- Fixed: AI should now build Walls reasonably fast.
- Fixed: The mod can be now used with only base game.
- Changed: Fixes to behavior trees have been temporarily disabled. They might not be needed anymore.
Version 2.3
- Start biases removed (see #35*), makes the mod compatible with BBG; use Real Fixes or Better Balance Start for improved start biases.
- City valuation changes (see #31); AI should pay more attention to units than to passive defenses, and capitals are less valued (ex. when going Domination), so it should help City-States to survive; base city value increased much so in later eras cities still should have positive values thus incentivizing AI to attack them.
- Decrease reqs for attacking cities (see #14); these are minor tactical changes that should make AI a bit more aggressive and willing to attack.
- Missing build tags (see #32); should help with Naturalists.
- Simplification of time strategies (see #38); this should help in general for AI to stay more focused and also supporting strategies should work better.
Version 2.2
- Support for Leader Pass.
- Few tweaks and minor fixes, mostyl technical.
- (test) Lower scoring for capitals - to see if AI will attack border cities.
- (test) Diplomatic favor should be valuable for AI in Ancient Era - to prevent an exploit here.
Settling cities:
- fixed an issue with natural wonders (#18)
- increased tendency to fresh water (#10)
- testing a fix for not settling in loyalty pressure areas (#18)
Fixed a bug with eliminated civs aka nil value (#15)
Fixed missing techs in Science Victory (#24)
- toned down aggressive pseudoyields
- bigger emphasis on faith and religion (#20)
New file structure and GitHub repo
Version 2.0
- Updated for New Frontier Pass - all new Civs are included.
- Balanced all changes from NFP like more emphasis on science and culture, aggressive trait, disctricts and improvements, etc.
- New pseudo yield for Luxuries used for Catherine and Monty.
- Fixed Ambiorix having twice aggressive trait assigned.
Version 1.8
- Updated for DLC Ethiopia - support for Menelik II, Diplo Quarter is favored when going for Diplo Victory.
- Updated all belief flavors to reflect latest NF changes.
Please note that New Personas are not yet included - these are separate DLCs. They work by using default params.
Version 1.7
- Added: AI lists and flavors for Simon Bolivar and Lady Six Sky.
- Changed: Increased aggressivness of conquest-type leaders to see if this would cause more wars in the long run.
Version 1.6
- Added: A parameter to turn on/off updated start biases. It will allow to avoid conflicts with other mods that modify start biases like Better Balanced Game. If you want to use another mod - please turn OFF the start biases from RST.
- Added: Support for Modded Civs - they will receive a default flavor 3 for all victory types, if none is specified in the SQL. This will remove a Lua error preventing the mod to work properly with modded Civs.
Version 1.5
- Updated for September 2019 Patch.
- Fixed: Issue when running together with Real Era Stop (no Spaceports).
- Fixed: Issue when running together with CIVITAS City-States (DB error).
Version 1.4.1
- Updated for the June 2019 Patch: minor fix for Curtin's AiLists.
Version 1.4
- Updated for April 2019 Patch: flavors, integrated game's Diplomatic victory, updates for new traits added to civs.
- Added: Few missing start biases for Civs with abilities dependent on geo location.
Version 1.3.1.
- Fixed: Loading issue when Rise & Fall is not enabled.
- Fixed: Minor bug in Suleiman's AiLists.
Version 1.3
- All mod features enabled.
- Added: Anti-strategies that activate when a victory condition is disabled. They basically decrease preferences for yields, pseudoyields, projects, wonders, etc. related to a disabled victory type. Particularly, when Science is disabled, the AI will rarely build a Spaceport and should not complete any space-race projects (well, except Satellites, knowing the map is good).
- Added: Preference to build Laser projects when going for a Science victory. This should speed up the last phase.
- Fixed: Issue with Diplo strategy not activating due to a wrong event used.
- Changed: Balance tweaks related to Gold and Faith in response to GS changes.
- Added: FireTuner panel shows Favor and Diplo Points.
Version 1.2 Gathering Storm update, cont'd
- Enabled Operations, Tactics and Behavior Trees tweaks.
- Added: Full support for Discussions and Resolutions.
- Added: Naval Siege and Melee units for attacking coastal cities.
- Added: Military strategy has a minor preference for Amenities.
- Fixed: Anarchy (i.e. no government) scoring issue.
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed: Issue with criteria to support various DLCs.
- Fixed: Issue with calculations when the game uses "No Game Turn Limit" option.
Version 1.1
Gathering Storm update. Please note that it will take few versions before the mod will be fully updated and balanced for GS. This is the first of the updates.
- Completed all technical changes required to work with GS.
- Diplomatic Victory enabled with an inital strategy. There is a scoring function implemented that will be tweaked in the coming weeks. Please note that vanilla game does NOT have any diplo strategy.
- All leaders from GS have their strategies reviewed. Some tweaks added, but not many. More test games needed here.
- Updated all Flavors for Diplo victory and GS compatibility.
Some features are disabled temporarily, namely all Tactics, Operations and Behavior Trees related tweaks. As for now the AI in these areas will behave exactly as in vanilla game. I will test if the tweaks are still needed in the coming weeks and turn them on if necessary.
Version 1.0
The mod is feature complete. More development after Gathering Storm is released.
- Added: Lua script to manually activate GWAMs in case they get stuck (and they do, quite often).
- Added: Boosted priority of Air attacks in AllowedMoves (experimental).
- Changed: Lowered City Attack distance ranges - AIs should attack border cities first.
- Changed: Better handling of disabled victories. The AIs should behave properly even with only one condition left.
- Changed: Various balancing tweaks (e.g. Gilgamesh builds Campuses finally).
Version 0.7
New major feature: Naval strategies.
- A civ based on revealed tiles will determine its geo-situation as one of: Pangea, Default, Coastal, Island. Appropriate strategy will be activated, basically affecting types of units built and operations executed. Most visible effects should be on heavy water maps where civs should build strong navies and use ships for war more often.
- Naval operations should use more ranged ships from Medieval era onwards.
New major feature: Persistant data.
- Current strategy and some other data will be saved into a save-file. This will allow for a civ to continue its behavior uninterrupted after reload. Also, leader randomization will be stored, so the leader will have the same base parameters through the entire game.
- This feature is very flexible. You can still turn on/off the mod at any time and it will accomodate the changes.
Other changes:
- Added: Support for Random Agendas, also fixed few that had to effect at all on the agenda owner.
- Added: Flavors for few missing policies (to avoid warnings in Lua.log).
- Added: Fixes for BH Trees Siege City and Nuclear Assault. I can confirm that AI nukes cites during war.
- Changed: Compositions and strength requirements for various op teams. The goal is to make AI more decisive when starting military operations.
- Changed: Revised few scroring formulas for better balance.
- Changed: More GW Slots runs every 4 turns to save some time.
- Changed: More Science and More Culture will stop when an appropriate district will start being built.
- Updated: Various parameters, weights, etc. for balance.
- Fixed: FastPillage op from Delnar's mod did not work - it is now.