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Civ2: MGE (and older versions)

For downloads for Multiplayer Gold Edition and older versions of Civ2.


Top resources

The original site is dead but I found archive.org still has a few of the downloads.
The Cold War - "Duck and Cover" J
A Cold War scenario covering the entire Northern Hemisphere
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Scenario Modpack (MGE) Blake00
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A HUGE fantasy total conversion (incl videos!) scenario modpack by MetroPolis & Blake based on HoMM2
Civilization II: Ultimate Edition (MGE) Technical Poster Blake00
Civilization II: Ultimate Edition (MGE) Technical Poster
Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) Scenario Modpack (MGE) - Unfinished Blake00
A fantasy scenario mp with cool retro graphics by Dustin Dunn based on Final Fantasy 6 for SNES.
Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) Scenario Modpack (FW) Blake00
A fantasy scenario mp with cool retro graphics by Frank Johnson based on Final Fantasy 4 for SNES.
Final Fantasy 1 Scenario (FW) Blake00
A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on Final Fantasy 1 for NES.
Crystalis Scenario (FW) Blake00
A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on the classic NES JRPG game Crystalis.
Dune - Pour l'epice! (For the spice!) Scenario (FW) - French Blake00
A classic French language scenario based on Dune 2 and the battle for Arrakis by N. Chautru.
Sands of Dune Scenario (FW) Blake00
A classic scenario based on Dune 2 & the battle for Arrakis by James Dahl. Watch out for sand worms!
Dune The Battle for Arrakis Scenario (CiC) Blake00
A classic scenario based on Dune 2 and the battle for Arrakis by Isaac Ashdown.
Starcraft: Terran War Scenario (MGE) Blake00
A alien world colonization scenario set during the Starcraft Terran civil war by aland007.
Dawn of the Dead Scenario (FW) Blake00
A zombie apocalypse scenario by Blackclove inspired by the Dawn of the Dead film.
Orion Alpha Centauri Scenario (CiC) Blake00
A scifi alien world colonization scenario on Alpha Centauri with MoO factions by ?unknown?
Star Wars Tatouine Scenario (CiC) - French Blake00
A French language Star Wars scenario set on the surface of Tatooine by J. Belanger.
Star Wars Scenario Beta 2 (CiC) Blake00
A hybrid space and planet surfaces Star Wars scenario by Shark_byte.
Star Trek Scenario (CiC) Blake00
A space based Star Trek DS9 era scenario on a large map by ?unknown?
Space Civ 2 (Star Wars & Star Trek) Modpack (CiC) Blake00
A space based Star Trek & Star Wars crossover modpack by Andrew Coates & Chris Eyre.
Space! Scenario (MGE) Blake00
A space based scifi crossover scenario with many familiar ships by Frank Johnson.
Space Scenario (FW) Blake00
A scifi hybrid space and planet surfaces colonization scenario by ?unknown?
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