New DLC: Polynesia


Sep 10, 2005
Coming Friday, 3 March. So I guess that means we get the patch sometime before then, then.


Moderator Action: See the details below:

Here is the full list:

Unique Ability: Wayfinding. Can embark and move over Oceans immediately (They can embark on turn 1. Movement points are still used to embark/disembark.). +1 Sight when embarked. +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength bonus if within 2 tiles of a Moai. (Unique "Double-Hulled War Canoe" graphic for early embarked units)

Unique Unit: Maori Warrior. 40:c5production:, 2:c5moves:, 6:c5strength: (same as Warrior). Ancient Era unit that strikes fear into nearby enemies making them less effective in combat. Only Polynesia may build it. Replaces the Warrior.
Maori start with the unique promotion: "Haka War Dance": Enemy units are -10% Combat Strength when adjacent to any unit with this promotion. (does not stack, but it's a promotion that will be with the unit all game)

Unique Improvement: Moai (available with Construction). +1:c5culture:. May only be built on the coast. +1:c5culture: for each adjacent Moai. +1:c5gold: when the Flight technology is researched.

Spoiler :

Unique embarked graphic here (possibly unique city graphics as well):

Hawaiian King SS:
Well, that's interesting at least. Probably get the patch on Tuesday then, one day before the DLC. I think that's how it worked out last time.
LOL - They better release the patch before the DLC...........I think these forums and 2ks might explode due the ranting and fuming that would occur otherwise!!!
I think I'll pass on this one, at least until they have the game fixed to the point where I can play it on a huge map on high-end hardware without being able to read a short story between turns. And, sorry, with Portal 2 due out in, what, two months, the window is closing for them to get this right. I just have so much time for games, and Civ V is going to have to fight for my attention a lot harder.
Coming Friday, 3 March. So I guess that means we get the patch sometime before then, then.


WTH!? Polynesia!? Wha... Why!? Um... that was... I mean... I... I have no words.

Well, that's interesting at least. Probably get the patch on Tuesday then, one day before the DLC. I think that's how it worked out last time.

Thursday you mean... :)

LOL - They better release the patch before the DLC...........I think these forums and 2ks might explode due the ranting and fuming that would occur otherwise!!!

LOL - They always do.
Yeah WTH Polynesia. I don't think they were that important in history.

But they look pretty cool, scenario seems nice and it seems people demanded Polynesians. I've read on several forums and polls that demand for Polynesia was high and I like to see Firaxis doing DLC like that.
Wow, first we had fountain of youth being put in, and now this?

Sure there where 'some' more historically important and significant civs they could have put in.

What they gonna put in next? Klingons? Daleks maybe? :)
Any new DLC's are welcome in my books.

I'm still waiting for Shaka and the Zulus though.
it's the following of the "fail civ" DLC:

More to come:

EDIT: it's a joke, i'm really eager to have the celts (see my avatar => britanny flag)!!!!
yes, this is a good addition. It balances the game a bit by adding:

1 - A civ from a completely ignored part of the world (game wise - see prior versions)
2 - another islands/naval civ (for those of us who don't play pangea all the time)
3 - more fun :D
"Can embark and move over ocean tiles straight away" - so they start with the Optics/Astronomy stuff straight away, or they can move after embarking?

I'd assume they start with a 'special' upgrade that gives them the same thing as what you get with Optics/Astronomy.

that's important since they crossed the oceans looking for more islands well before anyone figured out 'astronomy'. (in a purely technical sense)
Of course Polynesia is important they settled a whole bunch of islands and uh, um... built big statues! and... er... hmm...

However I will say to one of the above posters that Inca is not a fail civ, they had quite a respectable empire in their day. They were simply behind Europe.
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