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Trade Routes Guide

Trade Routes Guide

Thanks, great help man!
Thanks for the excel
wow thanks just discovered it!!! could use an update with the expansions now :-)
Terrefic in-depth!
Ther is at least one Gevernent with +2 trade routes, the Merchant Republic
This really cleared up how long it takes for the trader to complete their route and how game speeds affect it.
Well explained - better than the in game explanation!
Excellent explanation of some things that are not obvious.
You'v e just taught an old dog a whole lot of new tricks! Thanks for this.
Awesome, learned a few things
Thanks for the detailed guide on trading. It will be very helpful. Trading is very helpful in the game to gain faith/culture/gold/etc. I used trade to generate more golds to purchase unit/culture. Eventually I won a cultural victory. Is there a mod that provide add-on/extra bonuses for trade.
Thorough explanation of the mechanics.
Good job compadre. Your guide is very helpful thanks.
Answers some of my most long-nagging questions! Thank you!
Thanks for taking the time and putting together this good information
thumbs up!
Excellent explanation of trade routes and trading posts, including trader and trade post interaction.
Never understood the deal with trading posts. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks for this explanation.
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