On having and eating of cake


Mrs GrumpyOldCivver
Dec 7, 2009
Crazy idea I just had...

... wouldn't it be awesome to play a super game where every unique building and unit was available? And while we're making it a super game, how about being able to give your leader 4 traits instead of just two?

Just imagine the havoc an Aggressive, Charismatic, Imperialistic, Protective leader could raise with their armies of unique units! :lol:
That is so mean, we are offered all UUs, all UBs, but only 4 traits! :lol:

I always thought adding an extra trait per leader in quick speed games might be a way to make that speed work a bit better, but never tried it. 2 extra traits might be better still!
You could try LateGameWarMong's mod. He made civs that have every UU and UB with leaders that have every trait. Full disclosure- I've never actually played it, I couldn't get it to download right. He posted it when I was insanely busy with life stuff and I never got around to trying it again, maybe I should give it a go after I finish the game I'm on now.

Couple of links. Enjoy!
Crazy idea I just had...

... wouldn't it be awesome to play a super game where every unique building and unit was available? And while we're making it a super game, how about being able to give your leader 4 traits instead of just two?

Just imagine the havoc an Aggressive, Charismatic, Imperialistic, Protective leader could raise with their armies of unique units! :lol:

If you really want to do this, go into your XML assets folder and find the "Leaderheadinfos" file. (SAVE your original copy, for return later). Edit it with notepad. find the leader you want, under the <traits> area, you'll see two of them (say, agressive and charismatic)....COPY those two sets of test (you'll notice that <traits> is bracketed multiple times, you'll want to not disturb the outermost brackets)...paste the two sets of trait codes right after the first and change AGRESSIVE to IMPERIALISTIC and CHARISMATIC to PROTECTIVE....save the changed file and choose that leader (of course, if the AI gets that leader it will also have 4 traits :devil:

If you want all unique building open to a civ, go into the Civilizationsinfo files...find the civ you want to hack, and look at the units and buildings available....this will require a bit of research into the NAMES of the codes of the unique buildings and a pain to hack them all in to your newly coded civilization, but again, perfect spelling of the building names as they appear in other places of the file is key. This second one would be much more challenging to code because of the many civilizations unique buildings, getting them all coded in and whatnot, with risks of editing errors, would most likely take hours of trial and error to get it running correctly.

-- on similar grounds, I've always wondered if it would be a cakewalk to play a OCC w/17 opposing AI civs, just using vanilla worldbuilder to build one city and give it ALL the buildings available on the list at the get-go on diety difficulty.
Not to hijack, but is there a mod that unlocks other civs UU and UB to you once you conquer/ vassalize them?
Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn lets conquered cities keep their original civ´s UUs and UBs. So if my inca conquers a spanish city I can build a citadel but no terrace, and a conquistador bur no quechua in that city.
I think someone did this once as an April Fool's joke with Sid as the leader.
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