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Iceni civilization

Iceni civilization 3.0

Civilization Trait: The Icknield Way: One Diplomacy policy slot in the current government is converted to a Wildcard slot. Camps trigger a Culture Bomb.

Leader Trait: Hare of Andraste: Combat victories provide faith equal to 50% of the base strength of the defeated unit.

Leader Agenda: Boudicca's Uprising: Boudicca aims to have a large standing army and likes other leaders of the same ilk. She dislikes civilizations who attack her home continent and hates having surprise wars declared upon her.

Unique unit: Celtic Warrior (replaces swordsman): The Celtic Warrior is slightly stronger and cheaper to build and maintain than the swordsman and does not require iron.

Unique building: Shrine to Andraste (replaces shrine): The Shrine to Andraste has all the features of the Shrine, but also grants +1 Culture and +2 Great General points per turn.

Support included for TSL and for JFD's Rule with Faith. The Great General Boudica is replaced with Caratacus.

This is a complete civilization, including diplo screen, diplomacy text, artwork. Thanks to deliverator for the Celtic Warrior (based on his Hirdman).

Please note that the leaderhead is in 2D.
Rob (R8XFT)
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Iceni v3.0

    As per yesterday's upload - the files seem to have failed to actually upload.
  2. Iceni Civilization 3.0

    Boudicca's leaderhead has been updated (the main change is the hair). There is now music (uses...
  3. Boudicca of the Iceni version 2.0

    Boudicca artwork changed - main feature of the change is that the helmet has been removed...
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