Makes QoL and aesthetic adjustments to the game's UI.
Current changes include:
Diplomacy with other Civs and IPs can now be initiated by clicking on the city banner (provided you have met them).
Plot Yield icons are smaller on tiles that are not improved/worked
Tooltips are enhanced.
The default improvement is now shown on unimproved tiles.
All Constructibles now display their icon.
Wonders receive a large fancy icon with description.
Buildings now note if they are damaged or in-progress...
Alpha version, to test map sizes, scripts and TSL for YnAMP
Unlock Large and Huge sizes
Add Massive (128x80) map size (use preferably with the new Continents++ script)
Add Greatest Earth Map by djvandyke with TSL (landmasses shapes and mountains only, must be loaded with "Custom Huge for Greatest Earth (104x64)" size selected)
Add Continents++ Map script (edited version of Continent Plus, less blocky and scale better with map sizes)
Add Giant (180x94) and...
Removes unlock requirements from all Civilizations. This mod has been tested to work with both the transition from Antiquity to Exploration and the Exploration to Modern transition. Please let me know if you run into issues.
This is a proper mod. Please extract the folder to "AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Mods"
Various improvements to the plot tooltip:
Displays a Total Yields value
Improves display of Natural Wonder descriptions
Adds Improvement icons and tags (i.e. Unique)
Displays the District type (Urban, Quarter, or named unique Quarters)
Also shows descriptions for unique Quarters
Buildings flow across rather than down
Displays additional Building tags (Unique, Ageless, Obsolete, Full Tile)
Displays current/maximum Specialist counts
Shows District Fortification status and HP...
Mod Support Plugin for Millennia by Binarizer (hosted at Nexus mods).
Authors description:
If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
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