
  1. FlammieJerynZ

    How we can create a Unit Upgrade Tree UI mod?

    Hi everybody! It's Flammie, I'm new and I hope you all be okay. I want to create an "Upgrade Unit Tree" UI mod for the upgrade lines from the Units ingame, very possibly in a Lua format, and like a visible list with their respective icons (kinda the Promotion Tree mod by Whoward69, but with...
  2. L

    Question - Floating texts on map

    Hello, Not sure where in which subforum of civ 4 modding this should go (a general section for mod makers helping each other), so I post it here. I just wanted to know if there is an existing mod that include floating text on the main view/map, before I try to do my own. My goal here is to...
  3. Erlend Philip Wood

    Erlend's interface improvements 1.5

    ERLEND'S INTERFACE IMPROVEMENTS Interface upgrade pack for Civ 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These improvements to the interface were made by me for the mod "2021 EXPANSION". The full mod can be downloaded here. Useful for both...
  4. E

    [UI Mod] No stripes (aka scan bars) on the interface 0.1

    I always found that the scanlines on the UI of SMAC add too much noise to the interface. Personally, although they add personality to the game, they also reduce the visibility of the actual content. This mod will remove most of the stripes (aka scan bars) on the interface, making them, in my...
  5. King Phaedron

    Cannot meet Saladin

    Hi, I just liberated the city of Mecca from Greece who had captured it early in the game, but the leader does not show up. Neither does he show up on the next turn either. There appears to be a bug where if you have never met an early game civilization and then liberate them they do not show...
  6. Nahtchew

    Catgirls popHeads.pcx 1.1

    Changes citizen and specialsts to catgirls. No changes to police and engineers (yet). Installation: Replace popHeads.pcx with the file of this mod. Please create a backup first. Location: ...\Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete\Conquests\Art\SmallHeads Image sources: Resisting - 40hara...
  7. S

    [BTS] Caveman2cosmos Problems with displaying some interface elements

    Hi everyone, It's my first post, and my english is poor, so I please be understanding. I have hope, that it's correct department and I'm not duplicate topic. I have installed C2C in several versions (38.1, 40, 41 and 41.2) In each of these versions, I have a problem displaying some parts of...
  8. S

    [BTS] Caveman2cosmos Problems with displaying some interface elements

    Hi everyone, It's my first post, and my english is poor, so I please be understanding. I have hope, that it's correct department and I'm not duplicate topic. I have installed C2C in several versions (38.1, 40, 41 and 41.2) In each of these versions, I have a problem displaying some parts of...
  9. Zholef

    Managing overlap tiles

    Straight to the point: I want to see at one glance, which city owns and works which tiles. Civ4's equivalent to the "Show Yield Icons" option had the yield icon size increase slightly for tiles being worked. And the "Empire" lens does a decent job at showing which city owns which tile. Half...
  10. JesioterOfficial

    Sleep for x turns, and reminders

    I would like to see the option to sleep/fortify units for a certain amount of turns. What do I mean by that? I usually move Magnus around my empire to get chop bonuses, and very often I have my builders just sitting in a forest and waiting 5 turns for him (Magnus) to be assigned. Sometimes there...
  11. civRookieGr

    An interface bug to display target cities of your AI rival

    When you are at war agaist a mutual AI rival, I selected "Let 's discuss something else" with my friendly AI rival and because we are Both at war with that specific AI rival, I selected "Why don't you attack..." and in the next options the interface was missing all available mutual rival cities...
  12. pholtz

    HUD Ribbon Option can be improved

    The option to show the HUD RIbbon doesn't work as I assumed it would. When you mouse over a leader only that leader's stats are shown, unlike the option to always show where all leaders are shown. Since it occurs only on mouse-over there is no reason not to show all leaders when you do mouse...
  13. B

    Scrambled fonts

    I've had this a few times since getting Gathering Storm last week (never saw it before). The system font (used in dialogs, info boxes, etc.) Is the right size but is all scrambled and strange (repeated letters, or the wrong letters, etc. Sample image here Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
  14. T

    [BNW] display remaining moves on unit path

    I always forget how much movement points its going to cost to move in a forest hill, is this doable with lua only? i have no clue how to start. Community Patch has something of the sorts but it seems like there are massive pathfinding changes in the dll as well
  15. SongAdieu

    [R&F] Enhanced User Interface v3.3 (Civilization VI: Rise and Fall)

    This file contains a variety of user interface (ONLY) mods that have been released on the workshop and has been implemented into one package. It can be used with only the Rise and Fall edition of Civilization VI expansion. Workshop Mods: - Alternate Policy Screen - Alternative Skybox -...
  16. P

    User Interface, Icons help

    Hello, new player here. Is there any documentation that walks through the interface description and most importantly lists all the icon meanings. I saw a thread that listed all the invisibility icons and it would be very useful if there was a master list of icons and descriptions to help...
  17. JozyGameLol

    Missing Interface

    Interface disappears when meeting a new country!
  18. E

    Tidy Tech Tree for Vox Populi 1.6

    Preface This is an endeavor to make all items unlocked by technologies visible at a glance. As you might know, it's impossible at the moment because the tech tree interface only supports up to 5 items per tech, requiring the player to hover over them to see more. Due to this limitation many...
  19. Technoluddite

    Promotion Flags EUI 1.1

    Promotion Flags for EUI Requires EUI (or VoxPopuli with EUI) This is a re-implementation of Thals Flag Promotions based on the EUI UnitFlagManager. Are you fed up of having to choose between: Using Thals Flag Promotions but losing EUI's Hostile Unit Highlighting, Fancy Unit Tooltips and...
  20. Infixo

    Better Report Screen (UI) 7.0

    Description Adds Policy and City-States impact, Units, Deals and many QoL improvements to the Report Screen. The Report Screen can be toggled on/off using F8. Policies - This is a new tab, that lists all policies with their impact on yields when activated. - Policies are grouped by type and...
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