Civ4 - Medieval Units

470 AD - 1492 AD


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Ottoman yaya infantry tangjinfeng
new ottoman unit
Almogavars tangjinfeng
Almogavars 2023-11-23
new spanish catalan unit
Georgian Medieval Units MightyToad
Georgian Maceman, Knight, Pikeman, Crossbowman, and Longbowman
"What-if" Style Meso-American Bombard
Ishibiya 2021-03-26
Japanese Hand Cannon
Medieval MesoAmerican Units MightyToad
MesoAmerican Trireme, Caravel, Swordsman, Pikeman
"What If" Style MesoAmerican Pikeman
Egyptian Samurai 2020-12-05
"What-if" Style Egyptian Samurai
Japanese Flavor Crossbowman
Korean Civ5 Units MightyToad
Korean Civ5 Units 2020-11-25
Korean Hwacha and Turtle Ship from Civ 5
Medieval European Spearman Louis the XIV
The medieval spearman for European civs.
Noble Spearman Louis the XIV
Noble Spearman 2020-10-19
Look at the picture and you won't regret it!
Swiss Mercenary Louis the XIV
Swiss Mercenary 2020-10-19
The Swiss Mercenary
Aragonese Foot Knight Louis the XIV
The Foot Knight with an Aragon flag on its shield.
Pot de Fer 2020-05-01
First European Cannon
Byzantine Dromon MightyToad
Byzantine Dromon 2020-04-27
Byzantine Dromon from Civ5
Siege Engine/Tower MightyToad
Siege Engine/Tower 2020-04-06
Siege Engine with lots of weapons
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