
  1. M

    [BNW] Removing Nukes (Unresolved)

    Hey all, I'm looking to achieve the following things through XML: 1) (easy) Change the "Jeans" dialogue/screen. I can't for the life of me find the localization/tag for it. Done! 2) (harder) I want to delete Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missile, Bomb Shelters, and the Manhattan Project. As in...
  2. Thirteen 1355

    Adding two Humankind features

    Hey, it's been a while since I've last checked/posted here. Now that I'm back into Civ4 again, and I've been trying some Humankind (and found some cool features in it), I was wondering if I could add some of its features into Civ4. The two things I'd like to add (or get close to) are...
  3. Scapeh

    Lua Parameters Help

    Hey! I currently have a working mod for razing cities if they are hit by a nuclear weapon, and it works very well, the only issue is, it doesn't work for the AI. This is something that I would like as it would be game changing if it could. A way of "fixing" the issue with the AI nuking the same...
  4. Scapeh

    Changing animation WMDs?

    Hi, I'm a bit stuck on finding out if it's possible to actually define what animation a WMD uses. I have currently been able to resize existing animations no problem, and add a new WMD to the game, enable it to launch from silos, add it to the top banner etc. By default this new WMD uses the...
  5. Qarnix

    Are thermonukes too strong?

    So after my post about intercepting nukes some weeks ago I played a game of multiplayer with my friends where we ended up with a nuclear war. We all had the knowledge of how to intercept nukes, but the blast radius from thermonukes can still take out a city, as long as you target 2 tiles away...
  6. Qarnix

    How to intercept nukes

    I have done some research on intercepting nukes. I wrote a complete research document on the issue that you can find here, including the save game used for testing. the conclusions of the document is: There...
  7. Theproracer

    Need Help of Experienced Modder

    Hello I need someone to help me design a missile silo. This would need to be a tile improvement a worker would be able to build, have a maintenance cost of 10 and be able to re base an ICBM from my nuclear expanded 3 mod. Special unit is (ICBMT). This would function the same as the airbase mod...
  8. S

    Help with forcing a nuke mission!

    Hey guys, I'm trying to make a mod which adds the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (as part of a larger mod that l'm making), and l thought it would be really interesting to have it blow up and recreate the disaster. A friend from this forum suggested that I should use a LUA script with the...
  9. Koppa Dasao

    Score victory won't trigger (Not a Bug)

    I have no idea what's going on here. The game just doesn't want to end. I've been dropping a few nukes, but that shouldn't be a problem. I though the problem was that Teddy was set to offer peace at turn 250, but the game still wouldn't trigger score victory even when I made peace on turn 249...
  10. PenngwynXVII

    Nuke Your Allies - It's OK, They'll Still Love You

    Won a Science Victory. Clicked "One More Turn...", because what fun is building up an arsenal of Thermo-Nuclear Weapons if you don't get to enjoy the fireworks? Decided to attack my neighbor, longtime friend, and recent Ally and Defensive Pact signatory, Sumeria. Popped off 4 in the same...
  11. R

    Destroying aircraft on the ground? (or else get nuked..)

    Hi everybody, I'm in a peculiar situation in a multiplayer game, where I am very close to winning a science victory. Unfortunately, my opponent realized the threat and began nuking me :nuke:. I was happily surprised that the city he hit didn't lose its finished mars-module (seems to be on Mars...
  12. A

    Blast Radius Affected Parties

    I don't have a save file handy since it was a while ago. All you would have to do to reproduce the bug is have two different civ's cities close to each other and be at war with one or the other. Using a thermonuclear device (or a regular nuke if close enough) on the civ you're at war with on a...
  13. Stealth Airship

    Stealth Airship

    I used stack recon for these two units, and they did this.
  14. The Population Experiment.

    The Population Experiment.

    I wanted to see how big a city could get, so I went to worldbuilder and created a city of about 900 million... Then I nuked it with 150 ICBM's. But surprisingly, the city wasn't completely destroyed.
  15. The Population Experiment.

    The Population Experiment.

    I wanted to see how big a city could get, so I went to worldbuilder and created a city of about 900 million... Then I nuked it with 150 ICBM's. But surprisingly, the city wasn't completely destroyed.
  16. The Population Experiment.

    The Population Experiment.

    I wanted to see how big a city could get, so I went to worldbuilder and created a city of about 900 million... Then I nuked it with 150 ICBM's. But surprisingly, the city wasn't completely destroyed.
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