So I moved up to emperor, and tried something new, a continents science victory with IMHO a pretty strong civ, Darius I of Persia.
The starting location was pretty much all I could ask for in terms of food but pretty garbage in terms of commerce (financial helped a lot though). I decided...
I've been searching a long time for guides on how to get quick science victories, but I've never really gotten the gist of how to actually launch in the 1600s-1700s. I know generally how to play the game and win, and have about a 75% win rate on prince. I know which techs to generally go for...
The CiVI Reformation Victories pack adds new victory types to the base game. Version 1.4 includes Diplomatic, Economic, Metropolis and Territorial victories.
Diplomatic (new with 1.4)
To achieve victory you need to have peace with all civs, embassies with all major civs and have alliances...
Well first of all probably taking from civ 5 experience I was pretty early with campus districts in my capital and most of my early cities. I did heavily focus on production too, but in retrospective it seemed a bit too late. I only made theater district when I had a feeling I was falling behind...
This is shown when you conquer the world. It comes on after the 'guillotine sequence' that shows when you felled each rival civ, and before your powergraph/score/rank. I cropped out most of the black background.
Russia nuked me before I completed Utopia Project. I provoked war to farm culture from other civs.Ironically,I didn't do this with Russia. Difficult is Emperor here.
Ompressive population huh. Cultural victory was achieved in Hatussas, 320x320 map, check the screen with longest cultural victory, this one is from it!
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