If you like me just want to have all data at hand without the need to jump through civilopedia entries or spy through SQL tables with a lot of unwanted information, here it is: TABLE CONTAINING BASIC INFO ABOUT ALL AVAILABLE UNITS
Might be helpful when you want to look at units out of the box, trying to balance your new unit or whole war aspect of the game. Or just to imagine distribution of units over time.
About collected data:
E.g. barbarian axeman info, digger icon.
Might be helpful when you want to look at units out of the box, trying to balance your new unit or whole war aspect of the game. Or just to imagine distribution of units over time.
About collected data:
- Columns are arranged chronologically
- Unit icon appears at the place where unlocking tech/civ is located
- next to unit icons (to the right in most cases) appears basic data about given unit
- movement (note air units have not any but they share range value when rebasing)
- malee combat strength (if any)
- movement (note air units have not any but they share range value when rebasing)
- SECOND LINE (if any range attack available)
- range
- range combat strength (this includes normal/bombard/AA)
- note that some units have two types of range strength: like battleship has normal and AA
- usually they are the same but sometimes differ by 5
- in this case only the first one is displayed (since it's usually more commonly used)
- base production cost (except for barbarian units; faith cost for non-prod. units)
- maintenance (if any)
- Unique units shows under "main" line
- their icons are diff color for better distinguishability
- note that table does not contain upgrade paths and some UU skip one era and upgrade to second next advanced unit, not next advanced
- Unit classes are distinguished by different background gradients for:
- every land class
- air
- sea
- civil
- Great People not ordered chronologically - put to the image only for reference
E.g. barbarian axeman info, digger icon.