SS is ready for launch. This can be toggled on the "General" tab of the BUG options menu. [advc.060]

Also on the "General" tab: The hiding of the espionage slider when it's 0 can now be disabled. [advc.120c]

BUG city cycling arrows (above the flag button on the main interface) enabled again. These had been disabled for several versions because of a bug in AdvCiv code which I've now finally tracked down.

Faster combat animations: Since the actual speed of the animations can, apparently, not be modified, I'm letting units go down after fewer hits with each era. Moreover, starting in Renaissance, defensive combat animations are cut short, meaning that they usually end before one side has been defeated. This doesn't look nice, but should make the "Quick Combat (Defense)" option dispensable even in the late game. All this is configurable through AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml. [advc.002m]

Three UI changes that can be reverted through AdvCiv\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml:
* One can no longer (accidentally or deliberately) leave the city screen by clicking on a non-workable tile. The city screen can still be exited via mouse, as in BtS, by left-clicking on the mini-map or a middle-click. [advc.004t]
* When a Settler is selected, the full city radius is now highlighted and yield icons are only shown if "Display Yields" is enabled. [advc.004h]

The flashing end-turn message ("Press enter...") is no longer shown. This can be reverted through AdvCiv\Assets\XML\Text\Civ4GameText_advc.xml. [advc.002n]

And some small improvements to announcements and replays (e.g. city name changes are recorded in replays).


The mod runs quite a bit faster now. In a test on AI Auto Play, the first 250 turns on a Huge map with 18 civs took 17 minutes, down from 24 in the previous version. If the UWAI (war planning) component is disabled (not recommended), the mod is essentially as fast as K-Mod (12 minutes for the test above). The current speed should be fine for maps with up to 18 civs (better than unmodded BtS: 23 minutes). I've also managed to optimize the code a bit for games with more than 18 civs, and I've uploaded a DLL allowing 48 civs (link) as this has been requested in the past; however, in a test with 35 civs, K-Mod was still more than twice as fast as AdvCiv. I might make some conceptual changes in a future version to remedy this; mere performance tweaks are not going to be enough.


As in pretty much every update, I've tweaked the UWAI component (AI decisions on war and peace):
* Warfare in the Classical era should now be a bit more common, and Early Medieval long-distance wars less common. More specifically,
- having room to expand doesn't discourage war as much as it did in previous versions if the potential city sites are subpar,
- the long-term possibility of a military victory is taken into consideration earlier, and
- I've fixed some problems with distance measurements.
* Improved AI behavior in the endgame, specifically for preventing a rival Culture or Space victory.
* The AI should now be a bit better at recognizing when it's unfair to dogpile on a civ.
* Fixed an issue with AI civs dogpiling on a far stronger opponent when that opponent was already Furious at the dogpile attacker.
* Fixed issues that had prevented the AI from starting a war by invading a vassal. [advc.104j]

And some small improvements in various parts of the AI; perhaps worth noting: the AI may move its starting Settler [advc.108], picks tiles for fog-busting more intelligently [advc.300] and doesn't put ships in threatened cities [advc.139].

The GitHub commit history between late August and early December documents all the changes in this update.

Credits: Small changes adopted from code by Afforess, Fuyu, Koshling, DarkLunaPhantom, Nightinggale, Leoreth, Swati-007 and Roamty. vedg reported several bugs in BtS/K-Mod code (thread1, thread2).
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The previous update wasn't correctly uploaded; the download was still Sorry about that; hope it works this time. Should be
Recon units buffed: Scout gets +100% defense against Barbarians and can attack Animals (after all, Hunting is the prereq. tech for Scout), and Explorer can attack Barbarians, but can't capture cities. This allows Explorer to enter Tribal Villages guarded by a Barbarian unit. I've removed the free promotions (Woodsman I and Guerilla I) because the unit was getting too complicated overall. All of these changes can be reverted through XML. [change id 315]

Revised the goodies from Tribal Villages so that their effects increase a little with each game turn beyond turn 50, and reduced some effects that were too powerful. E.g. it's no longer possible to obtain Bronze Working very early on or Astronomy in the midgame; instead, some progress toward those techs is granted. See the manual (middle of page 10) about the specific changes to each of the outcomes. [change 314]

Wonders that have been removed from the production queue generate no "fail gold", meaning that it's no longer possible to earn gold from multiple cities building the same wonder nor from national wonders. Also no gold from Missionaries, Executives or when a teammate finishes a wonder. [change 123f]

The Resource layer always shows all resources, i.e. I've disabled the "Luxuries", "Health" and "General" filters. Instead, the scoreboard is shown in Globe view. The filters can be re-enabled through Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml (search for the change id "004z"). The Unit layer now shows all units by default (BtS: "Enemies in Territory"). And some changes to the Trade layer (see GlobalDefines_advc.xml or the manual), though it's probably still rarely useful.

Revised the optional info about Great Person discoveries ("bulb paths") on the Tech Advisor (details: see change 004a in the manual), and moved it into the unused space in the footer of the screen – an idea from the Dawn of Civilization mod. By default, the option is still disabled; can be enabled by checking "GP Research" on the Advisors tab of the BUG menu.

The war resolution of the Apostolic Palace (AP) can now target any civ whose state religion differs from the AP religion, even if that civ is an AP member. I've merged this change from DarkLunaPhantom's Kek-Mod v0.20 along with bugfixes and adjustments to visibility and culture in conquered cities.

Minor changes concerning Privateers: [change 033]
* AI civs prefer to use their Privateers against targets that they dislike. Some AI leaders never use Privateers to destroy the ships or improvements of partners, depending on a personality-based attitude threshold. (In BtS, Privateers attack indiscriminately, much like Barbarians.)
* Civs can no longer use Privateers to pillage or plunder their vassals or masters. Attacks on the vassal's or master's ships are still possible, though usually pointless, and the AI doesn't make such attacks. AI attacks against a vassal's or master's Privateers can happen because Privateer nationality is hidden.

"No Slavery" option on the Custom Game screen. This prevents humans from adopting the Slavery civic, which should make the game more challenging strategically and less fiddly. A temporary measure until I manage to implement a replacement for the hurry (whip) ability. The option is disabled by default (i.e. Slavery is enabled by default). [change 912d]

I've done some work on the AI and alert messages to make diplomacy less busy in large games. In particular, the War Trades alert no longer triggers when the AI stops offering a trade. This change can be reverted through GlobalDefines_advc.xml (search for change id "210a").

The game settings are recorded in replay files and appear as the first replay message. [advc.106h]

Debug tools (WorldBuilder, Debug mode, AI Auto Play) can now be enabled in multiplayer mode. I've run some multiplayer games on Auto Play and fixed a few synchronization ("OOS") errors in AdvCiv code. However, not all OOS errors can be found through Auto Play, and there are probably also other errors in the code that only human multiplayer testing will reveal, so I still can't really recommend the mod for multiplayer games.

Includes the hotfix for field-of-view issues from early April [change 004m]

And numerous misc. AI improvements (found value, tech value, war and peace). The GitHub commit history between Mar 15 and Aug 23 documents all the changes, but is probably too detailed to read.

Thanks to @SuperXANA for helping me test this update.
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* AI resource trades: If the AI doesn't need the happiness or health from a resource, it refuses to import that type of resource and is willing to export all of its own resources of that type. This change should make it easier for civs with few resources to grow their cities through (reasonably priced) imports. [change id 036]
It turned out that AI civs rarely needed happiness resources during the midgame because of Hereditary Rule, so I've made the following change:

* Hereditary Rule grants one happiness per every two military units and +25% happiness from resources (rounded down, as always). The second ability applies to all happiness bonuses listed in the resource box of the city screen, i.e. also to resource bonuses that require buildings. [change 912c]

* Pacifism now costs 1 gold per military unit (plus inflation). In K-Mod, the cost was 0.5 gold and, in BtS, 0.2 to 1 gold depending on the difficulty setting. That is, the cost, regardless of difficulty, is now the same as on Deity difficulty in BtS. The AI gets a 50% discount, i.e. pays the same as in K-Mod. (This balance change is unrelated to AI resource trades.) [912b]

* Rule change: When a tile is culturally contested between two civs and only one of them has a city close enough to work the tile, then the other civ's tile culture is affected by a decay rate. This way, the civ that is able to work the tile has an edge, especially on Epic and Marathon game speed as the decay rate isn't speed-adjusted. [099b]
This change should lead to fewer tiles that no civ is able to work and reduce AI problems with stacks stuck indefinitely in conquered cities after making peace.
I've experimented with more far-reaching changes, but disabled them in the end:
- A civ owns all tiles that no other civ could work; only when at war, the tiles flip to the civ with the highest culture. [035]
- A short right of passage after making peace, allowing both sides to reposition their units. [034]
These changes can still be enabled through XML, though I haven't tested them much.

* The AI can demand gold per turn as tribute, even if the player's current income is negative. [104m]

* Several bugs fixed in AdvCiv code, including a crash to desktop on maps without world wrap and an AI bug that had caused most gift requests to be denied.

* Fixed some issues with the PerfectMongoose map script: Civs starting too close to each other (though this can still happen), unpredictable land-sea ratios, Peaks only at coasts. The Old World Starts option fails to generate a New World about 1 in 10 times now. [021b]

* When both Debug mode and AI Auto Play are enabled, the game assumes that the player wants to be a spectator in an all-AI game and shows messages about all major game events to the player, even when those events involve civs or cities that the player's civ has no knowledge of. A short chapter about all-AI games has been added to the manual.

* Some UI changes to be aware of (can be disabled through XML):
- Peace terms are announced to third parties; e.g. "Alexander has made peace with Gandhi in exchange for Monotheism and 70 gold." [039]
- It's no longer announced to others when a civ's state religion is spread in one of that civ's cities. (Not interesting enough.) [106e]
- Replays record the first discovery of each tech, and no longer record civics changes. [106]
- Disabled by default: A new alert about third-party resource trades. Can be enabled from the Alerts tab of the BUG menu. [210d]

* This update includes the K-Mod 1.46 changes that karadoc put online in early February and AI improvements that DarkLunaPhantom made in late December. The K-Mod update affects mostly the back end of the AI, e.g. tech evaluations, and also fixes a semi-rare crash.

For the full list of my own changes, see the Git commits between late December and early March.
I've, at long last, nerfed the Financial trait. +1 commerce is now only granted on tiles with a natural yield of at least 2 commerce or a total yield of at least 3 commerce. Apart from being too powerful in the player's hands, AI leaders with the Financial trait had been doing too well, and games with several Financial leaders had been getting too far ahead of the historical timeline.

This update also fixes two major (though not gamebreaking) bugs introduced in v0.90: The Espionage screen no longer disappears when there is no tech to steal, and hiring a civ for war no longer causes the victim to stop talking to the sponsor unless the two are also at war with each other.

There is now a special message inserted into the Event Log to separate new messages from messages that had already been readable on the previous turn. And some smaller changes to messages. E.g. religion spread is no longer announced once the player has entered the Industrial era. See the GitHub commits between Nov 22 and Dec 4 for the full list of changes.

I don't think there will be another update within the next two months; that is, unless some important problem is reported.
There was a showstopper bug in v0.90. This update fixes the bug and includes a few minor changes that I made during the last couple of days. Notably, I've disabled change 130j as part of an ongoing effort to keep the important parts of the manual at a readable length. I.e. the current AI attitude no longer affects how much a bad action upsets the AI or how much a good action delights the AI; this had mattered too rarely. Also, the manual and source code are no longer included with the main download; this reduces the download size by 4 MB.

I'm copy-pasting the v0.90 changelog below because I'm going to delete that update.

AI changes

I'm replacing the "-1: A first impression is a lasting one" that human civs get on Noble difficulty and higher with a +1 bonus for the AI civs. The benefit is that you see the first-impression penalty less often. I've shifted the thresholds for Cautious attitude accordingly (Pleased at +4 relations or better, Annoyed at -2 or worse), but kept the Friendly threshold at +10 and set the Furious threshold to -8, meaning that the AI is now slightly quicker to become Friendly or Furious.

While the threshold for Pleased attitude, in effect, stays the same, other changes in this update make it harder to please the AI, hopefully leading to more warfare in the midgame:
* The time that it takes for the relations bonus from Open Borders to increase is now based on distance and trade routes. When the two civs aren't close to each other geographically and receive no or little profit from trade, it can take more than 150 turns until relations improve by 1. Previously, this took only 25 turns on average, and it can still happen that fast when there is trade and/or proximity.
* Similarly, it takes longer to obtain a relations bonus through resource trade. The AI now considers how significant the traded resources are in comparison with its other resources. In most cases, supplying a single resource isn't enough to ever reach +2 relations.
* When the turn counters for Open Borders, resource trade, Defensive Pact etc. decrease, e.g. after canceling Open Borders, they decrease not just by 1 but by 1.7% per turn, i.e. exponentially. I've also fixed a bug in my v0.80 code that had prevented the resource trade counter from decreasing.
* The (inter-AI) relations modifiers from peace weight and warmonger respect have been further reduced.
* The impact of attitude on AI war utility has been reduced. This makes the AI a little bit more willing to start wars overall, and especially at Pleased attitude. Leaders that don't normally attack at Pleased (e.g. Saladin) still only seem to do so in exceptional circumstances. (This change can easily be undone by setting UWAI_WEIGHT_AFFECTION in AI_Variables_GlobalDefines.xml back to 100.)
* On the other hand, some fairness clauses have been added that should make the AI less willing to dogpile on the human player in the early game.

One more AI change to be aware of: When a war ally is brought in against an AI civ, then that AI civ refuses to talk for (on average) 12.5 turns to both its war enemies. In the previous versions, the AI civ would only refused to talk to the war ally. In any case, the refusal to talk isn't absolute: as in BtS, the duration can be shortened based on war successes.

UI changes
* Rival cities are hidden on the main interface. BtS shows all buildings in revealed cities as 3D models (regardless of fog of war). Unless the player has a unit inside the city, AdvCiv only shows the wonders (great and small), defensive buildings and buildings that affect tile yields (Lighthouse and Levee). This is, of course, also a gameplay change – players can no longer keep track of all buildings completed by rivals. I've taken this change from the Rise of Mankind mod.
* On a similar note, the Espionage screen no longer shows the costs for sabotaging a rival city's buildings or current production; these costs had given away information that the player isn't supposed to have.

* When playing with "Minimize Pop-Ups", redundant and outdated pop-ups are now killed automatically.
* I'm including a few terrain textures with AdvCiv now that should make the game easier on the eyes (screenshot); a kind of light version of Blue Marble that only adds 5 MB to the download size. It's still possible to use a different texture pack; just throw out the BML.fpk under Assets and replace it with your own fpk file.

* Player color palette revised: Shifted most colors a little bit in order to make them easier to distinguish on the map. And made e.g. the Aztec green less vibrant for aesthetic reasons.
* Removed the King difficulty setting. (See change 250a in the manual about re-enabling it.)

And many smaller changes; see the GitHub commit messages between Oct 20 and Nov 20. A few of the miscellaneous AI changes are taken from the LoR SDK ModMod by Dave_uk.
* a new game option, "Rise & Fall", which lets you periodically take over a different civ from the AI (screenshot), and
* a customized version of the PerfectMongoose map script, which employs models of plate tectonics, wind patterns and hydrology.
There's a chapter about each of these two in the manual.

Shift+F8 (quick load) now exits to the main menu before loading the quicksave. At least on my system, this is much faster than loading directly. Only Shift+F8 benefits from this change. When loading from the in-game menu, the "Initializing" stage can be sped up by minimizing the game for a second through Alt+Tab. This is a long known workaround. All this applies only to fullscreen mode; in windowed mode, loading is always fast.

And several dozen misc. bugfixes etc., none of them crucial (GitHub commits: 1, 2, 3, 4). Permanent Alliances probably work now, but still not properly tested.
Some AI bug fixes in BtS code (plot danger), K-Mod code (trade value of cities) and my own code (war-on-friend diplo), and various small tweaks. See the last three GitHub commits for details.

It's now possible to adjust some of the AI behavior through XML: Each of the 26 aspects of the UWAI war evaluation has a weight setting in AI_Variables_GlobalDefines.xml. One can e.g. reduce the "Affection" weight to make the AI more willing to attack friends, or reduce the "Effort" weight to make the AI less worried about the economical cost of war and thus more aggressive overall.
Various AI bugfixes and tweaks, also some UI tweaks.

* Capitulated vassals are Pleased toward fellow vassals of the same master.
* When peaks cordon off a part of a landmass, the secluded part is treated as a separate land area. This affects colony maintenance and single-continent wonders like Notre Dame (though the main point is to make things easier for the AI).
* Messages about certain major events, e.g. DoW, are always displayed on the main interface, even when the Turn Log gets opened. Had been easy to miss in previous versions, especially when playing without sound.
More on GitHub (loosely in order of importance).
Various tweaks and fixes; mostly AI-related. See GitHub for the full list. Changes to be aware of:
* Human civs get a 5% combat bonus vs. Barbarians on Monarch, Emperor and Immortal difficulty. This should make it more attractive to fight Barbarians and less attractive to use fogbusting tactics.
* Religions and corporations can't be spread during disorder. (Previously, it was possible to shorten occupation by spreading a religion - because AdvCiv ties occupation duration to revolt chance.) I've also reduced the impact of religion on revolt chance.
* When a master asks its capitulated vassal to stop trading with a rival, the embargo works as in BtS, i.e. trades between the master and the rival remain intact; there is still a diplo penalty ("negotiated a trade embargo"). The vassal expects no compensation for enacting such an embargo.
Misc. changes inspired by problems that came up in my latest test game. See GitHub for the full list. Major changes to be aware of:
* Trireme has strength 3 but no bonus vs. Galley. -5 cost for both Galley and Trireme. Caravel +1 speed.
* "Show friendly moves" shows ships only when they enter or leave sight, or when they move inside the player's borders; moves of cargo ships are always shown.
* AI memory about gift requests doesn't decay while there is a peace treaty. This adds 10 turns to the cooldown period during which the AI rejects all gift requests. Should make it harder (if not impossible) to get one peace treaty after another with a dangerous neighbor.
Two serious bugs fixed:
Crash after asking the AI for a per-turn gift;
little flags giving away the positions of invisible units.
A few more details on GitHub.
Fixed a bug that caused the AI to always evacuate all but one defender from untenable cities (instead of a random subset). And some minor bugfixes and tweaks; see GitHub.
Fixed a bug that could cause the AI to refuse to talk when at war until a savegame was reloaded, and a bug that lead to an unduly reduced diplo penalty for having declared war. See GitHub for details.

(Sorry about the frequent updates; I hope there won't be many more hotfixes like this one.)
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