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civ vii game guide

  1. FXS_Gilgamesh

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Mexico

    New Civ Game Guide: Mexico Introducing the Modern Age civ, Mexico! For centuries, Spain extracted from the New World natural resources and the wealth of past empires. But following Napoleon's conquest of Spain, many saw an opportunity to create a new, free society in Mexico. Mexicans succeeded...
  2. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Hawai'i

    Introducing a new Exploration Age civ, Hawai'i! With their double-hulled canoes and crab-clawed sails, Polynesian settlers reached across the vastness of the Pacific. Hawai'i, settled around 1000 CE, was at first a series of rival kingdoms until the advent of Kamehameha in 1795. But just a short...
  3. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Majapahit

    Introducing a new Exploration Age civ, Majapahit! The last great Hindu kingdom of Indonesia arose with the surprise betrayal of Kublai Khan's navy, paving the way for the Majapahit, who conquered and controlled the spice islands at the dawn of the global era. But after three hundred years of...
  4. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Inca

    Introducing a new Exploration Age civ, Inca! Tawantinsuyu, "the empire in four parts," was ruled by the Inca, and extended across the Andes mountains, building roads and waystations, terraced fields and silver mines – an empire in the sky. Under the Inca was a diverse collection of subjects...
  5. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Ming China

    Introducing Exploration Age civ, Ming China! Emerging from the shadow of Mongol-dominated Yuan, the Ming turned inward, revitalizing Han traditions and fortifying Chinese infrastructure and economy. The Ming dynasty saw expansions and improvements to the Great Wall, the installation of a...
  6. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Mongolia

    Introducing the Exploration Age civ, Mongolia! In the steppe of Mongolia, Temüjin – who would become Genghis Khan – united feuding clans and led them across the known world. The Mongols used not only their famed archers, but also debuted gunpowder on the battlefield. Internally, the empire was a...
  7. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Abbasid

    Introducing Abbasid! Unified by the new religion of Islam, the early Arab caliphates expanded rapidly across the Mediterranean and eastward into Persia. In this world, Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid dynasty, thrived as a center of learning and culture. Arab scholars advanced astronomy and...
  8. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Persia

    The game guide is here for Antiquity Age civ, Persia! "The kingdom," Xshaca, or what we know as Persia, was the center of the world at its height, reigning over most of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Anatolia. It was a strong, centralized state with efficient communication and transportation systems...
  9. FXS_Sar

    pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Mississippian

    Introducing Mississippian! The Mississippians - named for the river near where their earthen mounds stand - leave no writing behind, but archaeology tells of a complex society, a political system where cities waxed and waned in influence, maize farming, and trade in copper, shells, and hides...
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