Civ4 - XML Components

Components that modify XML


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Build Espionage 2019-09-09
Add on for BUG that allows you to build espionage
Removing right wing propaganda from Wolfshanze Mod and derivatives
leaders for wars of history
[BTS] Homestuck Mod WV Music Patch
Dogfight Mod Comp 2016-10-05
Dogfight Mod Comp
[BTS] Extracted XML Patches
[BTS] Tweaked United Nations
[BTS] Tweaked Apostolic Palace
[BTS] Tweaked Barbarian Civilization
[XML] Museo del Prado
Mountain Climber 2016-10-05
Mountain Climber
Generic Civ4DiplomacyInfos.xml
Civ4 BTS codes vanilla
RetrocIV UU and UB Removal 1.0
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