Australian Colonization v. 0.40.01
My first mod, and I'm happy enough with it to reveal it to you all.
This mod covers the history of Australian colonisation, from the landing in Sydney Cove in January 1788 to federation in 1901 (play can continue for many years beyond this date).
File location: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=11681
Current Features:
Update history
(0.25.01 -> 0.40.01)
My first mod, and I'm happy enough with it to reveal it to you all.
This mod covers the history of Australian colonisation, from the landing in Sydney Cove in January 1788 to federation in 1901 (play can continue for many years beyond this date).
File location: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=11681
Current Features:
- Three Australian leaders. Edmund Barton, Alfred Deakin, Peter Lalor. All previous leaders have been replaced.
- Native American leaders have been switched with Aboriginal elders. Personality and 3D models retained from original.
- English leader is now Queen Victoria. National trait changed to Conquistadors, representing the even greater technological advantage held over the Australian Aboriginals compared to the Native Americans.
- Can now also travel north to Europe.
- Timescale suitably adjusted for the period.
- Some 'Pedia entries have been suitably adjusted, as well as most general text entries.
- Start game with a Merchantman, a standard soldier and two petty criminals.
- Immigration slower than in original, particularly at start of game.
- Now works with official patch 1.01f and includes most changes made by said patch
- Resources changed as marked in changelog/update history
- Victoria's face doesn't respond correctly during diplomacy.
I'm sure the fix is simple, but I don't have a 3D program that I probably need to fix it at this time. - Some text will refer to Queen Victoria as 'he' or 'his'. Some will refer to a single chief rather than multiple elders. Some older resources may be referred to. If you see any of these, please tell me.
Some things have been assigned to entire nations rather than individual leaders/players. This is a game design flaw on the part of Firaxis that was never supposed to be seen, but the nature of this mod makes it difficult to avoid.It's meta.
- A new version should be here soon to implement features planned for this patch but delayed, such as changing tools to require both iron and coal. Also, a new building that is capable of producing trade goods at the expense of either hammers or tools (not sure which yet). 3D bonus resources might also be available, but don't hold me to that. This will be my first foray into python code.
- Change in background music. I'm looking to get permission from William Barton to use his music, as it suits the game perfectly. He is the only person to have played didgeridoo with the London Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Victory type: Referendum - if you are at good relations with the Queen when you declare independence the normal way, you will not have to fight a war of independence.
- Replace founding fathers with Australian people.
- New 3D art for all leaders
- Random Event: Gold rush - Colony automatically created inland, gold 'discovered' nearby.
- (if at all possible) Version 2.0 designed for Civilization IV: BTS. - This is to make the mod as accessible as possible.
- Updating and trimming Civilopedia
- Game balance correction
Update history
(0.25.01 -> 0.40.01)
- Resource changes
- Silver - Gold
- Cotton - Grapes
- Cloth - Wine
- Fur - Wool
- Tobacco - Coal Ore
- Ore - Iron Ore
- Cigars - REMOVED
- Resource artwork, names of buildings, and names of workers have been suitably changed. However on the game map, bonus resources have not been edited. So coal looks suspiciously like a tobacco plantation.
- Tentative bug fix for immigration overflow error. Functional but untested.
- I'm halfway through pedia fixes for the above changes. Text trims have also been made.
Spoiler older updates :
- (0.25 -> 0.25.01):
- Patched to work with official patch 1.01f
- Aboriginal city names are now locationally accurate.
- Excess city names have been trimmed from XML files.
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