
  1. TahamiTsunami

    What do you think of an underlying regional ability for civs?

    Civs currently already have an ability tied to themselves and another one to their leaders but, since I've been looking at some discussions about how nomadic tribes could be done, I've been thinking about how some civs could share a regional ability. For example, there could be a Eurasian...
  2. C

    Polynesia Challenge Photojournal

  3. Liufeng

    Unoffical Civ VI poll. Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see. Part X : Islands

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to the new poll devoted this time in the native insular civilizations, mainly in the Caribbean and the Pacific. I'm terribly sorry for the delay, but I had some issues I had to take care with priority. Only one poll left after this one, and I hope everyone could...
  4. Greywulf

    Which Polynesian civ?

    Rather than an all encompassing "Polynesia" title, what if we instead had a single Polynesian kingdom representing the region?
  5. beetle

    [BNW] Community Deity Game #26 - Polynesia

    CDG 26 – Kamehameha Please see the CDG Series Discussion Thread to express yourself if you have remarks and ideas. Some maps use mods. This map uses the DLC map packs, so you will need “Explorers Map Pack”, “Scrambled Nations”, and “Scrambled Continents”. Please provide a screenshot of your...
  6. B

    Pathfinders and scouting need rebalancing

    Especially in the recent 43 civ test I did(huge continent map, marathon, immortal), pathfinders became a significant issue clogging up the map. Later, when my own awesome pathfinder had nothing left to do, he nearly became stranded and worthless before he made it home. I think there should be a...
  7. Liufeng

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part XI : Native Pacific and Indian Isles) ?

    Hello again everyone, and welcome to the one poll before the last, focused on the Pacific Isles and the smaller islands of the Indian Ocean (excluding some that have appeared in former polls, like South-East Asian Isles or Madagascar. You know the rules, I don't need to explain them anymore ...
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