Commonly Used Acronyms in the Civ Community


Oct 25, 2000
As you know, we have a Civ Acronyms page that lists some of the commonly used acronyms in the Civ community. The page hasn't been updated in a while and we want to update it soon with some Civ4 words.

Feel free to suggest acronyms to add to the list.

To start:

GP - Great People
GP Farm - Specialized city intended to generate Great People as quickly as possible.
GA--Golden Age

(IF I think of any more I'll just edit this instead of posting one at a time:p).
Oh :blush:. Didn't notice that. Well it was worth a mention....
OB=Open Borders
FR=Free Religion
OR (or Org Rel)=Organize Religion
HE=Heroic Epic
IW=Iron Works
FM=Free Market
GE=Great Engineer
GM=Great Merchant
Update: GA=Golden Age *or* Great Artist
GS=Great Scientist
GPro=Great Prophet
GPP=Great People Points
XP=Experience (for military units)
DP=Defensive Pact
PA=Permanent Alliance
DR=Divine Right
Update: Whip=Rush-build using city population (under Despotism and Communism governments in Civ3, under Slavery civic in Civ4)
WP=West Point
LB= longbow
CB= crossbow
axe= axeman
mace= maceman
Jumbo/WE= war elephant
MG= machine gun

Just a few I can think off the top of my mind
Not Civ-specific but these two closely related WWII-era acronyms certainly describe enough game situations I get into:

FUBAR = ["Fouled"] Up Beyond All Recognition
SNAFU = Situation Normal, All ["Fouled"] Up

... "fouled" being the word one would use in semi-polite company.
blargh said:
I'm still trying to figure out what UU stands for. :confused:

UU = Unique Unit.
Hydra - possessing multiple religious Shrines in the same city (one head per shrine).
BW = Bronze working seems a popular one
AH = Animal husbandry

I think I've seen IW used for Iron Working but this may be ambiguous as it could also stand for Iron Works (the wonder), as suggested by someone above.
Empiremaker said:
AW-Always War
It could also stand for Angkor Wat, depending on the context of the sentence.
For application specifically to this game, may I suggest :-
CPU - combat probabilities unreliable.
HD - horrible disaster.
AGP - AI got Pyramids.
PCI - poor commerce interaction
RAM - reload, again, mate!
LAPTOP - lost again, probably through outdone production.
and also :-
ANNUL - another nice new unit lost.
***** - Blast Isabella, Tokugawa, Catherine (and) Hatshepsut!

Can't see these actually making the approved list, but highly applicable to what repeatedly happens to me.
MA-Middle ages
AA-Ancient age or anti-aircract
MA-Modern Age
IA-Industrial Age
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