• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. Agiwan

    VoxPopuli Modpacks (Last Update: 4.14.1)

    Hello, You can find modpacks for Vox Populi here! Important note: From VP version 4.7.1 the squads modmod has been integrated to the main mod. You can use it in soloplayer but DO NOT USE IT IN MULTIPLAYER as nothing is synced between players when using it. Modpacks versions: VP Only modpack...
  2. O

    Help with Installing a modpack for singleplayer

    Hi all, This is the first time I've attempted to create a modpack for use in single-player games. I want to earn achievements while playing with my favorite mods, so I found these threads on creating and installing modpacks. https://civ-5-cbp.fandom.com/wiki/How_to_Install_the_Modpack...
  3. Bobbylicious

    MP-Modpack, German and English ( My Collection of Mods )

    Hello Civfanatics I´m a great Civ 5 Fan and the last couple weeks i was searching through the Net (Mainly this Page) for good Mods, i played Vox Populi some time ago and i love it, so it had to be the basic of my Mod Collection. Even though i did a lot of reading, it still took a lot of...
  4. Gazebo

    DLC Modpack Repository

    Hey all, As the old Modpack repository is now out-of-date (and I can't manage it myself), I've decided to have it unstickied and create one of my own. I'll do my best to keep it up to date. This will contain links to working modpacks for the latest version. If you wish to create a modpack...
  5. FieryCharizard7

    Italian Wonders Pack

    This map is based of of more famous places in Italy that were not included in the game. The descriptions of each can be found below. 1)Il Campanile di Giotto Helped give birth to the Renaissance -> Begins a Golden Age Unlocks the Acoustics Tech +15% to great person generation in that city +2...
  6. FieryCharizard7

    Italian Wonders Pack

    This map is based of of more famous places in Italy that were not included in the game. The descriptions of each can be found below. 1)Il Campanile di Giotto Helped give birth to the Renaissance -> Begins a Golden Age Unlocks the Acoustics Tech +15% to great person generation in that city +2...
  7. FieryCharizard7

    Wonder Splash not Loading - What am I doing wrong? (Also, help on compression image and audio files)

    EDIT: Does anyone know why 1024x768 would work when 972x768 would not? That ended up being the issue Hello all, I am almost finished with my wonder mod, but I can't get my Wonder Splash images to load for some reason. Is there something wrong with my compression in Gimp? I am using "Export...
  8. Akinaba

    [Overview] Modpacks combination (non-fictional) YOU use most

    Comming here for a long time I can see that it may be hard for a novice to look over all mods this great community made and to choose what mods in what combination and order a player should use to make his own CiV experience best. So I decided to adress the community with a question:
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